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<h1 class="entry-title p-name">Micropub, Crossposting to Twitter, and Enabling &#8220;Tweetstorms&#8221;</h1>
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By <a class="u-uid u-url url" href="https://example.net/" rel="me"><img class="u-photo" src="/images/photo.jpg" alt="Tests photo" width="75" height="75"> <span class="p-name fn">Test Blogger</span></a>
<div class="entry-meta">On <a class="u-url" href="https://example.net/articles/micropub-crossposting-to-twitter-and-enabling-tweetstorms" rel="bookmark"><time datetime="2021-02-22T19:17:05+01:00" class="dt-published">Feb 22, 2021</time></a></div>
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<p>I&#8217;ve previously talked about how I <a href="https://example.org/articles/micropub-syndication-targets-and-crossposting-to-mastodon/">crosspost from this blog to my Mastodon account</a> without the need for a third-party service, and how I leverage WordPress&#8217;s hook system to even enable toot threading.</p><p>In this post, I&#8217;m going to really quickly explain my (extremely similar) Twitter setup. (Note: I don&#8217;t actually syndicate <em>this</em> blog&#8217;s posts to Twitter, but I <em>do</em> use this very setup on another site of mine.)</p>
<p>I liked the idea of a dead-simple Twitter plugin, so I forked my Mastodon plugin and tweaked a few things here and there. Once I&#8217;ve installed it, and created a developer account, generated the necessary keys, and let WordPress know about them, things look, well, <em>very</em> familiar. In fact, crossposting should now <em>just work</em>.</p>
<p>Now, to enable this when posting through Micropub rather than WordPress&#8217;s admin interface! Again, since posting through Micropub means no WordPress interface, and thus no &#8220;meta box&#8221; and no checkbox, and no way for WordPress to know if I wanted to crosspost a certain article or not, I&#8217;m going to have to use &#8230; <em>syndication targets</em> (which were invented precisely for this reason).</p>
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<p class="entry-meta tags">Tagged: <a href="https://example.net/articles/tag/wordpress" rel="tag" class="p-category">wordpress</a>, <a href="https://example.net/articles/tag/indieweb" rel="tag" class="p-category">indieweb</a></p>