mirror of https://github.com/jlelse/GoBlog synced 2024-06-16 19:05:01 +00:00

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2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
package main
import (
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
func cacheMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
requestUrl, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(r.RequestURI)
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
path := slashTrimmedPath(r)
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
if appConfig.Cache.Enable &&
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
// check bypass query
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
!(requestUrl != nil && requestUrl.Query().Get("cache") == "0") {
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
cacheTime, header, body := getCache(r.Context(), path)
if cacheTime == 0 {
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
next.ServeHTTP(recorder, r)
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
// copy values from recorder
code := recorder.Code
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
// send response
for k, v := range recorder.Header() {
w.Header()[k] = v
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
now := time.Now()
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
setCacheHeaders(w, now.Format(time.RFC1123), time.Unix(now.Unix()+appConfig.Cache.Expiration, 0).Format(time.RFC1123))
w.Header().Set("GoBlog-Cache", "MISS")
_, _ = w.Write(recorder.Body.Bytes())
// Save cache
if code == http.StatusOK {
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
saveCache(path, now, recorder.Header(), recorder.Body.Bytes())
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
cacheTimeString := time.Unix(cacheTime, 0).Format(time.RFC1123)
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
expiresTimeString := time.Unix(cacheTime+appConfig.Cache.Expiration, 0).Format(time.RFC1123)
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
// check conditional request
ifModifiedSinceHeader := r.Header.Get("If-Modified-Since")
if ifModifiedSinceHeader != "" && ifModifiedSinceHeader == cacheTimeString {
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
setCacheHeaders(w, cacheTimeString, expiresTimeString)
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
// send 304
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
// copy cached headers
for k, v := range header {
w.Header()[k] = v
setCacheHeaders(w, cacheTimeString, expiresTimeString)
w.Header().Set("GoBlog-Cache", "HIT")
// write cached body
_, _ = w.Write(body)
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
func setCacheHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter, cacheTimeString string, expiresTimeString string) {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public")
w.Header().Set("Last-Modified", cacheTimeString)
w.Header().Set("Expires", expiresTimeString)
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
func getCache(context context.Context, path string) (creationTime int64, header map[string][]string, body []byte) {
var headerBytes []byte
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
allowedTime := time.Now().Unix() - appConfig.Cache.Expiration
row := appDb.QueryRowContext(context, "select COALESCE(time, 0), header, body from cache where path=? and time>=?", path, allowedTime)
_ = row.Scan(&creationTime, &headerBytes, &body)
header = make(map[string][]string)
_ = json.Unmarshal(headerBytes, &header)
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
func saveCache(path string, now time.Time, header map[string][]string, body []byte) {
headerBytes, _ := json.Marshal(header)
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
defer finishWritingToDb()
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
tx, err := appDb.Begin()
if err != nil {
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
_, _ = tx.Exec("delete from cache where time<?;", now.Unix()-appConfig.Cache.Expiration)
2020-07-30 19:08:41 +00:00
_, _ = tx.Exec("insert or replace into cache (path, time, header, body) values (?, ?, ?, ?);", path, now.Unix(), headerBytes, body)
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00
_ = tx.Commit()
func purgeCache(path string) {
defer finishWritingToDb()
tx, err := appDb.Begin()
if err != nil {
_, _ = tx.Exec("delete from cache where path=?", path)
_ = tx.Commit()