mirror of https://github.com/jlelse/GoBlog synced 2024-07-02 03:57:34 +00:00

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create index index_post_parameters on post_parameters (path, parameter, value);
create index index_queue on queue (name, schedule);
drop index index_pp_path;
drop index index_queue_name;
drop index index_queue_schedule;
drop view view_posts_with_title;
create table posts_new (path text not null primary key, content text, published text, updated text, blog text not null, section text, status text not null, priority integer not null default 0);
insert into posts_new select *, 0 from posts;
drop table posts;
alter table posts_new rename to posts;
create view view_posts_with_title as select p.rowid as id, p.path as path, coalesce(pp.value, '') as title, content, published, updated, blog, section, status, priority from posts p left outer join (select * from post_parameters pp where pp.parameter = 'title') pp on p.path = pp.path;
drop table posts_fts;
create virtual table posts_fts using fts5(path unindexed, title, content, published unindexed, updated unindexed, blog unindexed, section unindexed, status unindexed, priority unindexed, content=view_posts_with_title, content_rowid=id);
-- insert into posts_fts(posts_fts) values ('rebuild');
create index index_posts_status on posts (status);
create index index_posts_blog on posts (blog);
create index index_posts_section on posts (section);
create index index_posts_published on posts (published);
create index index_posts_priority on posts (published);
drop trigger if exists trigger_posts_delete_pp;