mirror of https://github.com/jlelse/GoBlog synced 2024-06-17 21:45:01 +00:00

261 lines
6.5 KiB
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package main
import (
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
2021-05-14 16:24:02 +00:00
2021-02-27 07:31:06 +00:00
2020-11-16 13:18:14 +00:00
2021-04-16 18:00:38 +00:00
func (a *goBlog) initWebmentionQueue() {
go func() {
for {
qi, err := a.db.peekQueue("wm")
if err != nil {
} else if qi != nil {
var m mention
err = gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(qi.content)).Decode(&m)
if err != nil {
_ = a.db.dequeue(qi)
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
err = a.verifyMention(&m)
if err != nil {
log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to verify webmention from %s to %s: %s", m.Source, m.Target, err.Error()))
err = a.db.dequeue(qi)
if err != nil {
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
} else {
// No item in the queue, wait a moment
time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
func (a *goBlog) queueMention(m *mention) error {
if wm := a.cfg.Webmention; wm != nil && wm.DisableReceiving {
return errors.New("webmention receiving disabled")
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(m); err != nil {
return err
return a.db.enqueue("wm", buf.Bytes(), time.Now())
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
func (a *goBlog) verifyMention(m *mention) error {
2021-06-30 06:04:30 +00:00
// Do request
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, m.Source, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
2021-05-14 16:24:02 +00:00
var resp *http.Response
if strings.HasPrefix(m.Source, a.cfg.Server.PublicAddress) {
2021-05-14 16:24:02 +00:00
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
for a.d == nil {
// Server not yet started
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
2021-07-25 08:53:12 +00:00
setLoggedIn(req, true)
a.d.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
2021-05-14 16:24:02 +00:00
resp = rec.Result()
} else {
req.Header.Set(userAgent, appUserAgent)
2021-06-19 06:37:16 +00:00
resp, err = a.httpClient.Do(req)
2021-05-14 16:24:02 +00:00
if err != nil {
return err
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
// Check if source has a redirect
if respReq := resp.Request; respReq != nil {
if ru := respReq.URL; m.Source != ru.String() {
m.NewSource = ru.String()
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
// Parse response body
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
err = m.verifyReader(resp.Body)
_ = resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
// Delete webmentions with old or new source
_, err := a.db.exec(
"delete from webmentions where lowerx(source) in (lowerx(@source), lowerx(@newsource)) and lowerx(target) = lowerx(@target)",
sql.Named("source", m.Source),
sql.Named("newsource", defaultIfEmpty(m.NewSource, m.Source)),
sql.Named("target", m.Target),
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
return err
if cr := []rune(m.Content); len(cr) > 500 {
m.Content = string(cr[0:497]) + "…"
m.Content = strings.ReplaceAll(m.Content, "\n", " ")
if tr := []rune(m.Title); len(tr) > 60 {
m.Title = string(tr[0:57]) + "…"
2020-12-13 09:39:00 +00:00
newStatus := webmentionStatusVerified
if a.db.webmentionExists(m.Source, m.Target) {
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
// Check if webmention also has webmention with new source
if m.NewSource != "" && a.db.webmentionExists(m.NewSource, m.Target) {
// Delete it
_, err = a.db.exec(
"delete from webmentions where lowerx(source) = lowerx(@source) and lowerx(target) = lowerx(@target)",
sql.Named("source", m.NewSource), sql.Named("target", m.Target),
if err != nil {
return err
// Update webmention
_, err = a.db.exec(
2021-11-10 18:39:54 +00:00
"update webmentions set source = @newsource, status = @status, title = @title, content = @content, author = @author where lowerx(source) = lowerx(@source) and lowerx(target) = lowerx(@target)",
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
sql.Named("newsource", defaultIfEmpty(m.NewSource, m.Source)),
sql.Named("status", newStatus),
sql.Named("title", m.Title),
sql.Named("content", m.Content),
sql.Named("author", m.Author),
sql.Named("source", m.Source),
sql.Named("target", m.Target),
if err != nil {
return err
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
} else {
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
if m.NewSource != "" {
m.Source = m.NewSource
err = a.db.insertWebmention(m, newStatus)
if err != nil {
return err
a.sendNotification(fmt.Sprintf("New webmention from %s to %s", m.Source, m.Target))
return err
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
func (m *mention) verifyReader(body io.Reader) error {
2020-11-16 13:18:14 +00:00
var linksBuffer, gqBuffer, mfBuffer bytes.Buffer
2021-02-08 17:51:07 +00:00
if _, err := io.Copy(io.MultiWriter(&linksBuffer, &gqBuffer, &mfBuffer), body); err != nil {
return err
2020-11-16 13:18:14 +00:00
// Check if source mentions target
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
links, err := allLinksFromHTML(&linksBuffer, defaultIfEmpty(m.NewSource, m.Source))
if err != nil {
return err
2021-04-16 18:00:38 +00:00
if _, hasLink := funk.FindString(links, func(s string) bool {
return unescapedPath(s) == unescapedPath(m.Target)
}); !hasLink {
2020-11-16 13:18:14 +00:00
return errors.New("target not found in source")
2020-11-16 13:18:14 +00:00
// Fill mention attributes
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
sourceURL, err := url.Parse(defaultIfEmpty(m.NewSource, m.Source))
2020-11-16 13:18:14 +00:00
if err != nil {
return err
m.Title = ""
m.Content = ""
m.Author = ""
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
m.fillFromData(microformats.Parse(&mfBuffer, sourceURL))
// Set title when content is empty as well
if m.Title == "" && m.Content == "" {
doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(&gqBuffer)
if err != nil {
return err
if title := doc.Find("title"); title != nil {
m.Title = title.Text()
return nil
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
func (m *mention) fillFromData(mf *microformats.Data) {
for _, i := range mf.Items {
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
2020-11-25 11:36:14 +00:00
func (m *mention) fill(mf *microformats.Microformat) bool {
if mfHasType(mf, "h-entry") {
// Check URL
if url, ok := mf.Properties["url"]; ok && len(url) > 0 {
if url0, ok := url[0].(string); ok {
2021-11-10 18:24:54 +00:00
if !strings.EqualFold(url0, defaultIfEmpty(m.NewSource, m.Source)) {
// Not correct URL
return false
// Title
// Content
// Author
return true
for _, mfc := range mf.Children {
if m.fill(mfc) {
return true
return false
func (m *mention) fillTitle(mf *microformats.Microformat) {
if name, ok := mf.Properties["name"]; ok && len(name) > 0 {
if title, ok := name[0].(string); ok {
m.Title = strings.TrimSpace(title)
func (m *mention) fillContent(mf *microformats.Microformat) {
if contents, ok := mf.Properties["content"]; ok && len(contents) > 0 {
if content, ok := contents[0].(map[string]string); ok {
if contentHTML, ok := content["html"]; ok {
m.Content = cleanHTMLText(contentHTML)
func (m *mention) fillAuthor(mf *microformats.Microformat) {
if authors, ok := mf.Properties["author"]; ok && len(authors) > 0 {
if author, ok := authors[0].(*microformats.Microformat); ok {
if names, ok := author.Properties["name"]; ok && len(names) > 0 {
if name, ok := names[0].(string); ok {
m.Author = strings.TrimSpace(name)
func mfHasType(mf *microformats.Microformat, typ string) bool {
for _, t := range mf.Type {
if typ == t {
return true
return false