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2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
# This is an example configuration for GoBlog
# Until there's an official release configuration may change
# Keep a look at the commit history
# Database
file: data/db.sqlite # File for the SQLite database
2021-03-26 08:33:46 +00:00
dumpFile: data/db.sql # (Optional) File for database dump, will be executed hourly
2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
# Web server
# Logging
logging: true # Log website access (time, path, status code, response size, referrer, user agent, but NO IP address)
logFile: data/access.log # File path for the access log (rotated, date will get appended)
# Addresses
port: 8080
publicAddress: https://example.com # Public address to use for the blog
shortPublicAddress: https://short.example.com # Optional short address, will redirect to main address
# Security
publicHttps: true # Use Let's Encrypt and serve site with HTTPS
securityHeaders: true # Set security HTTP headers (to always use HTTPS etc.)
cspDomains: # Specify additional domains to allow embedded content with enabled securityHeaders
- media.example.com
# Cookies
jwtSecret: changeThisWeakSecret # JWT secret to use for Json Web Token in cookies (login and captcha)
2021-03-19 09:10:47 +00:00
# Tor
tor: true # Publish onion service, requires Tor to be installed and available in path
2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
# Cache
enable: true # Enable cache on some paths
expiration: 600 # Time in seconds for cache TTL
# Private mode
enabled: true # Enable private mode and only allow access with login
# User
name: John Doe # Full name
nick: johndoe # Username
password: changeThisWeakPassword # Password for login
totp: HHUCH2SBOFXKKVCRJPVRS3W5MHX4FHXP # Optional for Two Factor Authentication; generate with "./GoBlog totp-secret"
appPasswords: # Optional passwords you can use with Basic Authentication
- username: app1
password: abcdef
picture: https://example.com/profile.png # Optional user picture
link: https://example.net # Optional user link to use instead of homepage
email: contact@example.com # Email (only used in feeds)
identities: # Other identities to add to the HTML header with rel=me links
- https://micro.blog/exampleuser
# Hooks
shell: /bin/bash # Shell to use to execute commands (default is /bin/bash)
hourly: # Commands to execute every full hour
- echo Hourly
prestart: # Commands to execute when starting
- echo Start
# Post hooks (you can use .URL (URL string) or .Post (post object) as text/template objects)
postpost: # Commands to execute after creating a new post
- echo Created new post at {{.URL}}
postupdate: # Commands to execute after updating a post
- echo Updated post at {{.URL}}
postdelete: # Commands to execute after deleting a post
- echo Deleted post at {{.URL}}
# ActivityPub
enabled: true # Enable ActivityPub
# Webmention
disableSending: true # Disable sending of webmentions (also happens when private mode enabled and external target)
disableReceiving: true # Disable receiving of webmentions, disables comments for all blogs, disables replies via ActivityPub
2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
# MicroPub
# Media configuration
mediaUrl: https://media.example.com # Define external media URL (instead of /m subpath for local files), required for BunnyCDN and FTP
2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
# BunnyCDN storage (optional)
bunnyStorageKey: BUNNY-STORAGE-KEY # Secret key for BunnyCDN storage
bunnyStorageName: storagename # BunnyCDN storage name
bunnyStorageRegion: ny # required if BunnyCDN storage region isn't Falkenstein
# FTP storage (optional)
ftpAddress: ftp.example.com:21 # Host and port for FTP connection
ftpUser: ftpuser # Username of FTP user
ftpPassword: ftppassword # Password of FTP user
# Image compression (optional, you can define no, one or multiple services, disabled when private mode enabled)
2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
shortPixelKey: SHORT-PIXEL-KEY # Secret key for the ShortPixel API
tinifyKey: TINIFY-KEY # Secret key for the Tinify.com API (first fallback)
cloudflareCompressionEnabled: true # Use Cloudflare's compression as a second fallback
2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
# MicroPub parameters (defaults already set, set to overwrite)
# You can set parameters via the UI of your MicroPub editor or via front matter in the content
categoryParam: tags
replyParam: replylink
likeParam: likelink
bookmarkParam: link
audioParam: audio
photoParam: images
photoDescriptionParam: imagealts
# Notifications
telegram: # Receive notifications via Telegram
enabled: true
chatId: 123456 # Telegram chat ID (usually the user id on Telegram)
botToken: BOT-TOKEN # Telegram bot token
# Redirects
# Simple 302 redirect from /index.xml to .rss
- from: "\\/index\\.xml"
to: ".rss"
# Redirect using regular expressions
- from: "^\\/(writings|dev)\\/posts(.*)$"
to: "/$1$2"
type: 301 # custom redirect type
# Blogs
defaultBlog: en # Default blog (needed because you can define multiple blogs)
en: # Blog code
path: / # Path of blog
lang: en # Language of blog
title: My awesome blog # Blog title
description: My awesome blog description # Blog description
pagination: 10 # Number of posts per page
# Sections
defaultsection: micro # Default section
posts: # Section code
name: posts # Section code again
title: Posts # Section title
pathtemplate: "{{printf \"/%v/%v\" .Section .Slug}}" # Template to generate post paths (available: .Section, .Slug, .Year, .Month, .Day, .BlogPath (useful for blogs on sub-paths))
name: micro
title: Micro
description: "You can also use **Markdown** here." # Section description, can also use Markdown
pathtemplate: "{{printf \"/%v/%02d/%02d/%v\" .Section .Year .Month .Slug}}"
# Taxonomies
- name: tags # Code of taxonomy (used via post parameters)
title: Tags # Name
description: "**Tags** on this blog" # Description
# Menus
# Main menu
- title: Home # Title
link: / # Site-relative or absolute links
- title: Posts
link: /posts
- title: Contact
link: https://example.com/contact
# Footer menu
- title: Imprint & Privacy Policy
link: https://example.com/legal
# Index page which shows all posts with photos
enabled: true # Enable
parameter: images # Parameter which includes photo links
path: /photos # Path
title: Photos # Title
description: Instead of using Instagram, I prefer uploading pictures to my blog. # Description
# Full text search
enabled: true # Enable
title: Search # Title
path: /search # Path
placeholder: Search on this blog # Description
# Page with blog statistics (posts per year)
enabled: true # Enable
path: /statistics # Path
title: Statistics # Title
description: "Here are some statistics with the number of posts per year:" # Description
2021-05-08 19:22:48 +00:00
# Blogroll
enabled: true # Enable
path: /blogroll # Path
title: Blogroll # Title
description: "I follow these blog:" # Description
opml: https://example.com/blogroll.opml # Required, URL to the OPML file
authHeader: X-Auth # Optional, header to use for OPML authentication
authValue: abc # Authentication value for OPML
categories: # Optional, allow only these categories
- Blogs
2021-03-15 21:28:43 +00:00
# Custom pages
- path: /blogroll # Path
template: blogroll # Template
cache: true # Enable caching
cacheExpiration: 600 # Cache expiration (default uses blog cache TTL)
data: # Data to provide to template
Title: Blogroll
Description: "This are alphabetically sorted lists of blogs and sites I subscribe to."
# Redirect to random post
enabled: true # Enable
path: /random # Path
# Send notifications about new posts to Telegram channel
enabled: true # Enable
chatId: "@telegram" # Chat ID, usually channel username
botToken: BOT-TOKEN # Telegram Bot Token
instantViewHash: INSTANT-VIEW-HASH # Use custom TG IV template
# Comments
enabled: true # Enable comments