Taxonomies, sections and blog with title and description

This commit is contained in:
Jan-Lukas Else 2020-09-01 18:14:49 +02:00
parent 484da515aa
commit 1d31cbe20a
6 changed files with 89 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -36,12 +36,26 @@ type configBlog struct {
Lang string `mapstructure:"lang"`
// Title of the blog, e.g. "My blog"
Title string `mapstructure:"title"`
// Description of the blog
Description string `mapstructure:"description"`
// Number of posts per page
Pagination int `mapstructure:"pagination"`
// Sections
Sections []string `mapstructure:"sections"`
Sections []*section `mapstructure:"sections"`
// Taxonomies
Taxonomies []string `mapstructure:"taxonomies"`
Taxonomies []*taxonomy `mapstructure:"taxonomies"`
type section struct {
Name string `mapstructure:"name"`
Title string `mapstructure:"title"`
Description string `mapstructure:"description"`
type taxonomy struct {
Name string `mapstructure:"name"`
Title string `mapstructure:"title"`
Description string `mapstructure:"description"`
type configUser struct {
@ -71,9 +85,10 @@ func initConfig() error {
viper.SetDefault("cache.expiration", 600)
viper.SetDefault("blog.lang", "en")
viper.SetDefault("blog.title", "My blog")
viper.SetDefault("blog.description", "This is my blog")
viper.SetDefault("blog.pagination", 10)
viper.SetDefault("blog.sections", []string{"posts"})
viper.SetDefault("blog.taxonomies", []string{"tags"})
viper.SetDefault("blog.sections", []*section{{Name: "posts", Title: "Posts", Description: "**Posts** on this blog"}})
viper.SetDefault("blog.taxonomies", []*taxonomy{{Name: "tags", Title: "Tags", Description: "**Tags** on this blog"}})
viper.SetDefault("user.nick", "admin")
viper.SetDefault("", "Admin")
viper.SetDefault("user.password", "secret")

View File

@ -13,10 +13,15 @@ cache:
lang: en
title: My blog
description: This is my blog
- posts
- name: posts
title: Posts
description: "**Posts** on this blog"
- tags
- name: tags
title: Tags
description: "**Tags** on this blog"
nick: admin
name: Admin

View File

@ -88,21 +88,22 @@ func buildHandler() (http.Handler, error) {
paginationPath := "/page/{page}"
for _, section := range appConfig.Blog.Sections {
if section != "" {
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get("/"+section, serveSection("/"+section, section))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get("/"+section+paginationPath, serveSection("/"+section, section))
if section.Name != "" {
path := "/"+section.Name
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path, serveSection(path, section))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+paginationPath, serveSection(path, section))
for _, taxonomy := range appConfig.Blog.Taxonomies {
if taxonomy != "" {
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get("/"+taxonomy, serveTaxonomy(taxonomy))
values, err := allTaxonomyValues(taxonomy)
if taxonomy.Name != "" {
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get("/"+taxonomy.Name, serveTaxonomy(taxonomy))
values, err := allTaxonomyValues(taxonomy.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, tv := range values {
path := "/" + taxonomy + "/" + tv
path := "/" + taxonomy.Name + "/" + tv
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path, serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, tv))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+paginationPath, serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, tv))

View File

@ -36,12 +36,14 @@ func servePost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
render(w, templatePost, post)
type indexTemplateDate struct {
Posts []*Post
HasPrev bool
HasNext bool
Prev string
Next string
type indexTemplateData struct {
Title string
Description string
Posts []*Post
HasPrev bool
HasNext bool
Prev string
Next string
type postPaginationAdapter struct {
@ -72,45 +74,45 @@ func (p *postPaginationAdapter) Slice(offset, length int, data interface{}) erro
func serveHome(path string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return serveIndex(path, "", "", "")
return serveIndex(path, nil, nil, "")
func serveSection(path, section string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return serveIndex(path, section, "", "")
func serveSection(path string, section *section) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return serveIndex(path, section, nil, "")
func serveTaxonomy(taxonomy string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func serveTaxonomy(tax *taxonomy) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
allValues, err := allTaxonomyValues(taxonomy)
allValues, err := allTaxonomyValues(tax.Name)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
render(w, templateTaxonomy, struct {
Taxonomy string
Taxonomy *taxonomy
TaxonomyValues []string
Taxonomy: taxonomy,
Taxonomy: tax,
TaxonomyValues: allValues,
func serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, value string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return serveIndex(path, "", taxonomy, value)
func serveTaxonomyValue(path string, tax *taxonomy, value string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return serveIndex(path, nil, tax, value)
func serveIndex(path, section, taxonomy, taxonomyValue string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func serveIndex(path string, sec *section, tax *taxonomy, taxonomyValue string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
pageNoString := chi.URLParam(r, "page")
pageNo, _ := strconv.Atoi(pageNoString)
sections := appConfig.Blog.Sections
if len(section) > 0 {
sections = []string{section}
if sec != nil {
sections = []*section{sec}
p := paginator.New(&postPaginationAdapter{context: r.Context(), config: &postsRequestConfig{
sections: sections,
taxonomy: taxonomy,
taxonomy: tax,
taxonomyValue: taxonomyValue,
}}, appConfig.Blog.Pagination)
@ -128,12 +130,24 @@ func serveIndex(path, section, taxonomy, taxonomyValue string) func(w http.Respo
if err == paginator.ErrNoNextPage {
nextPage = p.Page()
render(w, templateIndex, &indexTemplateDate{
Posts: posts,
HasPrev: p.HasPrev(),
HasNext: p.HasNext(),
Prev: fmt.Sprintf("%s/page/%d", path, prevPage),
Next: fmt.Sprintf("%s/page/%d", path, nextPage),
var title, description string
if tax != nil {
title = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", tax.Title, taxonomyValue)
} else if sec != nil {
title = sec.Title
description = sec.Description
} else if tax == nil && sec == nil {
title = appConfig.Blog.Title
description = appConfig.Blog.Description
render(w, templateIndex, &indexTemplateData{
Title: title,
Description: description,
Posts: posts,
HasPrev: p.HasPrev(),
HasNext: p.HasNext(),
Prev: fmt.Sprintf("%s/page/%d", path, prevPage),
Next: fmt.Sprintf("%s/page/%d", path, nextPage),
@ -152,8 +166,8 @@ type postsRequestConfig struct {
path string
limit int
offset int
sections []string
taxonomy string
sections []*section
taxonomy *taxonomy
taxonomyValue string
@ -162,8 +176,8 @@ func getPosts(context context.Context, config *postsRequestConfig) (posts []*Pos
var rows *sql.Rows
defaultSelection := "select p.path, coalesce(content, ''), coalesce(published, ''), coalesce(updated, ''), coalesce(parameter, ''), coalesce(value, '') "
postsTable := "posts"
if len(config.taxonomy) > 0 && len(config.taxonomyValue) > 0 {
postsTable = "(select distinct p.* from " + postsTable + " p left outer join post_parameters pp on p.path = pp.path where pp.parameter = '" + config.taxonomy + "' and pp.value = '" + config.taxonomyValue + "')"
if config.taxonomy != nil && len(config.taxonomyValue) > 0 {
postsTable = "(select distinct p.* from " + postsTable + " p left outer join post_parameters pp on p.path = pp.path where pp.parameter = '" + config.taxonomy.Name + "' and pp.value = '" + config.taxonomyValue + "')"
if len(config.sections) > 0 {
postsTable = "(select * from " + postsTable + " where"
@ -171,7 +185,7 @@ func getPosts(context context.Context, config *postsRequestConfig) (posts []*Pos
if i > 0 {
postsTable += " or"
postsTable += " path like '/" + section + "/%'"
postsTable += " path like '/" + section.Name + "/%'"
postsTable += ")"

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
{{ define "main" }}
{{ with .Title }}<h1>{{ . }}</h1>{{ end }}
{{ with .Description }}{{ md . }}{{ end }}
{{ if (or .Title .Description) }}<hr>{{ end }}
{{ range $i, $post := .Posts }}
{{ include "summary" . }}
{{ end }}

View File

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
{{ define "title" }}
<title>{{ blog.Title }}</title>
<title>{{ .Taxonomy.Title }} - {{ blog.Title }}</title>
{{ end }}
{{ define "main" }}
{{ $taxonomy := .Taxonomy }}
{{ range $i, $value := .TaxonomyValues }}<li><a href="/{{ $taxonomy }}/{{ . }}">{{ . }}</a></li>{{ end }}
{{ with .Taxonomy.Title }}<h1>{{ . }}</h1>{{ end }}
{{ with .Taxonomy.Description }}{{ md . }}{{ end }}
{{ $taxonomy := .Taxonomy.Name }}
{{ range $i, $value := .TaxonomyValues }}
<li><a href="/{{ $taxonomy }}/{{ . }}">{{ . }}</a></li>{{ end }}
{{ end }}