Add pagination to Webmention Admin

This commit is contained in:
Jan-Lukas Else 2021-01-30 19:37:26 +01:00
parent a840879d48
commit 78f3d3c07b
3 changed files with 113 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ func reloadRouter() error {
func buildHandler() (http.Handler, error) {
paginationPath := "/page/{page:[0-9-]+}"
feedPath := ".{feed:rss|json|atom}"
r := chi.NewRouter()
if appConfig.Server.Logging {
@ -128,10 +132,11 @@ func buildHandler() (http.Handler, error) {
// Webmentions
r.Route("/webmention", func(webmentionRouter chi.Router) {
r.Route(webmentionPath, func(webmentionRouter chi.Router) {
webmentionRouter.Post("/", handleWebmention)
webmentionRouter.With(minifier.Middleware, authMiddleware).Get("/", webmentionAdmin)
webmentionRouter.With(minifier.Middleware, authMiddleware).Get(paginationPath, webmentionAdmin)
webmentionRouter.With(authMiddleware).Post("/delete", webmentionAdminDelete)
webmentionRouter.With(authMiddleware).Post("/approve", webmentionAdminApprove)
@ -194,9 +199,6 @@ func buildHandler() (http.Handler, error) {
// Short paths
r.With(cacheMiddleware).Get("/s/{id:[0-9a-fA-F]+}", redirectToLongPath)
paginationPath := "/page/{page:[0-9-]+}"
feedPath := ".{feed:rss|json|atom}"
for blog, blogConfig := range appConfig.Blogs {
fullBlogPath := blogConfig.Path

View File

@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
{{ define "main" }}
<h1>{{ string .Blog.Lang "webmentions" }}</h1>
<h2>{{ string .Blog.Lang "verified" }}</h2>
{{ $blog := .Blog }}
{{ range $i, $mention := .Data.Verified }}
{{ range $i, $mention := .Data.Mentions }}
<div class="p">
From: <a href="{{ $mention.Source }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{{ $mention.Source }}</a><br/>
@ -16,24 +15,18 @@
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mentionid" value="{{ $mention.ID }}">
<input type="submit" formaction="/webmention/approve" value="{{ string $blog.Lang "approve" }}">
{{ if eq $mention.Status "verified" }}
<input type="submit" formaction="/webmention/approve" value="{{ string $blog.Lang "approve" }}">
{{ end }}
<input type="submit" formaction="/webmention/delete" value="{{ string $blog.Lang "delete" }}">
{{ end }}
<h2>{{ string .Blog.Lang "approved" }}</h2>
{{ range $i, $mention := .Data.Approved }}
<div class="p">
From: <a href="{{ $mention.Source }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{{ $mention.Source }}</a><br/>
To: <a href="{{ $mention.Target }}" target="_blank">{{ $mention.Target }}</a><br/>
Created: {{ unixtodate $mention.Created }}
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="mentionid" value="{{ $mention.ID }}">
<input type="submit" formaction="/webmention/delete" value="{{ string $blog.Lang "delete" }}">
{{ if .Data.HasPrev }}
<p><a href="{{ .Data.Prev }}">{{ string .Blog.Lang "prev" }}</a></p>
{{ end }}
{{ if .Data.HasNext }}
<p><a href="{{ .Data.Next }}">{{ string .Blog.Lang "next" }}</a></p>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

View File

@ -6,18 +6,22 @@ import (
type webmentionStatus string
const (
webmentionStatusNew webmentionStatus = "new"
webmentionStatusRenew webmentionStatus = "renew"
webmentionStatusVerified webmentionStatus = "verified"
webmentionStatusApproved webmentionStatus = "approved"
webmentionPath = "/webmention"
type mention struct {
@ -28,6 +32,7 @@ type mention struct {
Title string
Content string
Author string
Status webmentionStatus
func initWebmention() error {
@ -83,24 +88,46 @@ func extractMention(r *http.Request) (*mention, error) {
func webmentionAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
verified, err := getWebmentions(&webmentionsRequestConfig{
status: webmentionStatusVerified,
pageNoString := chi.URLParam(r, "page")
pageNo, _ := strconv.Atoi(pageNoString)
p := paginator.New(&webmentionPaginationAdapter{config: &webmentionsRequestConfig{}}, 10)
var mentions []*mention
err := p.Results(&mentions)
if err != nil {
serveError(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
approved, err := getWebmentions(&webmentionsRequestConfig{
status: webmentionStatusApproved,
if err != nil {
serveError(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// Navigation
var hasPrev, hasNext bool
var prevPage, nextPage int
var prevPath, nextPath string
hasPrev, _ = p.HasPrev()
if hasPrev {
prevPage, _ = p.PrevPage()
} else {
prevPage, _ = p.Page()
if prevPage < 2 {
prevPath = webmentionPath
} else {
prevPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/page/%d", webmentionPath, prevPage)
hasNext, _ = p.HasNext()
if hasNext {
nextPage, _ = p.NextPage()
} else {
nextPage, _ = p.Page()
nextPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/page/%d", webmentionPath, nextPage)
// Render
render(w, "webmentionadmin", &renderData{
Data: map[string][]*mention{
"Verified": verified,
"Approved": approved,
Data: map[string]interface{}{
"Mentions": mentions,
"HasPrev": hasPrev,
"HasNext": hasNext,
"Prev": slashIfEmpty(prevPath),
"Next": slashIfEmpty(nextPath),
@ -168,16 +195,41 @@ func approveWebmention(id int) error {
type webmentionsRequestConfig struct {
target string
status webmentionStatus
asc bool
target string
status webmentionStatus
asc bool
offset, limit int
func getWebmentions(config *webmentionsRequestConfig) ([]*mention, error) {
mentions := []*mention{}
var rows *sql.Rows
var err error
args := []interface{}{}
type webmentionPaginationAdapter struct {
config *webmentionsRequestConfig
nums int64
func (p *webmentionPaginationAdapter) Nums() (int64, error) {
if p.nums == 0 {
nums, _ := countWebmentions(p.config)
p.nums = int64(nums)
return p.nums, nil
func (p *webmentionPaginationAdapter) Slice(offset, length int, data interface{}) error {
if reflect.TypeOf(data).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic("data has to be a pointer")
modifiedConfig := *p.config
modifiedConfig.offset = offset
modifiedConfig.limit = length
wms, err := getWebmentions(&modifiedConfig)
return err
func buildWebmentionsQuery(config *webmentionsRequestConfig) (query string, args []interface{}) {
args = []interface{}{}
filter := ""
if config != nil {
if != "" && config.status != "" {
@ -195,13 +247,24 @@ func getWebmentions(config *webmentionsRequestConfig) ([]*mention, error) {
if config.asc {
order = "asc"
rows, err = appDbQuery("select id, source, target, created, title, content, author from webmentions "+filter+" order by created "+order, args...)
query = "select id, source, target, created, title, content, author, status from webmentions " + filter + " order by created " + order
if config.limit != 0 || config.offset != 0 {
query += " limit @limit offset @offset"
args = append(args, sql.Named("limit", config.limit), sql.Named("offset", config.offset))
return query, args
func getWebmentions(config *webmentionsRequestConfig) ([]*mention, error) {
mentions := []*mention{}
query, args := buildWebmentionsQuery(config)
rows, err := appDbQuery(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
m := &mention{}
err = rows.Scan(&m.ID, &m.Source, &m.Target, &m.Created, &m.Title, &m.Content, &m.Author)
err = rows.Scan(&m.ID, &m.Source, &m.Target, &m.Created, &m.Title, &m.Content, &m.Author, &m.Status)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -209,3 +272,14 @@ func getWebmentions(config *webmentionsRequestConfig) ([]*mention, error) {
return mentions, nil
func countWebmentions(config *webmentionsRequestConfig) (count int, err error) {
query, params := buildWebmentionsQuery(config)
query = "select count(*) from (" + query + ")"
row, err := appDbQueryRow(query, params...)
if err != nil {
err = row.Scan(&count)