diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index 0219d81..4816ed8 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ MIT License -Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 Jan-Lukas Else +Copyright (c) 2020 - 2023 Jan-Lukas Else Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/config.go b/config.go index 8c2dbe3..839168a 100644 --- a/config.go +++ b/config.go @@ -350,7 +350,6 @@ type configPprof struct { type configPlugin struct { Path string `mapstructure:"path"` - Type string `mapstructure:"type"` Import string `mapstructure:"import"` Config map[string]any `mapstructure:"config"` } diff --git a/docs/plugins.md b/docs/plugins.md index d7fb9e7..90c9d36 100644 --- a/docs/plugins.md +++ b/docs/plugins.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # GoBlog Plugins -GoBlog has a (still experimental) plugin system, that allows adding new functionality to GoBlog without adding anything to the GoBlog source and recompiling GoBlog. Plugins work using the [Yaegi](https://github.com/traefik/yaegi) package by Traefik and are interpreted at run time. +GoBlog has a (still experimental) plugin system, that allows adding new functionality to GoBlog without adding anything to the GoBlog source and recompiling GoBlog. Plugins work using the [Yaegi](https://github.com/traefik/yaegi) package by Traefik, are written in Go and are interpreted at run time. ## Configuration @@ -8,34 +8,93 @@ Plugins can be added to GoBlog by adding a "plugins" section to the configuratio ```yaml plugins: - - path: ./plugins/syndication - type: ui + - path: embedded:syndication # Use a Plugin provided by GoBlog using the "embedded:" prefix import: syndication - config: + config: # Provide configuration for the plugin parameter: syndication - - path: ./plugins/demo - type: ui - import: demoui - - path: ./plugins/demo - type: middleware - import: demomiddleware + - path: embedded:demo + import: demo + - path: ./plugins/mycustomplugin + import: mycustompluginpackage config: - prio: 99 + abc: + def: + one: 1 + two: 2 ``` -You need to specify the path to the plugin (remember to mount the path to your GoBlog container when using Docker), the type of the plugin, the import (the Go packakge) and you can additionally provide configuration for the plugin. +You need to specify the path to the plugin (remember to mount the path to your GoBlog container when using Docker) and the Go packakge and you can additionally provide configuration for the plugin. ## Types of plugins -- `exec` (Command that is executed in a Go routine when starting GoBlog) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#Exec -- `middleware` (HTTP middleware to intercept or modify HTTP requests) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#Middleware -- `ui` (Render additional HTML) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#UI +- `SetApp` (Access more GoBlog functionalities like the database) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#SetApp +- `SetConfig` (Access the configuration provided for the plugin) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#SetConfig + +- `Exec` (Command that is executed in a Go routine when starting GoBlog) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#Exec +- `Middleware` (HTTP middleware to intercept or modify HTTP requests) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#Middleware +- `UI` (Modify rendered HTML) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#UI + +More types will be added later. Any plugin can implement multiple types, see the demo plugin as example. + +## Plugin implementation + +All you need to do is creating a Go-file that has a `GetPlugin` function that returns the interface implementation of the desired GoBlog plugin types. + +So if you want to create a plugin that implements the `Exec` and `UI` plugin types, you need this: + +```go +package yourpluginpackage + +import "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" + +type plugin struct {} + +func GetPlugin() (plugintypes.Exec, plugintypes.UI) { + p := &plugin{} + return p, p +} +``` + +Of course, the plugin Go type also needs to have the required functions and methods: + +```go +// Exec +func (p *plugin) Exec() { + // Do something +} + +// UI +func (p *plugin) Render(rc plugintypes.RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) { + // Do something, but at least write something to modified, otherwise, the page will stay blank +} +``` + +If you want to access the configuration that is provided for your plugin, you need to implement the `SetConfig` plugin type. To access some more functions of GoBlog, implement the `SetApp` plugin type that allows you, for example, to access the database or get posts and their parameters. + + +### Packages provided + +Several go modules are already provided by GoBlog, so you don't have to vendor them. + +GoBlog modules: + +- `go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes` (Needed for every plugin) +- `go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder` (Can be used to generate HTML) +- `go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool` (Can be used to manage `bytes.Buffer`s more efficiently) + +Third-party modules + +- `github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery` (Can be used to *manipulate* HTML in a jquery-like way) ## Plugins Some simple plugins are included in the main GoBlog repository. Some can be found elsewhere. -### Syndication links (plugins/syndication) +### Demo (Path `embedded:demo`, Import `demo`) + +A simple demo plugin showcasing some of the features plugins can implement. Take a look at the source code, if you want to implement your own plugin. + +### Syndication links (Path `embedded:syndication`, Import `syndication`) Adds hidden `u-syndication` `data` elements to post page when the configured post parameter (default: "syndication") is available. @@ -43,7 +102,7 @@ Adds hidden `u-syndication` `data` elements to post page when the configured pos `parameter` (string): Name for the post parameter containing the syndication links. -### Webrings (plugins/webrings) +### Webrings (Path `embedded:webrings`, Import `webrings`) Adds webring links to the bottom of the blog footer to easily participate in webrings. diff --git a/docs/usage.md b/docs/usage.md index 3812324..36a46b3 100644 --- a/docs/usage.md +++ b/docs/usage.md @@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ aliases: This is an about me page located at /about and it redirects from /info and /me ``` +## Plugins + +There's a [seperate documentation section](./plugins.md) on how to use and implement plugins. + ## Extra notes ### Export content to Markdown diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 68b9b88..067cfb8 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ require ( github.com/jlelse/feeds v1.2.1-0.20210704161900-189f94254ad4 github.com/justinas/alice v1.2.0 github.com/kaorimatz/go-opml v0.0.0-20210201121027-bc8e2852d7f9 - github.com/klauspost/compress v1.15.14 + github.com/klauspost/compress v1.15.15 github.com/lestrrat-go/file-rotatelogs v2.4.0+incompatible github.com/lopezator/migrator v0.3.1 github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.14.16 @@ -50,13 +50,14 @@ require ( github.com/schollz/sqlite3dump v1.3.1 github.com/snabb/sitemap v1.0.0 github.com/spf13/cast v1.5.0 - github.com/spf13/viper v1.14.0 + github.com/spf13/viper v1.15.0 github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.1 github.com/tdewolff/minify/v2 v2.12.4 // master github.com/tkrajina/gpxgo v1.2.2-0.20220217201249-321f19554eec github.com/tomnomnom/linkheader v0.0.0-20180905144013-02ca5825eb80 - github.com/traefik/yaegi v0.14.3 + // master + github.com/traefik/yaegi 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h1:KCkDvNUMof10e3QExio9OPZJT8SbdKojLBumw8YZycQ= @@ -409,8 +407,8 @@ github.com/tomnomnom/linkheader v0.0.0-20180905144013-02ca5825eb80 h1:nrZ3ySNYwJ github.com/tomnomnom/linkheader v0.0.0-20180905144013-02ca5825eb80/go.mod h1:iFyPdL66DjUD96XmzVL3ZntbzcflLnznH0fr99w5VqE= github.com/toorop/go-dkim v0.0.0-20201103131630-e1cd1a0a5208 h1:PM5hJF7HVfNWmCjMdEfbuOBNXSVF2cMFGgQTPdKCbwM= github.com/toorop/go-dkim v0.0.0-20201103131630-e1cd1a0a5208/go.mod h1:BzWtXXrXzZUvMacR0oF/fbDDgUPO8L36tDMmRAf14ns= -github.com/traefik/yaegi v0.14.3 h1:LqA0k8DKwvRMc+msfQjNusphHJc+r6WC5tZU5TmUFOM= -github.com/traefik/yaegi v0.14.3/go.mod h1:AVRxhaI2G+nUsaM1zyktzwXn69G3t/AuTDrCiTds9p0= +github.com/traefik/yaegi v0.14.4-0.20230117132604-1679870ea3c8 h1:/7StGZkjdW/GtwISKUGl2hz6TM+0eYYjTCxppbSAgnk= +github.com/traefik/yaegi v0.14.4-0.20230117132604-1679870ea3c8/go.mod h1:AVRxhaI2G+nUsaM1zyktzwXn69G3t/AuTDrCiTds9p0= github.com/ugorji/go v1.1.7 h1:/68gy2h+1mWMrwZFeD1kQialdSzAb432dtpeJ42ovdo= github.com/ugorji/go v1.1.7/go.mod h1:kZn38zHttfInRq0xu/PH0az30d+z6vm202qpg1oXVMw= github.com/ugorji/go/codec v1.1.7 h1:2SvQaVZ1ouYrrKKwoSk2pzd4A9evlKJb9oTL+OaLUSs= @@ -773,8 +771,8 @@ honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWh honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2019.2.3/go.mod h1:a3bituU0lyd329TUQxRnasdCoJDkEUEAqEt0JzvZhAg= honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2020.1.3/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k= honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2020.1.4/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k= -maunium.net/go/mautrix v0.12.4 h1:TAg+qkgZLlD2wvshFEuGCv7kADnAbQ6NZmTPu7wsXZI= -maunium.net/go/mautrix v0.12.4/go.mod h1:NBN7/dch8xMnt4VEV9nucVOkzbP4PHr3agXJrFpM5AE= +maunium.net/go/mautrix v0.13.0 h1:CRdpMFc1kDSNnCZMcqahR9/pkDy/vgRbd+fHnSCl6Yg= +maunium.net/go/mautrix v0.13.0/go.mod h1:gYMQPsZ9lQpyKlVp+DGwOuc9LIcE/c8GZW2CvKHISgM= nhooyr.io/websocket v1.8.7 h1:usjR2uOr/zjjkVMy0lW+PPohFok7PCow5sDjLgX4P4g= nhooyr.io/websocket v1.8.7/go.mod h1:B70DZP8IakI65RVQ51MsWP/8jndNma26DVA/nFSCgW0= rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8= diff --git a/http.go b/http.go index 45a1928..9fad56b 100644 --- a/http.go +++ b/http.go @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import ( "github.com/go-chi/chi/v5/middleware" "github.com/justinas/alice" "github.com/klauspost/compress/flate" + "github.com/samber/lo" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/httpcompress" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/maprouter" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ func (a *goBlog) startServer() (err error) { h = h.Append(a.securityHeaders) } // Add plugin middlewares - middlewarePlugins := getPluginsForType[plugintypes.Middleware](a, middlewarePlugin) + middlewarePlugins := lo.Map(a.getPlugins(pluginMiddlewareType), func(item any, index int) plugintypes.Middleware { return item.(plugintypes.Middleware) }) sort.Slice(middlewarePlugins, func(i, j int) bool { // Sort with descending prio return middlewarePlugins[i].Prio() > middlewarePlugins[j].Prio() diff --git a/pkgs/plugins/plugin.go b/pkgs/plugins/plugin.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5e13993..0000000 --- a/pkgs/plugins/plugin.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package plugins - -import ( - "fmt" - "path/filepath" - "reflect" - - "github.com/traefik/yaegi/interp" - "github.com/traefik/yaegi/stdlib" -) - -type plugin struct { - Config *PluginConfig - plugin reflect.Value -} - -// PluginConfig is the configuration of the plugin. -type PluginConfig struct { - // Path is the storage path of the plugin. - Path string - // ImportPath is the module path i.e. "github.com/user/module". - ImportPath string - // PluginType is the type of plugin, this plugin is checked against that type. - // The available types are specified by the implementor of this package. - PluginType string -} - -func (p *plugin) initPlugin(host *PluginHost) error { - const errText = "initPlugin: %w" - - interpreter := interp.New(interp.Options{ - GoPath: p.Config.Path, - }) - - if err := interpreter.Use(stdlib.Symbols); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf(errText, err) - } - - if err := interpreter.Use(host.Symbols); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf(errText, err) - } - - if _, err := interpreter.Eval(fmt.Sprintf(`import "%s"`, p.Config.ImportPath)); err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf(errText, err) - } - - v, err := interpreter.Eval(filepath.Base(p.Config.ImportPath) + ".GetPlugin") - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf(errText, err) - } - - result := v.Call([]reflect.Value{}) - if len(result) > 1 { - return fmt.Errorf(errText+": function GetPlugin has more than one return value", ErrValidatingPlugin) - } - p.plugin = result[0] - - return nil -} diff --git a/pkgs/plugins/plugins.go b/pkgs/plugins/plugins.go index 89b7660..30c414e 100644 --- a/pkgs/plugins/plugins.go +++ b/pkgs/plugins/plugins.go @@ -1,80 +1,124 @@ package plugins import ( + "errors" "fmt" + "io/fs" + "path/filepath" "reflect" + "strings" "github.com/traefik/yaegi/interp" + "github.com/traefik/yaegi/stdlib" +) + +// PluginHost manages the plugins. +type PluginHost struct { + plugins map[string][]*plugin + pluginTypes map[string]reflect.Type + symbols interp.Exports + embeddedPlugins fs.FS +} + +// PluginConfig is the configuration of the plugin. +type PluginConfig struct { + // Path is the storage path of the plugin. + Path string + // ImportPath is the module path i.e. "github.com/user/module". + ImportPath string +} + +type plugin struct { + Config *PluginConfig + plugin any +} + +var ( + // ErrValidatingPlugin is returned when the plugin fails to fully implement the interface of the plugin type. + ErrValidatingPlugin = errors.New("plugin does not implement type") + // ErrInitFunc is returned when the plugin has a faulty initialization function. + ErrInitFunc = errors.New("bad plugin init function") +) + +const ( + embeddedPrefix = "embedded:" ) // NewPluginHost initializes a PluginHost. -func NewPluginHost(symbols interp.Exports) *PluginHost { +func NewPluginHost(pluginTypes map[string]reflect.Type, symbols interp.Exports, embeddedPlugins fs.FS) *PluginHost { return &PluginHost{ - Plugins: []*plugin{}, - PluginTypes: map[string]reflect.Type{}, - Symbols: symbols, + plugins: map[string][]*plugin{}, + pluginTypes: pluginTypes, + symbols: symbols, + embeddedPlugins: embeddedPlugins, } } -// AddPluginType adds a plugin type to the list. -// The interface for the pluginType parameter should be a nil of the plugin type interface: -// -// (*PluginInterface)(nil) -func (h *PluginHost) AddPluginType(name string, pluginType interface{}) { - h.PluginTypes[name] = reflect.TypeOf(pluginType).Elem() -} - // LoadPlugin loads a new plugin to the host. -func (h *PluginHost) LoadPlugin(config *PluginConfig) (any, error) { +func (h *PluginHost) LoadPlugin(config *PluginConfig) (map[string]any, error) { p := &plugin{ Config: config, } - err := p.initPlugin(h) + plugins, err := p.initPlugin(h) if err != nil { return nil, err } - err = h.validatePlugin(p) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - h.Plugins = append(h.Plugins, p) - return p.plugin.Interface(), nil -} - -func (h *PluginHost) validatePlugin(p *plugin) error { - pType := reflect.TypeOf(p.plugin.Interface()) - - if _, ok := h.PluginTypes[p.Config.PluginType]; !ok { - return fmt.Errorf("validatePlugin: %v: %w", p.Config.PluginType, ErrInvalidType) - } - - if !pType.Implements(h.PluginTypes[p.Config.PluginType]) { - return fmt.Errorf("validatePlugin:%v: %w %v", p, ErrValidatingPlugin, p.Config.PluginType) - } - - return nil + return plugins, nil } // GetPlugins returns a list of all plugins. -func (h *PluginHost) GetPlugins() (list []any) { - for _, p := range h.Plugins { - list = append(list, p.plugin.Interface()) +func (h *PluginHost) GetPlugins(typ string) (list []any) { + for _, p := range h.plugins[typ] { + list = append(list, p.plugin) } return } -// GetPluginsForType returns all the plugins that are of type pluginType or empty if the pluginType doesn't exist. -func GetPluginsForType[T any](h *PluginHost, pluginType string) (list []T) { - if _, ok := h.PluginTypes[pluginType]; !ok { - return +func (p *plugin) initPlugin(host *PluginHost) (plugins map[string]any, err error) { + const errText = "initPlugin: %w" + + plugins = map[string]any{} + + var filesystem fs.FS + if strings.HasPrefix(p.Config.Path, embeddedPrefix) { + filesystem = host.embeddedPlugins } - for _, p := range h.Plugins { - if p.Config.PluginType != pluginType { - continue + + interpreter := interp.New(interp.Options{ + GoPath: strings.TrimPrefix(p.Config.Path, embeddedPrefix), + SourcecodeFilesystem: filesystem, + }) + + if err := interpreter.Use(stdlib.Symbols); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf(errText, err) + } + + if err := interpreter.Use(host.symbols); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf(errText, err) + } + + if _, err := interpreter.Eval(fmt.Sprintf(`import "%s"`, p.Config.ImportPath)); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf(errText, err) + } + + v, err := interpreter.Eval(filepath.Base(p.Config.ImportPath) + ".GetPlugin") + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf(errText, err) + } + + resultArray := v.Call([]reflect.Value{}) + for _, result := range resultArray { + newPlugin := &plugin{ + Config: p.Config, + plugin: result.Interface(), } - if t, ok := p.plugin.Interface().(T); ok { - list = append(list, t) + for name, reflectType := range host.pluginTypes { + if result.Type().Implements(reflectType) { + host.plugins[name] = append(host.plugins[name], newPlugin) + plugins[name] = newPlugin.plugin + } } } + return } diff --git a/pkgs/plugins/types.go b/pkgs/plugins/types.go deleted file mode 100644 index f1b310f..0000000 --- a/pkgs/plugins/types.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package plugins - -import ( - "errors" - "reflect" - - "github.com/traefik/yaegi/interp" -) - -// PluginHost manages the plugins. -type PluginHost struct { - // Plugins contains a list of the plugins. - Plugins []*plugin - // PluginTypes is a list of plugins types that plugins have to use at least one of. - PluginTypes map[string]reflect.Type - // Symbols is the map of symbols generated by yaegi extract. - Symbols interp.Exports -} - -var ( - // ErrInvalidType is returned when the plugin type specified by the plugin is invalid. - ErrInvalidType = errors.New("invalid plugin type") - // ErrValidatingPlugin is returned when the plugin fails to fully implement the interface of the plugin type. - ErrValidatingPlugin = errors.New("plugin does not implement type") -) diff --git a/pkgs/plugintypes/goblog.go b/pkgs/plugintypes/goblog.go index 79f8d02..ef97fec 100644 --- a/pkgs/plugintypes/goblog.go +++ b/pkgs/plugintypes/goblog.go @@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ package plugintypes import ( "context" "database/sql" - - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" ) // App is used to access GoBlog's app instance. type App interface { + // Get access to GoBlog's database GetDatabase() Database + // Get a post from the database or an error when there is no post for the given path + GetPost(path string) (Post, error) } // Database is used to provide access to GoBlog's database. @@ -24,39 +25,22 @@ type Database interface { // Post type Post interface { + // Get the post path + GetPath() string + // Get a string array map with all the post's parameters GetParameters() map[string][]string + // Get the post section name + GetSection() string + // Get the published date string + GetPublished() string + // Get the updated date string + GetUpdated() string } -// Blog -type Blog interface { +// RenderContext +type RenderContext interface { + // Get the path of the request + GetPath() string + // Get the blog name GetBlog() string } - -// RenderType -type RenderType string - -// RenderData -type RenderData interface { - // Empty -} - -// RenderNextFunc -type RenderNextFunc func(*htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder) - -// Render main element content on post page, data = PostRenderData -const PostMainElementRenderType RenderType = "post-main-content" - -// PostRenderData is RenderData containing a Post -type PostRenderData interface { - RenderData - GetPost() Post -} - -// Render footer element on every blog page, data = BlogRenderData -const BlogFooterRenderType RenderType = "blog-footer" - -// BlogRenderData is RenderData containing a Blog -type BlogRenderData interface { - RenderData - GetBlog() Blog -} diff --git a/pkgs/plugintypes/plugins.go b/pkgs/plugintypes/plugins.go index 32740f2..2590873 100644 --- a/pkgs/plugintypes/plugins.go +++ b/pkgs/plugintypes/plugins.go @@ -1,38 +1,36 @@ package plugintypes import ( + "io" "net/http" - - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" ) -// SetApp is used in all plugin types to allow -// GoBlog set it's app instance to be accessible by the plugin. +// SetApp is used to allow GoBlog set its app instance to be accessible by the plugin. type SetApp interface { - SetApp(App) + SetApp(app App) } -// SetConfig is used in all plugin types to allow -// GoBlog set plugin configuration. +// SetConfig is used in all plugin types to allow GoBlog set the plugin configuration. type SetConfig interface { - SetConfig(map[string]any) + SetConfig(config map[string]any) } +// Exec plugins are executed after all plugins where initialized. type Exec interface { - SetApp - SetConfig + // Exec gets called from a Goroutine, so it runs asynchronously. Exec() } +// Middleware plugins can intercept and modify HTTP requests or responses. type Middleware interface { - SetApp - SetConfig - Handler(http.Handler) http.Handler + Handler(next http.Handler) http.Handler + // Return a priority, the higher prio middlewares get called first. Prio() int } +// UI plugins get called when rendering HTML. type UI interface { - SetApp - SetConfig - Render(*htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, RenderType, RenderData, RenderNextFunc) + // rendered is a reader with all the rendered HTML, modify it and write it to modified. This is then returned to the client. + // The renderContext provides information such as the path of the request or the blog name. + Render(renderContext RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) } diff --git a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/github_com-PuerkitoBio-goquery.go b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/github_com-PuerkitoBio-goquery.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bebcb31 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/github_com-PuerkitoBio-goquery.go @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Code generated by 'yaegi extract github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery'. DO NOT EDIT. + +// MIT License +// +// Copyright (c) 2020 - 2023 Jan-Lukas Else +// +// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +// +// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +// copies or substantial portions of the Software. +// +// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +// SOFTWARE. + +package yaegiwrappers + +import ( + "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" + "golang.org/x/net/html" + "reflect" +) + +func init() { + Symbols["github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery/goquery"] = map[string]reflect.Value{ + // function, constant and variable definitions + "CloneDocument": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.CloneDocument), + "NewDocument": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.NewDocument), + "NewDocumentFromNode": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.NewDocumentFromNode), + "NewDocumentFromReader": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.NewDocumentFromReader), + "NewDocumentFromResponse": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.NewDocumentFromResponse), + "NodeName": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.NodeName), + "OuterHtml": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.OuterHtml), + "Render": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.Render), + "Single": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.Single), + "SingleMatcher": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.SingleMatcher), + "ToEnd": reflect.ValueOf(goquery.ToEnd), + + // type definitions + "Document": reflect.ValueOf((*goquery.Document)(nil)), + "Matcher": reflect.ValueOf((*goquery.Matcher)(nil)), + "Selection": reflect.ValueOf((*goquery.Selection)(nil)), + + // interface wrapper definitions + "_Matcher": reflect.ValueOf((*_github_com_PuerkitoBio_goquery_Matcher)(nil)), + } +} + +// _github_com_PuerkitoBio_goquery_Matcher is an interface wrapper for Matcher type +type _github_com_PuerkitoBio_goquery_Matcher struct { + IValue interface{} + WFilter func(a0 []*html.Node) []*html.Node + WMatch func(a0 *html.Node) bool + WMatchAll func(a0 *html.Node) []*html.Node +} + +func (W _github_com_PuerkitoBio_goquery_Matcher) Filter(a0 []*html.Node) []*html.Node { + return W.WFilter(a0) +} +func (W _github_com_PuerkitoBio_goquery_Matcher) Match(a0 *html.Node) bool { + return W.WMatch(a0) +} +func (W _github_com_PuerkitoBio_goquery_Matcher) MatchAll(a0 *html.Node) []*html.Node { + return W.WMatchAll(a0) +} diff --git a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-bufferpool.go b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-bufferpool.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8610034 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-bufferpool.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// Code generated by 'yaegi extract go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool'. DO NOT EDIT. + +// MIT License +// +// Copyright (c) 2020 - 2023 Jan-Lukas Else +// +// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +// +// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +// copies or substantial portions of the Software. +// +// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +// SOFTWARE. + +package yaegiwrappers + +import ( + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool" + "reflect" +) + +func init() { + Symbols["go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool/bufferpool"] = map[string]reflect.Value{ + // function, constant and variable definitions + "Get": reflect.ValueOf(bufferpool.Get), + "Put": reflect.ValueOf(bufferpool.Put), + } +} diff --git a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-htmlbuilder.go b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-htmlbuilder.go index f13e699..4baa3ee 100644 --- a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-htmlbuilder.go +++ b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-htmlbuilder.go @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ // MIT License // -// Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 Jan-Lukas Else +// Copyright (c) 2020 - 2023 Jan-Lukas Else // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-plugintypes.go b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-plugintypes.go index 4b0ba44..928c5e1 100644 --- a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-plugintypes.go +++ b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/go_goblog_app-app-pkgs-plugintypes.go @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ // MIT License // -// Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022 Jan-Lukas Else +// Copyright (c) 2020 - 2023 Jan-Lukas Else // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal @@ -27,47 +27,35 @@ package yaegiwrappers import ( "context" "database/sql" - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" + "io" "net/http" "reflect" ) func init() { Symbols["go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes/plugintypes"] = map[string]reflect.Value{ - // function, constant and variable definitions - "BlogFooterRenderType": reflect.ValueOf(plugintypes.BlogFooterRenderType), - "PostMainElementRenderType": reflect.ValueOf(plugintypes.PostMainElementRenderType), - // type definitions - "App": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.App)(nil)), - "Blog": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Blog)(nil)), - "BlogRenderData": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.BlogRenderData)(nil)), - "Database": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Database)(nil)), - "Exec": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Exec)(nil)), - "Middleware": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Middleware)(nil)), - "Post": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Post)(nil)), - "PostRenderData": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.PostRenderData)(nil)), - "RenderData": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.RenderData)(nil)), - "RenderNextFunc": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.RenderNextFunc)(nil)), - "RenderType": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.RenderType)(nil)), - "SetApp": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.SetApp)(nil)), - "SetConfig": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.SetConfig)(nil)), - "UI": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.UI)(nil)), + "App": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.App)(nil)), + "Database": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Database)(nil)), + "Exec": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Exec)(nil)), + "Middleware": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Middleware)(nil)), + "Post": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.Post)(nil)), + "RenderContext": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.RenderContext)(nil)), + "SetApp": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.SetApp)(nil)), + "SetConfig": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.SetConfig)(nil)), + "UI": reflect.ValueOf((*plugintypes.UI)(nil)), // interface wrapper definitions - "_App": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_App)(nil)), - "_Blog": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Blog)(nil)), - "_BlogRenderData": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_BlogRenderData)(nil)), - "_Database": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Database)(nil)), - "_Exec": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Exec)(nil)), - "_Middleware": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware)(nil)), - "_Post": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post)(nil)), - "_PostRenderData": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_PostRenderData)(nil)), - "_RenderData": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderData)(nil)), - "_SetApp": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetApp)(nil)), - "_SetConfig": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetConfig)(nil)), - "_UI": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI)(nil)), + "_App": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_App)(nil)), + "_Database": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Database)(nil)), + "_Exec": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Exec)(nil)), + "_Middleware": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware)(nil)), + "_Post": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post)(nil)), + "_RenderContext": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderContext)(nil)), + "_SetApp": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetApp)(nil)), + "_SetConfig": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetConfig)(nil)), + "_UI": reflect.ValueOf((*_go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI)(nil)), } } @@ -75,30 +63,14 @@ func init() { type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_App struct { IValue interface{} WGetDatabase func() plugintypes.Database + WGetPost func(path string) (plugintypes.Post, error) } func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_App) GetDatabase() plugintypes.Database { return W.WGetDatabase() } - -// _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Blog is an interface wrapper for Blog type -type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Blog struct { - IValue interface{} - WGetBlog func() string -} - -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Blog) GetBlog() string { - return W.WGetBlog() -} - -// _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_BlogRenderData is an interface wrapper for BlogRenderData type -type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_BlogRenderData struct { - IValue interface{} - WGetBlog func() plugintypes.Blog -} - -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_BlogRenderData) GetBlog() plugintypes.Blog { - return W.WGetBlog() +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_App) GetPost(path string) (plugintypes.Post, error) { + return W.WGetPost(path) } // _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Database is an interface wrapper for Database type @@ -133,103 +105,94 @@ func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Database) QueryRowContext(a0 context // _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Exec is an interface wrapper for Exec type type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Exec struct { - IValue interface{} - WExec func() - WSetApp func(a0 plugintypes.App) - WSetConfig func(a0 map[string]any) + IValue interface{} + WExec func() } func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Exec) Exec() { W.WExec() } -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Exec) SetApp(a0 plugintypes.App) { - W.WSetApp(a0) -} -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Exec) SetConfig(a0 map[string]any) { - W.WSetConfig(a0) -} // _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware is an interface wrapper for Middleware type type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware struct { - IValue interface{} - WHandler func(a0 http.Handler) http.Handler - WPrio func() int - WSetApp func(a0 plugintypes.App) - WSetConfig func(a0 map[string]any) + IValue interface{} + WHandler func(next http.Handler) http.Handler + WPrio func() int } -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware) Handler(a0 http.Handler) http.Handler { - return W.WHandler(a0) +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware) Handler(next http.Handler) http.Handler { + return W.WHandler(next) } func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware) Prio() int { return W.WPrio() } -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware) SetApp(a0 plugintypes.App) { - W.WSetApp(a0) -} -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Middleware) SetConfig(a0 map[string]any) { - W.WSetConfig(a0) -} // _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post is an interface wrapper for Post type type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post struct { IValue interface{} WGetParameters func() map[string][]string + WGetPath func() string + WGetPublished func() string + WGetSection func() string + WGetUpdated func() string } func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post) GetParameters() map[string][]string { return W.WGetParameters() } +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post) GetPath() string { + return W.WGetPath() +} +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post) GetPublished() string { + return W.WGetPublished() +} +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post) GetSection() string { + return W.WGetSection() +} +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_Post) GetUpdated() string { + return W.WGetUpdated() +} -// _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_PostRenderData is an interface wrapper for PostRenderData type -type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_PostRenderData struct { +// _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderContext is an interface wrapper for RenderContext type +type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderContext struct { IValue interface{} - WGetPost func() plugintypes.Post + WGetBlog func() string + WGetPath func() string } -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_PostRenderData) GetPost() plugintypes.Post { - return W.WGetPost() +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderContext) GetBlog() string { + return W.WGetBlog() } - -// _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderData is an interface wrapper for RenderData type -type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderData struct { - IValue interface{} +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_RenderContext) GetPath() string { + return W.WGetPath() } // _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetApp is an interface wrapper for SetApp type type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetApp struct { IValue interface{} - WSetApp func(a0 plugintypes.App) + WSetApp func(app plugintypes.App) } -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetApp) SetApp(a0 plugintypes.App) { - W.WSetApp(a0) +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetApp) SetApp(app plugintypes.App) { + W.WSetApp(app) } // _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetConfig is an interface wrapper for SetConfig type type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetConfig struct { IValue interface{} - WSetConfig func(a0 map[string]any) + WSetConfig func(config map[string]any) } -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetConfig) SetConfig(a0 map[string]any) { - W.WSetConfig(a0) +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_SetConfig) SetConfig(config map[string]any) { + W.WSetConfig(config) } // _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI is an interface wrapper for UI type type _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI struct { - IValue interface{} - WRender func(a0 *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, a1 plugintypes.RenderType, a2 plugintypes.RenderData, a3 plugintypes.RenderNextFunc) - WSetApp func(a0 plugintypes.App) - WSetConfig func(a0 map[string]any) + IValue interface{} + WRender func(renderContext plugintypes.RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) } -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI) Render(a0 *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, a1 plugintypes.RenderType, a2 plugintypes.RenderData, a3 plugintypes.RenderNextFunc) { - W.WRender(a0, a1, a2, a3) -} -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI) SetApp(a0 plugintypes.App) { - W.WSetApp(a0) -} -func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI) SetConfig(a0 map[string]any) { - W.WSetConfig(a0) +func (W _go_goblog_app_app_pkgs_plugintypes_UI) Render(renderContext plugintypes.RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) { + W.WRender(renderContext, rendered, modified) } diff --git a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/wrappers.go b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/wrappers.go index 5b6919e..861c0a2 100644 --- a/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/wrappers.go +++ b/pkgs/yaegiwrappers/wrappers.go @@ -8,5 +8,10 @@ var ( Symbols = make(map[string]map[string]reflect.Value) ) +// GoBlog packages //go:generate yaegi extract -license ../../LICENSE -name yaegiwrappers go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes //go:generate yaegi extract -license ../../LICENSE -name yaegiwrappers go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder +//go:generate yaegi extract -license ../../LICENSE -name yaegiwrappers go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool + +// Dependencies +//go:generate yaegi extract -license ../../LICENSE -name yaegiwrappers github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery diff --git a/plugins.go b/plugins.go index f907c46..070d08f 100644 --- a/plugins.go +++ b/plugins.go @@ -1,54 +1,71 @@ package main import ( + "embed" + "io/fs" + "reflect" + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugins" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/yaegiwrappers" ) +//go:embed plugins/* +var pluginsFS embed.FS + const ( - execPlugin = "exec" - middlewarePlugin = "middleware" - uiPlugin = "ui" + pluginSetAppType = "setapp" + pluginSetConfigType = "setconfig" + pluginUiType = "ui" + pluginExecType = "exec" + pluginMiddlewareType = "middleware" ) func (a *goBlog) initPlugins() error { - a.pluginHost = plugins.NewPluginHost(yaegiwrappers.Symbols) - - a.pluginHost.AddPluginType(execPlugin, (*plugintypes.Exec)(nil)) - a.pluginHost.AddPluginType(middlewarePlugin, (*plugintypes.Middleware)(nil)) - a.pluginHost.AddPluginType(uiPlugin, (*plugintypes.UI)(nil)) + subFS, err := fs.Sub(pluginsFS, "plugins") + if err != nil { + return err + } + a.pluginHost = plugins.NewPluginHost( + map[string]reflect.Type{ + pluginSetAppType: reflect.TypeOf((*plugintypes.SetApp)(nil)).Elem(), + pluginSetConfigType: reflect.TypeOf((*plugintypes.SetConfig)(nil)).Elem(), + pluginUiType: reflect.TypeOf((*plugintypes.UI)(nil)).Elem(), + pluginExecType: reflect.TypeOf((*plugintypes.Exec)(nil)).Elem(), + pluginMiddlewareType: reflect.TypeOf((*plugintypes.Middleware)(nil)).Elem(), + }, + yaegiwrappers.Symbols, + subFS, + ) for _, pc := range a.cfg.Plugins { - if pluginInterface, err := a.pluginHost.LoadPlugin(&plugins.PluginConfig{ + plugins, err := a.pluginHost.LoadPlugin(&plugins.PluginConfig{ Path: pc.Path, ImportPath: pc.Import, - PluginType: pc.Type, - }); err != nil { + }) + if err != nil { return err - } else if pluginInterface != nil { - if setAppPlugin, ok := pluginInterface.(plugintypes.SetApp); ok { - setAppPlugin.SetApp(a) - } - if setConfigPlugin, ok := pluginInterface.(plugintypes.SetConfig); ok { - setConfigPlugin.SetConfig(pc.Config) - } + } + if p, ok := plugins[pluginSetConfigType]; ok { + p.(plugintypes.SetConfig).SetConfig(pc.Config) + } + if p, ok := plugins[pluginSetAppType]; ok { + p.(plugintypes.SetApp).SetApp(a) } } - execs := getPluginsForType[plugintypes.Exec](a, execPlugin) - for _, p := range execs { - go p.Exec() + for _, p := range a.getPlugins(pluginExecType) { + go p.(plugintypes.Exec).Exec() } return nil } -func getPluginsForType[T any](a *goBlog, pluginType string) (list []T) { - if a == nil || a.pluginHost == nil { - return nil +func (a *goBlog) getPlugins(typ string) []any { + if a.pluginHost == nil { + return []any{} } - return plugins.GetPluginsForType[T](a.pluginHost, pluginType) + return a.pluginHost.GetPlugins(typ) } // Implement all needed interfaces @@ -57,34 +74,26 @@ func (a *goBlog) GetDatabase() plugintypes.Database { return a.db } +func (a *goBlog) GetPost(path string) (plugintypes.Post, error) { + return a.getPost(path) +} + +func (p *post) GetPath() string { + return p.Path +} + func (p *post) GetParameters() map[string][]string { return p.Parameters } -type pluginPostRenderData struct { - p *post +func (p *post) GetSection() string { + return p.Section } -func (d *pluginPostRenderData) GetPost() plugintypes.Post { - return d.p +func (p *post) GetPublished() string { + return p.Published } -func (p *post) pluginRenderData() plugintypes.PostRenderData { - return &pluginPostRenderData{p: p} -} - -func (b *configBlog) GetBlog() string { - return b.name -} - -type pluginBlogRenderData struct { - b *configBlog -} - -func (d *pluginBlogRenderData) GetBlog() plugintypes.Blog { - return d.b -} - -func (b *configBlog) pluginRenderData() plugintypes.BlogRenderData { - return &pluginBlogRenderData{b: b} +func (p *post) GetUpdated() string { + return p.Updated } diff --git a/plugins/demo/src/demo/demo.go b/plugins/demo/src/demo/demo.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5087d2c --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/demo/src/demo/demo.go @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +package demo + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "net/http" + + "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool" + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" +) + +type plugin struct { + app plugintypes.App + config map[string]any +} + +func GetPlugin() ( + plugintypes.SetApp, plugintypes.SetConfig, + plugintypes.UI, + plugintypes.Exec, + plugintypes.Middleware, +) { + p := &plugin{} + return p, p, p, p, p +} + +// SetApp +func (p *plugin) SetApp(app plugintypes.App) { + p.app = app +} + +// SetConfig +func (p *plugin) SetConfig(config map[string]any) { + p.config = config +} + +// UI +func (*plugin) Render(_ plugintypes.RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) { + doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(rendered) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println("demoui plugin: " + err.Error()) + return + } + buf := bufferpool.Get() + defer bufferpool.Put(buf) + hb := htmlbuilder.NewHtmlBuilder(buf) + hb.WriteElementOpen("p") + hb.WriteEscaped("End of post content") + hb.WriteElementClose("p") + doc.Find("main.h-entry article div.e-content").AppendHtml(buf.String()) + _ = goquery.Render(modified, doc.Selection) +} + +// Exec +func (p *plugin) Exec() { + fmt.Println("Hello World from the demo plugin!") + + row, _ := p.app.GetDatabase().QueryRow("select count (*) from posts") + var count int + if err := row.Scan(&count); err != nil { + fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("failed to count posts: %w", err)) + return + } + + fmt.Printf("Number of posts in database: %d", count) + fmt.Println() +} + +// Middleware +func (p *plugin) Prio() int { + if prioAny, ok := p.config["prio"]; ok { + if prio, ok := prioAny.(int); ok { + return prio + } + } + return 100 +} + +// Middleware +func (p *plugin) Handler(next http.Handler) http.Handler { + return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { + w.Header().Set("X-Demo", fmt.Sprintf("This is from the demo middleware with prio %d", p.Prio())) + next.ServeHTTP(w, r) + }) +} diff --git a/plugins/demo/src/demoexec/demo.go b/plugins/demo/src/demoexec/demo.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1dc0c6c..0000000 --- a/plugins/demo/src/demoexec/demo.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -package demoexec - -import ( - "fmt" - - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" -) - -func GetPlugin() plugintypes.Exec { - return &plugin{} -} - -type plugin struct { - app plugintypes.App -} - -func (p *plugin) SetApp(app plugintypes.App) { - p.app = app -} - -func (*plugin) SetConfig(_ map[string]any) { - // Ignore -} - -func (p *plugin) Exec() { - fmt.Println("Hello World from the demo plugin!") - - row, _ := p.app.GetDatabase().QueryRow("select count (*) from posts") - var count int - if err := row.Scan(&count); err != nil { - fmt.Println(fmt.Errorf("failed to count posts: %w", err)) - return - } - - fmt.Printf("Number of posts in database: %d", count) - fmt.Println() -} diff --git a/plugins/demo/src/demomiddleware/demo.go b/plugins/demo/src/demomiddleware/demo.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4332fc0..0000000 --- a/plugins/demo/src/demomiddleware/demo.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -package demomiddleware - -import ( - "fmt" - "net/http" - - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" -) - -func GetPlugin() plugintypes.Middleware { - return &plugin{} -} - -type plugin struct { - app plugintypes.App - config map[string]any -} - -func (p *plugin) SetApp(app plugintypes.App) { - p.app = app -} - -func (p *plugin) SetConfig(config map[string]any) { - p.config = config -} - -func (p *plugin) Prio() int { - if prioAny, ok := p.config["prio"]; ok { - if prio, ok := prioAny.(int); ok { - return prio - } - } - return 100 -} - -func (p *plugin) Handler(next http.Handler) http.Handler { - return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - w.Header().Set("X-Demo", fmt.Sprintf("This is from the demo middleware with prio %d", p.Prio())) - next.ServeHTTP(w, r) - }) -} diff --git a/plugins/demo/src/demoui/demo.go b/plugins/demo/src/demoui/demo.go deleted file mode 100644 index e6ecc44..0000000 --- a/plugins/demo/src/demoui/demo.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -package demoui - -import ( - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" -) - -func GetPlugin() plugintypes.UI { - return &plugin{} -} - -type plugin struct{} - -func (*plugin) SetApp(_ plugintypes.App) { - // Ignore -} - -func (*plugin) SetConfig(_ map[string]any) { - // Ignore -} - -func (*plugin) Render(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, t plugintypes.RenderType, _ plugintypes.RenderData, render plugintypes.RenderNextFunc) { - switch t { - case plugintypes.PostMainElementRenderType: - hb.WriteElementOpen("p") - hb.WriteEscaped("Start of post main element") - hb.WriteElementClose("p") - render(hb) - hb.WriteElementOpen("p") - hb.WriteEscaped("End of post main element") - hb.WriteElementClose("p") - return - default: - render(hb) - } -} diff --git a/plugins/syndication/src/syndication/syndication.go b/plugins/syndication/src/syndication/syndication.go index bb5c34f..20d698f 100644 --- a/plugins/syndication/src/syndication/syndication.go +++ b/plugins/syndication/src/syndication/syndication.go @@ -2,53 +2,64 @@ package syndication import ( "fmt" + "io" + "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" ) -func GetPlugin() plugintypes.UI { - return &plugin{} -} - type plugin struct { - config map[string]any + app plugintypes.App + parameterName string } -func (*plugin) SetApp(_ plugintypes.App) { - // Ignore +func GetPlugin() (plugintypes.SetConfig, plugintypes.SetApp, plugintypes.UI) { + p := &plugin{} + return p, p, p +} + +func (p *plugin) SetApp(app plugintypes.App) { + p.app = app } func (p *plugin) SetConfig(config map[string]any) { - p.config = config -} - -func (p *plugin) Render(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, t plugintypes.RenderType, data plugintypes.RenderData, render plugintypes.RenderNextFunc) { - switch t { - case plugintypes.PostMainElementRenderType: - render(hb) - pd, ok := data.(plugintypes.PostRenderData) - if !ok { - fmt.Println("syndication plugin: data is not PostRenderData!") - return + p.parameterName = "syndication" // default + if configParameterAny, ok := config["parameter"]; ok { + if configParameter, ok := configParameterAny.(string); ok { + p.parameterName = configParameter // override default from config } - parameterName := "syndication" // default - if configParameterAny, ok := p.config["parameter"]; ok { - if configParameter, ok := configParameterAny.(string); ok { - parameterName = configParameter // override default from config - } - } - syndicationLinks, ok := pd.GetPost().GetParameters()[parameterName] - if !ok || len(syndicationLinks) == 0 { - // No syndication links - return - } - for _, link := range syndicationLinks { - hb.WriteElementOpen("data", "value", link, "class", "u-syndication hide") - hb.WriteElementClose("data") - } - return - default: - render(hb) } } + +func (p *plugin) Render(rc plugintypes.RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) { + def := func() { + _, _ = io.Copy(modified, rendered) + } + post, err := p.app.GetPost(rc.GetPath()) + if err != nil || post == nil { + def() + return + } + syndicationLinks, ok := post.GetParameters()[p.parameterName] + if !ok || len(syndicationLinks) == 0 { + def() + return + } + doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(rendered) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println("syndication plugin: " + err.Error()) + def() + return + } + buf := bufferpool.Get() + defer bufferpool.Put(buf) + hb := htmlbuilder.NewHtmlBuilder(buf) + for _, link := range syndicationLinks { + hb.WriteElementOpen("data", "value", link, "class", "u-syndication hide") + hb.WriteElementClose("data") + } + doc.Find("main.h-entry article").AppendHtml(buf.String()) + _ = goquery.Render(modified, doc.Selection) +} diff --git a/plugins/webrings/src/webrings/webrings.go b/plugins/webrings/src/webrings/webrings.go index d64ccaa..719c8ee 100644 --- a/plugins/webrings/src/webrings/webrings.go +++ b/plugins/webrings/src/webrings/webrings.go @@ -2,82 +2,79 @@ package webrings import ( "fmt" + "io" + "github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery" + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" ) -func GetPlugin() plugintypes.UI { - return &plugin{} +func GetPlugin() (plugintypes.SetConfig, plugintypes.UI) { + p := &plugin{} + return p, p } type plugin struct { config map[string]any } -func (*plugin) SetApp(_ plugintypes.App) { - // Ignore -} - func (p *plugin) SetConfig(config map[string]any) { p.config = config } -func (p *plugin) Render(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, t plugintypes.RenderType, data plugintypes.RenderData, render plugintypes.RenderNextFunc) { - render(hb) - if t == plugintypes.BlogFooterRenderType { - bd, ok := data.(plugintypes.BlogRenderData) - if !ok { - fmt.Println("webrings plugin: data is not BlogRenderData!") - return - } - blogData := bd.GetBlog() - if blogData == nil { - fmt.Println("webrings plugin: blog is nil!") - return - } - blog := blogData.GetBlog() - if blog == "" { - fmt.Println("webrings plugin: blog is empty!") - return - } - if blogWebringsAny, ok := p.config[blog]; ok { - if blogWebrings, ok := blogWebringsAny.([]any); ok { - for _, webringAny := range blogWebrings { - if webring, ok := webringAny.(map[string]any); ok { - title, titleOk := unwrapToString(webring["title"]) - link, linkOk := unwrapToString(webring["link"]) - prev, prevOk := unwrapToString(webring["prev"]) - next, nextOk := unwrapToString(webring["next"]) - if titleOk && (linkOk || prevOk || nextOk) { - hb.WriteElementOpen("p") - if prevOk { - hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", prev) - hb.WriteEscaped("←") - hb.WriteElementClose("a") - hb.WriteEscaped(" ") - } - if linkOk { - hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", link) - } - hb.WriteEscaped(title) - if linkOk { - hb.WriteElementClose("a") - } - if nextOk { - hb.WriteEscaped(" ") - hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", next) - hb.WriteEscaped("→") - hb.WriteElementClose("a") - } - hb.WriteElementClose("p") +func (p *plugin) Render(rc plugintypes.RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) { + blog := rc.GetBlog() + if blog == "" { + fmt.Println("webrings plugin: blog is empty!") + return + } + doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(rendered) + if err != nil { + fmt.Println("webrings plugin: " + err.Error()) + return + } + if blogWebringsAny, ok := p.config[blog]; ok { + if blogWebrings, ok := blogWebringsAny.([]any); ok { + buf := bufferpool.Get() + defer bufferpool.Put(buf) + hb := htmlbuilder.NewHtmlBuilder(buf) + for _, webringAny := range blogWebrings { + if webring, ok := webringAny.(map[string]any); ok { + title, titleOk := unwrapToString(webring["title"]) + link, linkOk := unwrapToString(webring["link"]) + prev, prevOk := unwrapToString(webring["prev"]) + next, nextOk := unwrapToString(webring["next"]) + if titleOk && (linkOk || prevOk || nextOk) { + buf.Reset() + hb.WriteElementOpen("p") + if prevOk { + hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", prev) + hb.WriteEscaped("←") + hb.WriteElementClose("a") + hb.WriteEscaped(" ") } + if linkOk { + hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", link) + } + hb.WriteEscaped(title) + if linkOk { + hb.WriteElementClose("a") + } + if nextOk { + hb.WriteEscaped(" ") + hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", next) + hb.WriteEscaped("→") + hb.WriteElementClose("a") + } + hb.WriteElementClose("p") + doc.Find("footer").AppendHtml(buf.String()) } } } } - } + _ = goquery.Render(modified, doc.Selection) } func unwrapToString(o any) (string, bool) { diff --git a/plugins_test.go b/plugins_test.go index f080813..01c8b88 100644 --- a/plugins_test.go +++ b/plugins_test.go @@ -11,35 +11,16 @@ import ( var _ plugintypes.App = &goBlog{} var _ plugintypes.Database = &database{} var _ plugintypes.Post = &post{} -var _ plugintypes.PostRenderData = &pluginPostRenderData{} +var _ plugintypes.RenderContext = &pluginRenderContext{} -func TestExecPlugin(t *testing.T) { +func TestDemoPlugin(t *testing.T) { app := &goBlog{ cfg: createDefaultTestConfig(t), } app.cfg.Plugins = []*configPlugin{ { - Path: "./plugins/demo", - Type: "exec", - Import: "demoexec", - }, - } - - err := app.initConfig(false) - require.NoError(t, err) - err = app.initPlugins() - require.NoError(t, err) -} - -func TestMiddlewarePlugin(t *testing.T) { - app := &goBlog{ - cfg: createDefaultTestConfig(t), - } - app.cfg.Plugins = []*configPlugin{ - { - Path: "./plugins/demo", - Type: "middleware", - Import: "demomiddleware", + Path: "embedded:demo", + Import: "demo", Config: map[string]any{ "prio": 99, }, @@ -51,10 +32,9 @@ func TestMiddlewarePlugin(t *testing.T) { err = app.initPlugins() require.NoError(t, err) - middlewarePlugins := getPluginsForType[plugintypes.Middleware](app, "middleware") + middlewarePlugins := app.getPlugins(pluginMiddlewareType) if assert.Len(t, middlewarePlugins, 1) { - mdw := middlewarePlugins[0] + mdw := middlewarePlugins[0].(plugintypes.Middleware) assert.Equal(t, 99, mdw.Prio()) } - } diff --git a/render.go b/render.go index 0a812b2..8c7af60 100644 --- a/render.go +++ b/render.go @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import ( "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/contenttype" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" + "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" ) type renderData struct { @@ -39,12 +40,35 @@ func (a *goBlog) renderWithStatusCode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, st // Write status code w.WriteHeader(statusCode) // Render - pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe() + renderPipeReader, renderPipeWriter := io.Pipe() go func() { - f(htmlbuilder.NewHtmlBuilder(pipeWriter), data) - _ = pipeWriter.Close() + f(htmlbuilder.NewHtmlBuilder(renderPipeWriter), data) + renderPipeWriter.Close() }() - _ = pipeReader.CloseWithError(a.min.Get().Minify(contenttype.HTML, w, pipeReader)) + // Run UI plugins + pluginPipeReader, pluginPipeWriter := io.Pipe() + go func() { + a.chainUiPlugins(a.getPlugins(pluginUiType), &pluginRenderContext{ + blog: data.BlogString, + path: r.URL.Path, + }, renderPipeReader, pluginPipeWriter) + pluginPipeWriter.Close() + }() + // Return minified HTML + _ = pluginPipeReader.CloseWithError(a.min.Get().Minify(contenttype.HTML, w, pluginPipeReader)) +} + +func (a *goBlog) chainUiPlugins(plugins []any, rc *pluginRenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) { + if len(plugins) == 0 { + _, _ = io.Copy(modified, rendered) + return + } + reader, writer := io.Pipe() + go func() { + plugins[0].(plugintypes.UI).Render(rc, rendered, writer) + _ = writer.Close() + }() + a.chainUiPlugins(plugins[1:], rc, reader, modified) } func (a *goBlog) checkRenderData(r *http.Request, data *renderData) { @@ -89,3 +113,18 @@ func (a *goBlog) checkRenderData(r *http.Request, data *renderData) { data.Data = map[string]any{} } } + +// Plugins + +type pluginRenderContext struct { + blog string + path string +} + +func (d *pluginRenderContext) GetBlog() string { + return d.blog +} + +func (d *pluginRenderContext) GetPath() string { + return d.path +} diff --git a/ui.go b/ui.go index 9f2e2bd..d366f39 100644 --- a/ui.go +++ b/ui.go @@ -10,31 +10,8 @@ import ( "github.com/samber/lo" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/contenttype" "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder" - "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" ) -func (a *goBlog) renderWithPlugins(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, t plugintypes.RenderType, d plugintypes.RenderData, r plugintypes.RenderNextFunc) { - plugins := getPluginsForType[plugintypes.UI](a, uiPlugin) - if len(plugins) == 0 { - r(hb) - return - } - // Reverse plugins, so that the first one in the configuration is executed first - plugins = lo.Reverse(plugins) - plugins[0].Render(hb, t, d, a.wrapUiPlugins(t, d, r, plugins[1:]...)) -} - -func (a *goBlog) wrapUiPlugins(t plugintypes.RenderType, d plugintypes.RenderData, r plugintypes.RenderNextFunc, plugins ...plugintypes.UI) plugintypes.RenderNextFunc { - if len(plugins) == 0 { - // Last element in the chain - return r - } - return func(newHb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder) { - // Wrap the next plugin - plugins[0].Render(newHb, t, d, a.wrapUiPlugins(t, d, r, plugins[1:]...)) - } -} - func (a *goBlog) renderEditorPreview(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, bc *configBlog, p *post) { a.renderPostTitle(hb, p) a.renderPostMeta(hb, p, bc, "preview") @@ -164,34 +141,32 @@ func (a *goBlog) renderBase(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, rd *renderData, title, } // Footer hb.WriteElementOpen("footer") - a.renderWithPlugins(hb, plugintypes.BlogFooterRenderType, rd.Blog.pluginRenderData(), func(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder) { - // Footer menu - if fm, ok := rd.Blog.Menus["footer"]; ok { - hb.WriteElementOpen("nav") - for i, item := range fm.Items { - if i > 0 { - hb.WriteUnescaped(" • ") - } - hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", item.Link) - hb.WriteEscaped(a.renderMdTitle(item.Title)) - hb.WriteElementClose("a") + // Footer menu + if fm, ok := rd.Blog.Menus["footer"]; ok { + hb.WriteElementOpen("nav") + for i, item := range fm.Items { + if i > 0 { + hb.WriteUnescaped(" • ") } - hb.WriteElementClose("nav") + hb.WriteElementOpen("a", "href", item.Link) + hb.WriteEscaped(a.renderMdTitle(item.Title)) + hb.WriteElementClose("a") } - // Copyright - hb.WriteElementOpen("p", "translate", "no") - hb.WriteUnescaped("© ") - hb.WriteEscaped(time.Now().Format("2006")) - hb.WriteUnescaped(" ") - if user != nil && user.Name != "" { - hb.WriteEscaped(user.Name) - } else { - hb.WriteEscaped(renderedBlogTitle) - } - hb.WriteElementClose("p") - // Tor - a.renderTorNotice(hb, rd) - }) + hb.WriteElementClose("nav") + } + // Copyright + hb.WriteElementOpen("p", "translate", "no") + hb.WriteUnescaped("© ") + hb.WriteEscaped(time.Now().Format("2006")) + hb.WriteUnescaped(" ") + if user != nil && user.Name != "" { + hb.WriteEscaped(user.Name) + } else { + hb.WriteEscaped(renderedBlogTitle) + } + hb.WriteElementClose("p") + // Tor + a.renderTorNotice(hb, rd) hb.WriteElementClose("footer") // Easter egg if rd.EasterEgg { @@ -900,52 +875,50 @@ func (a *goBlog) renderPost(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder, rd *renderData) { }, func(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder) { hb.WriteElementOpen("main", "class", "h-entry") - a.renderWithPlugins(hb, plugintypes.PostMainElementRenderType, p.pluginRenderData(), func(hb *htmlbuilder.HtmlBuilder) { - // URL (hidden just for microformats) - hb.WriteElementOpen("data", "value", a.getFullAddress(p.Path), "class", "u-url hide") - hb.WriteElementClose("data") - // Start article - hb.WriteElementOpen("article") - // Title - a.renderPostTitle(hb, p) - // Post meta - a.renderPostMeta(hb, p, rd.Blog, "post") - // Post actions - hb.WriteElementOpen("div", "class", "actions") - // Share button - a.renderShareButton(hb, p, rd.Blog) - // Translate button - a.renderTranslateButton(hb, p, rd.Blog) - // Speak button - hb.WriteElementOpen("button", "id", "speakBtn", "class", "hide", "data-speak", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(rd.Blog.Lang, "speak"), "data-stopspeak", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(rd.Blog.Lang, "stopspeak")) - hb.WriteElementClose("button") - hb.WriteElementOpen("script", "defer", "", "src", lo.If(p.TTS() != "", a.assetFileName("js/tts.js")).Else(a.assetFileName("js/speak.js"))) - hb.WriteElementClose("script") - // Close post actions + // URL (hidden just for microformats) + hb.WriteElementOpen("data", "value", a.getFullAddress(p.Path), "class", "u-url hide") + hb.WriteElementClose("data") + // Start article + hb.WriteElementOpen("article") + // Title + a.renderPostTitle(hb, p) + // Post meta + a.renderPostMeta(hb, p, rd.Blog, "post") + // Post actions + hb.WriteElementOpen("div", "class", "actions") + // Share button + a.renderShareButton(hb, p, rd.Blog) + // Translate button + a.renderTranslateButton(hb, p, rd.Blog) + // Speak button + hb.WriteElementOpen("button", "id", "speakBtn", "class", "hide", "data-speak", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(rd.Blog.Lang, "speak"), "data-stopspeak", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(rd.Blog.Lang, "stopspeak")) + hb.WriteElementClose("button") + hb.WriteElementOpen("script", "defer", "", "src", lo.If(p.TTS() != "", a.assetFileName("js/tts.js")).Else(a.assetFileName("js/speak.js"))) + hb.WriteElementClose("script") + // Close post actions + hb.WriteElementClose("div") + // TTS + if tts := p.TTS(); tts != "" { + hb.WriteElementOpen("div", "class", "p hide", "id", "tts") + hb.WriteElementOpen("audio", "controls", "", "preload", "none", "id", "tts-audio") + hb.WriteElementOpen("source", "src", tts) + hb.WriteElementClose("source") + hb.WriteElementClose("audio") hb.WriteElementClose("div") - // TTS - if tts := p.TTS(); tts != "" { - hb.WriteElementOpen("div", "class", "p hide", "id", "tts") - hb.WriteElementOpen("audio", "controls", "", "preload", "none", "id", "tts-audio") - hb.WriteElementOpen("source", "src", tts) - hb.WriteElementClose("source") - hb.WriteElementClose("audio") - hb.WriteElementClose("div") - } - // Old content warning - a.renderOldContentWarning(hb, p, rd.Blog) - // Content - a.postHtmlToWriter(hb, &postHtmlOptions{p: p}) - // External Videp - a.renderPostVideo(hb, p) - // GPS Track - a.renderPostGPX(hb, p, rd.Blog) - // Taxonomies - a.renderPostTax(hb, p, rd.Blog) - hb.WriteElementClose("article") - // Author - a.renderAuthor(hb) - }) + } + // Old content warning + a.renderOldContentWarning(hb, p, rd.Blog) + // Content + a.postHtmlToWriter(hb, &postHtmlOptions{p: p}) + // External Videp + a.renderPostVideo(hb, p) + // GPS Track + a.renderPostGPX(hb, p, rd.Blog) + // Taxonomies + a.renderPostTax(hb, p, rd.Blog) + hb.WriteElementClose("article") + // Author + a.renderAuthor(hb) hb.WriteElementClose("main") // Reactions a.renderPostReactions(hb, p) diff --git a/updateDeps.sh b/updateDeps.sh index 014a240..908e2a9 100755 --- a/updateDeps.sh +++ b/updateDeps.sh @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ github.com/cretz/bine@master github.com/tkrajina/gpxgo@master github.com/yuin/goldmark-emoji@master willnorris.com/go/microformats@main +github.com/traefik/yaegi@master " checkSkip() {