Reduce amount of middleware initializations when rebuilding router

This commit is contained in:
Jan-Lukas Else 2021-03-22 15:57:29 +01:00
parent 610113e9c9
commit c4baa47456
2 changed files with 76 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ func serve404(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
serveError(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s was not found", r.RequestURI), http.StatusNotFound)
func serveNotAllowed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
serveError(w, r, "", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
var errorCheckMediaTypes = []contenttype.MediaType{

View File

@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ var (
privateMode = false
privateModeHandler = []func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
setBlogMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
captchaHandler http.Handler
micropubRouter *chi.Mux
@ -122,6 +120,14 @@ var (
editorRouter *chi.Mux
commentsRouter *chi.Mux
searchRouter *chi.Mux
setBlogMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
sectionMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
taxonomyMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
photosMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
searchMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
customPagesMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
commentsMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
func buildStaticHandlersRouters() error {
@ -194,14 +200,59 @@ func buildStaticHandlersRouters() error {
searchRouter.Get(searchResultPath+feedPath, serveSearchResult)
searchRouter.Get(searchResultPath+paginationPath, serveSearchResult)
for blog := range appConfig.Blogs {
for blog, blogConfig := range appConfig.Blogs {
sbm := middleware.WithValue(blogContextKey, blog)
setBlogMiddlewares[blog] = sbm
blogPath := blogPath(blog)
for _, section := range blogConfig.Sections {
if section.Name != "" {
secPath := blogPath + "/" + section.Name
sectionMiddlewares[secPath] = middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{
path: secPath,
section: section,
for _, taxonomy := range blogConfig.Taxonomies {
if taxonomy.Name != "" {
taxPath := blogPath + "/" + taxonomy.Name
taxonomyMiddlewares[taxPath] = middleware.WithValue(taxonomyContextKey, taxonomy)
if blogConfig.Photos != nil && blogConfig.Photos.Enabled {
photosMiddlewares[blog] = middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{
path: blogPath + blogConfig.Photos.Path,
parameter: blogConfig.Photos.Parameter,
title: blogConfig.Photos.Title,
description: blogConfig.Photos.Description,
summaryTemplate: templatePhotosSummary,
if blogConfig.Search != nil && blogConfig.Search.Enabled {
searchMiddlewares[blog] = middleware.WithValue(pathContextKey, blogPath+blogConfig.Search.Path)
for _, cp := range blogConfig.CustomPages {
customPagesMiddlewares[cp.Path] = middleware.WithValue(customPageContextKey, cp)
if commentsConfig := blogConfig.Comments; commentsConfig != nil && commentsConfig.Enabled {
commentsMiddlewares[blog] = middleware.WithValue(pathContextKey, blogPath+"/comment")
return nil
var (
taxValueMiddlewares = map[string]func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
r := chi.NewRouter()
@ -315,15 +366,12 @@ func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
// Sections
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Use(cacheMiddleware, sbm)
for _, section := range blogConfig.Sections {
if section.Name != "" {
secPath := blogPath + "/" + section.Name
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Use(sbm, middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{
path: secPath,
section: section,
r.Get(secPath, serveIndex)
r.Get(secPath+feedPath, serveIndex)
r.Get(secPath+paginationPath, serveIndex)
@ -342,16 +390,19 @@ func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.With(sbm, middleware.WithValue(taxonomyContextKey, taxonomy)).Get(taxPath, serveTaxonomy)
r.Use(cacheMiddleware, sbm)
r.With(taxonomyMiddlewares[taxPath]).Get(taxPath, serveTaxonomy)
for _, tv := range taxValues {
vPath := taxPath + "/" + urlize(tv)
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Use(sbm, middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{
path: vPath,
tax: taxonomy,
taxValue: tv,
vPath := taxPath + "/" + urlize(tv)
if _, ok := taxValueMiddlewares[vPath]; !ok {
taxValueMiddlewares[vPath] = middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{
path: vPath,
tax: taxonomy,
taxValue: tv,
r.Get(vPath, serveIndex)
r.Get(vPath+feedPath, serveIndex)
r.Get(vPath+paginationPath, serveIndex)
@ -365,15 +416,8 @@ func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
if blogConfig.Photos != nil && blogConfig.Photos.Enabled {
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Use(cacheMiddleware, sbm, photosMiddlewares[blog])
photoPath := blogPath + blogConfig.Photos.Path
r.Use(sbm, middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{
path: photoPath,
parameter: blogConfig.Photos.Parameter,
title: blogConfig.Photos.Title,
description: blogConfig.Photos.Description,
summaryTemplate: templatePhotosSummary,
r.Get(photoPath, serveIndex)
r.Get(photoPath+feedPath, serveIndex)
r.Get(photoPath+paginationPath, serveIndex)
@ -383,7 +427,7 @@ func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
// Search
if blogConfig.Search != nil && blogConfig.Search.Enabled {
searchPath := blogPath + blogConfig.Search.Path
r.With(sbm, middleware.WithValue(pathContextKey, searchPath)).Mount(searchPath, searchRouter)
r.With(sbm, searchMiddlewares[blog]).Mount(searchPath, searchRouter)
// Stats
@ -430,7 +474,7 @@ func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
// Custom pages
for _, cp := range blogConfig.CustomPages {
scp := middleware.WithValue(customPageContextKey, cp)
scp := customPagesMiddlewares[cp.Path]
if cp.Cache {
r.With(privateModeHandler...).With(cacheMiddleware, sbm, scp).Get(cp.Path, serveCustomPage)
} else {
@ -453,7 +497,7 @@ func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
// Comments
if commentsConfig := blogConfig.Comments; commentsConfig != nil && commentsConfig.Enabled {
commentsPath := blogPath + "/comment"
r.With(sbm, middleware.WithValue(pathContextKey, commentsPath)).Mount(commentsPath, commentsRouter)
r.With(sbm, commentsMiddlewares[blog]).Mount(commentsPath, commentsRouter)
@ -470,9 +514,7 @@ func buildDynamicRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) {
// Check redirects, then serve 404
r.With(cacheMiddleware, checkRegexRedirects).NotFound(serve404)
r.MethodNotAllowed(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
serveError(rw, r, "", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
return r, nil