package main import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "net/http" "strings" ) var errRedirectNotFound = errors.New("redirect not found") func serveRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { redirect, err := getRedirect(r.Context(), slashTrimmedPath(r)) if err == errRedirectNotFound { serve404(w, r) return } else if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // Send redirect w.Header().Set("Location", redirect) render(w, templateRedirect, struct { Blog string Permalink string }{ Blog: appConfig.DefaultBlog, Permalink: redirect, }) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusFound) } func getRedirect(context context.Context, fromPath string) (string, error) { var toPath string row := appDb.QueryRowContext(context, "with recursive f (i, fp, tp) as (select 1, fromPath, toPath from redirects where fromPath = ? union all select f.i + 1, r.fromPath, r.toPath from redirects as r join f on = r.fromPath) select tp from f order by i desc limit 1", fromPath) err := row.Scan(&toPath) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return "", errRedirectNotFound } else if err != nil { return "", err } return toPath, nil } func allRedirectPaths() ([]string, error) { var redirectPaths []string rows, err := appDb.Query("select fromPath from redirects") if err != nil { return nil, err } for rows.Next() { var path string _ = rows.Scan(&path) redirectPaths = append(redirectPaths, path) } return redirectPaths, nil } func createOrReplaceRedirect(from, to string) error { if from == "" || to == "" { return errors.New("empty path") } if from == to { // Don't need a redirect return nil } from = strings.TrimSuffix(from, "/") startWritingToDb() tx, err := appDb.Begin() if err != nil { finishWritingToDb() return err } _, err = tx.Exec("insert or replace into redirects (fromPath, toPath) values (?, ?)", from, to) if err != nil { _ = tx.Rollback() finishWritingToDb() return err } err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { finishWritingToDb() return err } finishWritingToDb() return reloadRouter() }