package main import ( "crypto/x509" "database/sql" "encoding/json" "encoding/pem" "errors" "fmt" "io" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) func (a *goBlog) initActivityPub() error { if !a.cfg.ActivityPub.Enabled { return nil } // Add hooks a.pPostHooks = append(a.pPostHooks, func(p *post) { if p.isPublishedSectionPost() { a.apPost(p) } }) a.pUpdateHooks = append(a.pUpdateHooks, func(p *post) { if p.isPublishedSectionPost() { a.apUpdate(p) } }) a.pDeleteHooks = append(a.pDeleteHooks, func(p *post) { a.apDelete(p) }) // Prepare webfinger a.webfingerResources = map[string]*configBlog{} a.webfingerAccts = map[string]string{} for name, blog := range a.cfg.Blogs { acct := "acct:" + name + "@" + a.cfg.Server.publicHostname a.webfingerResources[acct] = blog a.webfingerResources[a.apIri(blog)] = blog a.webfingerAccts[a.apIri(blog)] = acct } // Read key and prepare signing pkfile, err := os.ReadFile(a.cfg.ActivityPub.KeyPath) if err != nil { return err } privateKeyDecoded, _ := pem.Decode(pkfile) if privateKeyDecoded == nil { return errors.New("failed to decode private key") } a.apPrivateKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(privateKeyDecoded.Bytes) if err != nil { return err } a.apPostSigner, _, err = httpsig.NewSigner( []httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256}, httpsig.DigestSha256, []string{httpsig.RequestTarget, "date", "host", "digest"}, httpsig.Signature, 0, ) if err != nil { return err } // Init send queue a.initAPSendQueue() return nil } func (a *goBlog) apHandleWebfinger(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { blog, ok := a.webfingerResources[r.URL.Query().Get("resource")] if !ok { a.serveError(w, r, "Resource not found", http.StatusNotFound) return } b, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{ "subject": a.webfingerAccts[a.apIri(blog)], "aliases": []string{ a.webfingerAccts[a.apIri(blog)], a.apIri(blog), }, "links": []map[string]string{ { "rel": "self", "type": contentTypeAS, "href": a.apIri(blog), }, { "rel": "", "type": "text/html", "href": a.apIri(blog), }, }, }) w.Header().Set(contentType, "application/jrd+json"+charsetUtf8Suffix) _, _ = writeMinified(w, contentTypeJSON, b) } func (a *goBlog) apHandleInbox(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { blogName := chi.URLParam(r, "blog") blog := a.cfg.Blogs[blogName] if blog == nil { a.serveError(w, r, "Inbox not found", http.StatusNotFound) return } blogIri := a.apIri(blog) // Verify request requestActor, requestKey, requestActorStatus, err := apVerifySignature(r) if err != nil { // Send 401 because signature could not be verified a.serveError(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized) return } if requestActorStatus != 0 { if requestActorStatus == http.StatusGone || requestActorStatus == http.StatusNotFound { u, err := url.Parse(requestKey) if err == nil { u.Fragment = "" u.RawFragment = "" _ = a.db.apRemoveFollower(blogName, u.String()) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) return } } a.serveError(w, r, "Error when trying to get request actor", http.StatusBadRequest) return } // Parse activity activity := map[string]interface{}{} err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&activity) _ = r.Body.Close() if err != nil { a.serveError(w, r, "Failed to decode body", http.StatusBadRequest) return } // Get and check activity actor activityActor, ok := activity["actor"].(string) if !ok { a.serveError(w, r, "actor in activity is no string", http.StatusBadRequest) return } if activityActor != requestActor.ID { a.serveError(w, r, "Request actor isn't activity actor", http.StatusForbidden) return } // Do switch activity["type"] { case "Follow": a.apAccept(blogName, blog, activity) case "Undo": { if object, ok := activity["object"].(map[string]interface{}); ok { if objectType, ok := object["type"].(string); ok && objectType == "Follow" { if iri, ok := object["actor"].(string); ok && iri == activityActor { _ = a.db.apRemoveFollower(blogName, activityActor) } } } } case "Create": { if object, ok := activity["object"].(map[string]interface{}); ok { inReplyTo := cast.ToString(object["inReplyTo"]) objectId := cast.ToString(object["id"]) objectUrl := cast.ToString(object["url"]) baseUrl := objectId if objectUrl != "" { baseUrl = objectUrl } if inReplyTo != "" && objectId != "" && strings.Contains(inReplyTo, blogIri) { // It's an ActivityPub reply; save reply as webmention _ = a.createWebmention(baseUrl, inReplyTo) } else if content, hasContent := object["content"].(string); hasContent && objectId != "" { // May be a mention; find links to blog and save them as webmentions if links, err := allLinksFromHTMLString(content, baseUrl); err == nil { for _, link := range links { if strings.Contains(link, blogIri) { _ = a.createWebmention(baseUrl, link) } } } } } } case "Delete": case "Block": { if object, ok := activity["object"].(string); ok && len(object) > 0 && object == activityActor { _ = a.db.apRemoveFollower(blogName, activityActor) } } case "Like": { likeObject, likeObjectOk := activity["object"].(string) if likeObjectOk && len(likeObject) > 0 && strings.Contains(likeObject, blogIri) { a.sendNotification(fmt.Sprintf("%s liked %s", activityActor, likeObject)) } } case "Announce": { announceObject, announceObjectOk := activity["object"].(string) if announceObjectOk && len(announceObject) > 0 && strings.Contains(announceObject, blogIri) { a.sendNotification(fmt.Sprintf("%s announced %s", activityActor, announceObject)) } } } // Return 200 w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) } func apVerifySignature(r *http.Request) (*asPerson, string, int, error) { verifier, err := httpsig.NewVerifier(r) if err != nil { // Error with signature header etc. return nil, "", 0, err } keyID := verifier.KeyId() actor, statusCode, err := apGetRemoteActor(keyID) if err != nil || actor == nil || statusCode != 0 { // Actor not found or something else bad return nil, keyID, statusCode, err } if actor.PublicKey == nil || actor.PublicKey.PublicKeyPem == "" { return nil, keyID, 0, errors.New("Actor has no public key") } block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(actor.PublicKey.PublicKeyPem)) if block == nil { return nil, keyID, 0, errors.New("Public key invalid") } pubKey, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes) if err != nil { // Unable to parse public key return nil, keyID, 0, err } return actor, keyID, 0, verifier.Verify(pubKey, httpsig.RSA_SHA256) } func handleWellKnownHostMeta(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set(contentType, "application/xrd+xml"+charsetUtf8Suffix) _, _ = w.Write([]byte(``)) } func apGetRemoteActor(iri string) (*asPerson, int, error) { req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, iri, nil) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } req.Header.Set("Accept", contentTypeAS) req.Header.Set(userAgent, appUserAgent) resp, err := appHttpClient.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } defer resp.Body.Close() if !apRequestIsSuccess(resp.StatusCode) { _, _ = io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body) return nil, resp.StatusCode, nil } actor := &asPerson{} err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(actor) if err != nil { _, _ = io.Copy(io.Discard, resp.Body) return nil, 0, err } return actor, 0, nil } func (db *database) apGetAllInboxes(blog string) ([]string, error) { rows, err := db.query("select distinct inbox from activitypub_followers where blog = @blog", sql.Named("blog", blog)) if err != nil { return nil, err } inboxes := []string{} for rows.Next() { var inbox string err = rows.Scan(&inbox) if err != nil { return nil, err } inboxes = append(inboxes, inbox) } return inboxes, nil } func (db *database) apAddFollower(blog, follower, inbox string) error { _, err := db.exec("insert or replace into activitypub_followers (blog, follower, inbox) values (@blog, @follower, @inbox)", sql.Named("blog", blog), sql.Named("follower", follower), sql.Named("inbox", inbox)) return err } func (db *database) apRemoveFollower(blog, follower string) error { _, err := db.exec("delete from activitypub_followers where blog = @blog and follower = @follower", sql.Named("blog", blog), sql.Named("follower", follower)) return err } func (db *database) apRemoveInbox(inbox string) error { _, err := db.exec("delete from activitypub_followers where inbox = @inbox", sql.Named("inbox", inbox)) return err } func (a *goBlog) apPost(p *post) { n := a.toASNote(p) a.apSendToAllFollowers(p.Blog, map[string]interface{}{ "@context": asContext, "actor": a.apIri(a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog]), "id": a.fullPostURL(p), "published": n.Published, "type": "Create", "object": n, }) if n.InReplyTo != "" { // Is reply, so announce it time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) a.apAnnounce(p) } } func (a *goBlog) apUpdate(p *post) { a.apSendToAllFollowers(p.Blog, map[string]interface{}{ "@context": asContext, "actor": a.apIri(a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog]), "id": a.fullPostURL(p), "published": time.Now().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00"), "type": "Update", "object": a.toASNote(p), }) } func (a *goBlog) apAnnounce(p *post) { a.apSendToAllFollowers(p.Blog, map[string]interface{}{ "@context": asContext, "actor": a.apIri(a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog]), "id": a.fullPostURL(p) + "#announce", "published": a.toASNote(p).Published, "type": "Announce", "object": a.fullPostURL(p), }) } func (a *goBlog) apDelete(p *post) { a.apSendToAllFollowers(p.Blog, map[string]interface{}{ "@context": asContext, "actor": a.apIri(a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog]), "id": a.fullPostURL(p) + "#delete", "type": "Delete", "object": map[string]string{ "id": a.fullPostURL(p), "type": "Tombstone", }, }) } func (a *goBlog) apAccept(blogName string, blog *configBlog, follow map[string]interface{}) { // it's a follow, write it down newFollower := follow["actor"].(string) log.Println("New follow request:", newFollower) // check we aren't following ourselves if newFollower == follow["object"] { // actor and object are equal return } follower, status, err := apGetRemoteActor(newFollower) if err != nil || status != 0 { // Couldn't retrieve remote actor info log.Println("Failed to retrieve remote actor info:", newFollower) return } // Add or update follower inbox := follower.Inbox if endpoints := follower.Endpoints; endpoints != nil && endpoints.SharedInbox != "" { inbox = endpoints.SharedInbox } if err = a.db.apAddFollower(blogName, follower.ID, inbox); err != nil { return } // remove @context from the inner activity delete(follow, "@context") accept := map[string]interface{}{ "@context": asContext, "to": follow["actor"], "actor": a.apIri(blog), "object": follow, "type": "Accept", } _, accept["id"] = a.apNewID(blog) _ = a.db.apQueueSendSigned(a.apIri(blog), follower.Inbox, accept) } func (a *goBlog) apSendToAllFollowers(blog string, activity interface{}) { inboxes, err := a.db.apGetAllInboxes(blog) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to retrieve inboxes:", err.Error()) return } a.db.apSendTo(a.apIri(a.cfg.Blogs[blog]), activity, inboxes) } func (db *database) apSendTo(blogIri string, activity interface{}, inboxes []string) { for _, i := range inboxes { go func(inbox string) { _ = db.apQueueSendSigned(blogIri, inbox, activity) }(i) } } func (a *goBlog) apNewID(blog *configBlog) (hash string, url string) { return hash, a.apIri(blog) + generateRandomString(16) } func (a *goBlog) apIri(b *configBlog) string { return a.getFullAddress(b.getRelativePath("")) } func apRequestIsSuccess(code int) bool { return code == http.StatusOK || code == http.StatusCreated || code == http.StatusAccepted || code == http.StatusNoContent }