package plugins import ( "fmt" "reflect" "" ) // NewPluginHost initializes a PluginHost. func NewPluginHost(symbols interp.Exports) *PluginHost { return &PluginHost{ Plugins: []*plugin{}, PluginTypes: map[string]reflect.Type{}, Symbols: symbols, } } // AddPluginType adds a plugin type to the list. // The interface for the pluginType parameter should be a nil of the plugin type interface: // // (*PluginInterface)(nil) func (h *PluginHost) AddPluginType(name string, pluginType interface{}) { h.PluginTypes[name] = reflect.TypeOf(pluginType).Elem() } // LoadPlugin loads a new plugin to the host. func (h *PluginHost) LoadPlugin(config *PluginConfig) (any, error) { p := &plugin{ Config: config, } err := p.initPlugin(h) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = h.validatePlugin(p) if err != nil { return nil, err } h.Plugins = append(h.Plugins, p) return p.plugin.Interface(), nil } func (h *PluginHost) validatePlugin(p *plugin) error { pType := reflect.TypeOf(p.plugin.Interface()) if _, ok := h.PluginTypes[p.Config.PluginType]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("validatePlugin: %v: %w", p.Config.PluginType, ErrInvalidType) } if !pType.Implements(h.PluginTypes[p.Config.PluginType]) { return fmt.Errorf("validatePlugin:%v: %w %v", p, ErrValidatingPlugin, p.Config.PluginType) } return nil } // GetPlugins returns a list of all plugins. func (h *PluginHost) GetPlugins() (list []any) { for _, p := range h.Plugins { list = append(list, p.plugin.Interface()) } return } // GetPluginsForType returns all the plugins that are of type pluginType or empty if the pluginType doesn't exist. func GetPluginsForType[T any](h *PluginHost, pluginType string) (list []T) { if _, ok := h.PluginTypes[pluginType]; !ok { return } for _, p := range h.Plugins { if p.Config.PluginType != pluginType { continue } if t, ok := p.plugin.Interface().(T); ok { list = append(list, t) } } return }