package main import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/base64" "errors" "html" "io" "log" "net/url" "path" "strings" "" ) const ttsParameter = "tts" func (a *goBlog) initTTS() { if !a.ttsEnabled() { return } createOrUpdate := func(p *post) { // Automatically create audio for published section posts only if !p.isPublishedSectionPost() { return } // Check if there is already a tts audio file if p.firstParameter(ttsParameter) != "" { return } // Create TTS audio err := a.createPostTTSAudio(p) if err != nil { log.Printf("create post audio for %s failed: %v", p.Path, err) } } a.pPostHooks = append(a.pPostHooks, createOrUpdate) a.pUpdateHooks = append(a.pUpdateHooks, createOrUpdate) a.pUndeleteHooks = append(a.pUndeleteHooks, createOrUpdate) a.pDeleteHooks = append(a.pDeleteHooks, func(p *post) { // Try to delete the audio file _ = a.deletePostTTSAudio(p) }) } func (a *goBlog) ttsEnabled() bool { tts := a.cfg.TTS // Requires media storage as well return tts != nil && tts.Enabled && tts.GoogleAPIKey != "" && a.mediaStorageEnabled() } func (a *goBlog) createPostTTSAudio(p *post) error { // Get required values lang := a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog].Lang if lang == "" { lang = "en" } // Build SSML var ssml strings.Builder ssml.WriteString("") ssml.WriteString(html.EscapeString(a.renderMdTitle(p.Title()))) ssml.WriteString("") ssml.WriteString(html.EscapeString(cleanHTMLText(string(a.postHtml(p, false))))) ssml.WriteString("") // Generate audio var audioBuffer bytes.Buffer err := a.createTTSAudio(lang, ssml.String(), &audioBuffer) if err != nil { return err } // Save audio audioReader := bytes.NewReader(audioBuffer.Bytes()) fileHash, err := getSHA256(audioReader) if err != nil { return err } loc, err := a.saveMediaFile(fileHash+".mp3", audioReader) if err != nil { return err } if loc == "" { return errors.New("no media location for tts audio") } if old := p.firstParameter(ttsParameter); old != "" && old != loc { // Already has tts audio, but with different location // Try to delete the old audio file _ = a.deletePostTTSAudio(p) } // Set post parameter err = a.db.replacePostParam(p.Path, ttsParameter, []string{loc}) if err != nil { return err } // Purge cache a.cache.purge() return nil } // Tries to delete the tts audio file, but doesn't remove the post parameter func (a *goBlog) deletePostTTSAudio(p *post) bool { // Check if post has tts audio audio := p.firstParameter(ttsParameter) if audio == "" { return false } // Get filename and check if file is from the configured media storage fileUrl, err := url.Parse(audio) if err != nil { // Failed to parse audio url log.Println("failed to parse audio url:", err) return false } fileName := path.Base(fileUrl.Path) if a.getFullAddress(a.mediaFileLocation(fileName)) != audio { // File is not from the configured media storage return false } // Try to delete the audio file err = a.deleteMediaFile(fileName) if err != nil { log.Println("failed to delete audio file:", err) return false } return true } func (a *goBlog) createTTSAudio(lang, ssml string, w io.Writer) error { // Check if Google Cloud TTS is enabled gctts := a.cfg.TTS if !gctts.Enabled || gctts.GoogleAPIKey == "" { return errors.New("missing config for Google Cloud TTS") } // Check parameters if lang == "" { return errors.New("language not provided") } if ssml == "" { return errors.New("empty text") } if w == nil { return errors.New("writer not provided") } // Check max length // TODO: Support longer texts by splitting into multiple requests // if len(ssml) > 5000 { // return errors.New("text is too long") // } // Create request body body := map[string]interface{}{ "audioConfig": map[string]interface{}{ "audioEncoding": "MP3", }, "input": map[string]interface{}{ "ssml": ssml, }, "voice": map[string]interface{}{ "languageCode": lang, }, } // Do request var response map[string]interface{} err := requests. URL(""). Param("key", gctts.GoogleAPIKey). Client(a.httpClient). UserAgent(appUserAgent). Post(). BodyJSON(body). ToJSON(&response). Fetch(context.Background()) if err != nil { return errors.New("tts request failed: " + err.Error()) } // Decode response if encoded, ok := response["audioContent"]; ok { if encodedStr, ok := encoded.(string); ok { if audio, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedStr); err == nil { _, err := w.Write(audio) return err } else { return err } } } return errors.New("no audio content") }