package main import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "text/template" "time" "" "" ) func (a *goBlog) checkPost(p *post) (err error) { if p == nil { return errors.New("no post") } now := time.Now() // Fix content p.Content = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(p.Content, "\n"), "\n") // Fix date strings if p.Published != "" { p.Published, err = toLocal(p.Published) if err != nil { return err } } if p.Updated != "" { p.Updated, err = toLocal(p.Updated) if err != nil { return err } } // Check status if p.Status == "" { p.Status = statusPublished } // Cleanup params for key, value := range p.Parameters { if value == nil { delete(p.Parameters, key) continue } allValues := []string{} for _, v := range value { if v != "" { allValues = append(allValues, v) } } if len(allValues) >= 1 { p.Parameters[key] = allValues } else { delete(p.Parameters, key) } } // Check blog if p.Blog == "" { p.Blog = a.cfg.DefaultBlog } if _, ok := a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog]; !ok { return errors.New("blog doesn't exist") } // Check if section exists if _, ok := a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog].Sections[p.Section]; p.Section != "" && !ok { return errors.New("section doesn't exist") } // Check path if p.Path != "/" { p.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(p.Path, "/") } if p.Path == "" { if p.Section == "" { p.Section = a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog].DefaultSection } if p.Slug == "" { random := generateRandomString(5) p.Slug = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%02d-%02d-%v", now.Year(), int(now.Month()), now.Day(), random) } published := timeNoErr(dateparse.ParseLocal(p.Published)) pathTmplString := defaultIfEmpty( a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog].Sections[p.Section].PathTemplate, "{{printf \""+a.getRelativePath(p.Blog, "/%v/%02d/%02d/%v")+"\" .Section .Year .Month .Slug}}", ) pathTmpl, err := template.New("location").Parse(pathTmplString) if err != nil { return errors.New("failed to parse location template") } var pathBuffer bytes.Buffer err = pathTmpl.Execute(&pathBuffer, map[string]interface{}{ "BlogPath": a.getRelativePath(p.Blog, ""), "Year": published.Year(), "Month": int(published.Month()), "Day": published.Day(), "Slug": p.Slug, "Section": p.Section, }) if err != nil { return errors.New("failed to execute location template") } p.Path = pathBuffer.String() } if p.Path != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(p.Path, "/") { return errors.New("wrong path") } return nil } func (a *goBlog) createPost(p *post) error { return a.createOrReplacePost(p, &postCreationOptions{new: true}) } func (a *goBlog) replacePost(p *post, oldPath string, oldStatus postStatus) error { return a.createOrReplacePost(p, &postCreationOptions{new: false, oldPath: oldPath, oldStatus: oldStatus}) } type postCreationOptions struct { new bool oldPath string oldStatus postStatus } func (a *goBlog) createOrReplacePost(p *post, o *postCreationOptions) error { // Check post if err := a.checkPost(p); err != nil { return err } // Save to db if err := a.db.savePost(p, o); err != nil { return err } // Trigger hooks if p.Status == statusPublished || p.Status == statusUnlisted { if || (o.oldStatus != statusPublished && o.oldStatus != statusUnlisted) { defer a.postPostHooks(p) } else { defer a.postUpdateHooks(p) } } // Purge cache a.cache.purge() return nil } // Save check post to database func (db *database) savePost(p *post, o *postCreationOptions) error { // Check if ! && o.oldPath == "" { return errors.New("old path required") } // Lock post creation db.pcm.Lock() defer db.pcm.Unlock() // Build SQL var sqlBuilder strings.Builder var sqlArgs = []interface{}{dbNoCache} // Start transaction sqlBuilder.WriteString("begin;") // Delete old post if ! { sqlBuilder.WriteString("delete from posts where path = ?;delete from post_parameters where path = ?;") sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, o.oldPath, o.oldPath) } // Insert new post sqlBuilder.WriteString("insert into posts (path, content, published, updated, blog, section, status, priority) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);") sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, p.Path, p.Content, toUTCSafe(p.Published), toUTCSafe(p.Updated), p.Blog, p.Section, p.Status, p.Priority) // Insert post parameters for param, value := range p.Parameters { for _, value := range value { if value != "" { sqlBuilder.WriteString("insert into post_parameters (path, parameter, value) values (?, ?, ?);") sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, p.Path, param, value) } } } // Commit transaction sqlBuilder.WriteString("commit;") // Execute if _, err := db.exec(sqlBuilder.String(), sqlArgs...); err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "UNIQUE constraint failed: posts.path") { return errors.New("post already exists at given path") } return err } // Update FTS index db.rebuildFTSIndex() return nil } func (a *goBlog) deletePost(path string) error { p, err := a.db.deletePost(path) if err != nil || p == nil { return err } // Purge cache a.cache.purge() // Trigger hooks a.postDeleteHooks(p) return nil } func (db *database) deletePost(path string) (*post, error) { if path == "" { return nil, nil } db.pcm.Lock() defer db.pcm.Unlock() p, err := db.getPost(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = db.exec( `begin; delete from posts where path = ?; delete from post_parameters where path = ?; insert or ignore into deleted (path) values (?); commit;`, dbNoCache, p.Path, p.Path, p.Path, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } db.rebuildFTSIndex() return p, nil } type postsRequestConfig struct { search string blog string path string limit int offset int sections []string status postStatus taxonomy *configTaxonomy taxonomyValue string parameter string parameterValue string publishedYear, publishedMonth, publishedDay int randomOrder bool priorityOrder bool withoutParameters bool withOnlyParameters []string } func buildPostsQuery(c *postsRequestConfig, selection string) (query string, args []interface{}) { var queryBuilder strings.Builder // Selection queryBuilder.WriteString("select ") queryBuilder.WriteString(selection) queryBuilder.WriteString(" from ") // Table if != "" { queryBuilder.WriteString("posts_fts(@search)") args = append(args, sql.Named("search", } else { queryBuilder.WriteString("posts") } // Filter queryBuilder.WriteString(" where 1") if c.path != "" { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and path = @path") args = append(args, sql.Named("path", c.path)) } if c.status != "" && c.status != statusNil { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and status = @status") args = append(args, sql.Named("status", c.status)) } if != "" { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and blog = @blog") args = append(args, sql.Named("blog", } if c.parameter != "" { if c.parameterValue != "" { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and path in (select path from post_parameters where parameter = @param and value = @paramval)") args = append(args, sql.Named("param", c.parameter), sql.Named("paramval", c.parameterValue)) } else { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and path in (select path from post_parameters where parameter = @param and length(coalesce(value, '')) > 0)") args = append(args, sql.Named("param", c.parameter)) } } if c.taxonomy != nil && len(c.taxonomyValue) > 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and path in (select path from post_parameters where parameter = @taxname and lower(value) = lower(@taxval))") args = append(args, sql.Named("taxname", c.taxonomy.Name), sql.Named("taxval", c.taxonomyValue)) } if len(c.sections) > 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and section in (") for i, section := range c.sections { if i > 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(", ") } named := "section" + strconv.Itoa(i) queryBuilder.WriteByte('@') queryBuilder.WriteString(named) args = append(args, sql.Named(named, section)) } queryBuilder.WriteByte(')') } if c.publishedYear != 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and substr(tolocal(published), 1, 4) = @publishedyear") args = append(args, sql.Named("publishedyear", fmt.Sprintf("%0004d", c.publishedYear))) } if c.publishedMonth != 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and substr(tolocal(published), 6, 2) = @publishedmonth") args = append(args, sql.Named("publishedmonth", fmt.Sprintf("%02d", c.publishedMonth))) } if c.publishedDay != 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and substr(tolocal(published), 9, 2) = @publishedday") args = append(args, sql.Named("publishedday", fmt.Sprintf("%02d", c.publishedDay))) } // Order queryBuilder.WriteString(" order by ") if c.randomOrder { queryBuilder.WriteString("random()") } else if c.priorityOrder { queryBuilder.WriteString("priority desc, published desc") } else { queryBuilder.WriteString("published desc") } // Limit & Offset if c.limit != 0 || c.offset != 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(" limit @limit offset @offset") args = append(args, sql.Named("limit", c.limit), sql.Named("offset", c.offset)) } return queryBuilder.String(), args } func (d *database) loadPostParameters(posts []*post, parameters ...string) (err error) { if len(posts) == 0 { return nil } // Build query var sqlArgs []interface{} var queryBuilder strings.Builder queryBuilder.WriteString("select path, parameter, value from post_parameters where") // Paths queryBuilder.WriteString(" path in (") for i, p := range posts { if i > 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(", ") } named := "path" + strconv.Itoa(i) queryBuilder.WriteByte('@') queryBuilder.WriteString(named) sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, sql.Named(named, p.Path)) } queryBuilder.WriteByte(')') // Parameters if len(parameters) > 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(" and parameter in (") for i, p := range parameters { if i > 0 { queryBuilder.WriteString(", ") } named := "param" + strconv.Itoa(i) queryBuilder.WriteByte('@') queryBuilder.WriteString(named) sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, sql.Named(named, p)) } queryBuilder.WriteByte(')') } // Order queryBuilder.WriteString(" order by id") // Query rows, err := d.query(queryBuilder.String(), sqlArgs...) if err != nil { return err } // Result var path, name, value string params := map[string]map[string][]string{} for rows.Next() { if err = rows.Scan(&path, &name, &value); err != nil { return err } m, ok := params[path] if !ok { m = map[string][]string{} } m[name] = append(m[name], value) params[path] = m } // Add to posts for _, p := range posts { p.Parameters = params[p.Path] } return nil } func (d *database) getPosts(config *postsRequestConfig) (posts []*post, err error) { // Query posts query, queryParams := buildPostsQuery(config, "path, coalesce(content, ''), coalesce(published, ''), coalesce(updated, ''), blog, coalesce(section, ''), status, priority") rows, err := d.query(query, queryParams...) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Prepare row scanning var path, content, published, updated, blog, section, status string var priority int for rows.Next() { if err = rows.Scan(&path, &content, &published, &updated, &blog, §ion, &status, &priority); err != nil { return nil, err } // Create new post, fill and add to list p := &post{ Path: path, Content: content, Published: toLocalSafe(published), Updated: toLocalSafe(updated), Blog: blog, Section: section, Status: postStatus(status), Priority: priority, } posts = append(posts, p) } if !config.withoutParameters { err = d.loadPostParameters(posts, config.withOnlyParameters...) if err != nil { return nil, err } } return posts, nil } func (d *database) getPost(path string) (*post, error) { posts, err := d.getPosts(&postsRequestConfig{path: path, limit: 1}) if err != nil { return nil, err } else if len(posts) == 0 { return nil, errPostNotFound } return posts[0], nil } func (d *database) countPosts(config *postsRequestConfig) (count int, err error) { query, params := buildPostsQuery(config, "path") row, err := d.queryRow("select count(distinct path) from ("+query+")", params...) if err != nil { return } err = row.Scan(&count) return } func (d *database) getPostPaths(status postStatus) ([]string, error) { var postPaths []string rows, err := d.query("select path from posts where status = @status", sql.Named("status", status)) if err != nil { return nil, err } var path string for rows.Next() { _ = rows.Scan(&path) if path != "" { postPaths = append(postPaths, path) } } return postPaths, nil } func (a *goBlog) getRandomPostPath(blog string) (path string, err error) { sections, ok := funk.Keys(a.cfg.Blogs[blog].Sections).([]string) if !ok { return "", errors.New("no sections") } query, params := buildPostsQuery(&postsRequestConfig{randomOrder: true, limit: 1, blog: blog, sections: sections}, "path") row, err := a.db.queryRow(query, params...) if err != nil { return } err = row.Scan(&path) if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { return "", errPostNotFound } else if err != nil { return "", err } return path, nil } func (d *database) allTaxonomyValues(blog string, taxonomy string) ([]string, error) { var values []string rows, err := d.query("select distinct value from post_parameters where parameter = @tax and length(coalesce(value, '')) > 0 and path in (select path from posts where blog = @blog and status = @status) order by value", sql.Named("tax", taxonomy), sql.Named("blog", blog), sql.Named("status", statusPublished)) if err != nil { return nil, err } var value string for rows.Next() { if err = rows.Scan(&value); err != nil { return nil, err } values = append(values, value) } return values, nil } const mediaUseSql = ` with mediafiles (name) as (values %s) select name, count(path) as count from ( select distinct, p.path from mediafiles m, post_parameters p where instr(p.value, > 0 union select distinct, p.path from mediafiles m, posts_fts p where p.content match '"' || || '"' ) group by name; ` func (db *database) usesOfMediaFile(names ...string) (counts map[string]int, err error) { sqlArgs := []interface{}{dbNoCache} var nameValues strings.Builder for i, n := range names { if i > 0 { nameValues.WriteString(", ") } named := "name" + strconv.Itoa(i) nameValues.WriteString("(@") nameValues.WriteString(named) nameValues.WriteByte(')') sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, sql.Named(named, n)) } rows, err := db.query(fmt.Sprintf(mediaUseSql, nameValues.String()), sqlArgs...) if err != nil { return nil, err } counts = map[string]int{} var name string var count int for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(&name, &count) if err != nil { return nil, err } counts[name] = count } return counts, nil }