package aitldr import ( "context" "log" "net/http" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" ) type plugin struct { app plugintypes.App config map[string]any initCSS sync.Once } func GetPlugin() ( plugintypes.SetConfig, plugintypes.SetApp, plugintypes.PostCreatedHook, plugintypes.PostUpdatedHook, plugintypes.UIPost, plugintypes.UI2, ) { p := &plugin{} return p, p, p, p, p, p } func (p *plugin) SetApp(app plugintypes.App) { = app } func (p *plugin) SetConfig(config map[string]any) { p.config = config } func (p *plugin) PostCreated(post plugintypes.Post) { p.summarize(post) } func (p *plugin) PostUpdated(post plugintypes.Post) { p.summarize(post) } const postParam = "aitldr" func (p *plugin) RenderPost(renderContext plugintypes.RenderContext, post plugintypes.Post, doc *goquery.Document) { tldr := post.GetFirstParameterValue(postParam) if tldr == "" { return } title := "AI generated summary:" if blogConfig, ok := p.config[renderContext.GetBlog()]; ok { if blogConfigAsMap, ok := blogConfig.(map[string]any); ok { if blogSpecificTitle, ok := blogConfigAsMap["title"]; ok { if blogSpecificTitleAsString, ok := blogSpecificTitle.(string); ok { title = blogSpecificTitleAsString } } } } buf := bufferpool.Get() defer bufferpool.Put(buf) hw := htmlbuilder.NewHtmlBuilder(buf) hw.WriteElementOpen("div", "class", "p aitldr") hw.WriteElementOpen("b") hw.WriteEscaped(title) hw.WriteElementClose("b") hw.WriteEscaped(" ") hw.WriteElementOpen("i") hw.WriteEscaped(tldr) hw.WriteElementsClose("i", "div") doc.Find(".e-content").BeforeHtml(buf.String()) } const customCSS = ".aitldr { border: 1px dashed; padding: 1em; }" func (p *plugin) RenderWithDocument(_ plugintypes.RenderContext, doc *goquery.Document) { if == nil { return } // Init custom CSS for plugin p.initCSS.Do(func() { _ ="aitldr.css", strings.NewReader(customCSS)) }) // Check if page has AI TLDR, then add the custom CSS doc.Find(".aitldr").First().Each(func(_ int, _ *goquery.Selection) { buf := bufferpool.Get() defer bufferpool.Put(buf) hb := htmlbuilder.NewHtmlBuilder(buf) hb.WriteElementOpen("link", "rel", "stylesheet", "href","aitldr.css")) doc.Find("head").AppendHtml(buf.String()) }) } type apiMessage struct { Role string `json:"role"` Content string `json:"content"` } type apiResponse struct { Choices []struct { Message apiMessage `json:"message"` } `json:"choices"` } func (p *plugin) summarize(post plugintypes.Post) { if post.GetFirstParameterValue("noaitldr") == "true" { log.Println("aitldr: Skip summarizing", post.GetPath()) return } apikey := "" if k, ok := p.config["apikey"]; ok { if ks, ok := k.(string); ok { apikey = ks } } if apikey == "" { log.Println("Config for aitldr plugin not correct! apikey missing!") return } var response apiResponse err := requests.URL(""). Method(http.MethodPost). Header("Authorization", "Bearer "+apikey). BodyJSON(map[string]any{ "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 200, "messages": []apiMessage{ { Role: "user", Content: p.createPrompt(post), }, }, }). ToJSON(&response). Fetch(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Println("aitldr plugin:", err.Error()) return } if len(response.Choices) < 1 { return } summary := response.Choices[0].Message.Content summary = strings.TrimSpace(summary) err =, postParam, []string{summary}) if err != nil { log.Println("aitldr plugin:", err.Error()) return } } func (p *plugin) createPrompt(post plugintypes.Post) string { lang := "en" if blog, ok :=; ok { if blogLang := blog.GetLanguage(); lang != "" { lang = blogLang } } prompt := "Summarize the content of following text in one sentence in the language \"" + lang + "\". Answer with just the summary.\n\n\n" if title, err :=; err == nil && title != "" { prompt += title + "\n\n" } else if err != nil { log.Println("aitldr plugin: Rendering markdown as text failed:", err.Error()) } if text, err :=; err == nil && text != "" { prompt += text + "\n\n" } else if err != nil { log.Println("aitldr plugin: Rendering markdown as text failed:", err.Error()) } return prompt }