package main import ( "fmt" "html/template" "strings" ) // This file includes some functions that render parts of the HTML type htmlBuilder struct { strings.Builder } func (h *htmlBuilder) write(s string) { _, _ = h.WriteString(s) } func (h *htmlBuilder) writeEscaped(s string) { if len(s) == 0 { return } template.HTMLEscape(h, []byte(s)) } func (h *htmlBuilder) writeAttribute(attr, val string) { h.write(` `) h.write(attr) h.write(`="`) h.writeEscaped(val) h.write(`"`) } func (h *htmlBuilder) writeElementOpen(tag string, attrs ...string) { h.write(`<`) h.write(tag) for i := 0; i < len(attrs); i += 2 { h.writeAttribute(attrs[i], attrs[i+1]) } h.write(`>`) } func (h *htmlBuilder) writeElementClose(tag string) { h.write(``) } func (h *htmlBuilder) html() template.HTML { return template.HTML(h.String()) } // Render the HTML for the editor preview func (a *goBlog) renderEditorPreview(hb *htmlBuilder, bc *configBlog, p *post) { if p.RenderedTitle != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("h1") hb.writeEscaped(p.RenderedTitle) hb.writeElementClose("h1") } a.renderPostMeta(hb, p, bc, "preview") if p.Content != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.write(string(a.postHtml(p, true))) hb.writeElementClose("div") } a.renderPostTax(hb, p, bc) } // Render the HTML to show the list of post taxonomy values (tags, series, etc.) func (a *goBlog) renderPostTax(hb *htmlBuilder, p *post, b *configBlog) { if b == nil || p == nil { return } // Iterate over all taxonomies for _, tax := range b.Taxonomies { // Get all sorted taxonomy values for this post if taxValues := sortedStrings(p.Parameters[tax.Name]); len(taxValues) > 0 { // Start new paragraph hb.writeElementOpen("p") // Add taxonomy name hb.writeElementOpen("strong") hb.writeEscaped(a.renderMdTitle(tax.Title)) hb.writeElementClose("strong") hb.write(": ") // Add taxonomy values for i, taxValue := range taxValues { if i > 0 { hb.write(", ") } hb.writeElementOpen( "a", "class", "p-category", "rel", "tag", "href", b.getRelativePath(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", tax.Name, urlize(taxValue))), ) hb.writeEscaped(a.renderMdTitle(taxValue)) hb.writeElementClose("a") } // End paragraph hb.writeElementClose("p") } } } // Render the HTML for the post meta information. // typ can be "summary", "post" or "preview". func (a *goBlog) renderPostMeta(hb *htmlBuilder, p *post, b *configBlog, typ string) { if b == nil || p == nil || typ != "summary" && typ != "post" && typ != "preview" { return } if typ == "summary" || typ == "post" { hb.writeElementOpen("div", "class", "p") } // Published time if published := p.Published; published != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "publishedon")) hb.write(" ") hb.writeElementOpen("time", "class", "dt-published", "datetime", dateFormat(published, "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00")) hb.writeEscaped(isoDateFormat(published)) hb.writeElementClose("time") // Section if p.Section != "" { if section := b.Sections[p.Section]; section != nil { hb.write(" in ") // TODO: Replace with a proper translation hb.writeElementOpen("a", "href", b.getRelativePath(section.Name)) hb.writeEscaped(a.renderMdTitle(section.Title)) hb.writeElementClose("a") } } hb.writeElementClose("div") } // Updated time if updated := p.Updated; updated != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "updatedon")) hb.write(" ") hb.writeElementOpen("time", "class", "dt-updated", "datetime", dateFormat(updated, "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00")) hb.writeEscaped(isoDateFormat(updated)) hb.writeElementClose("time") hb.writeElementClose("div") } // IndieWeb Meta // Reply ("u-in-reply-to") if replyLink := a.replyLink(p); replyLink != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "replyto")) hb.writeEscaped(": ") hb.writeElementOpen("a", "class", "u-in-reply-to", "rel", "noopener", "target", "_blank", "href", replyLink) if replyTitle := a.replyTitle(p); replyTitle != "" { hb.writeEscaped(replyTitle) } else { hb.writeEscaped(replyLink) } hb.writeElementClose("a") hb.writeElementClose("div") } // Like ("u-like-of") if likeLink := a.likeLink(p); likeLink != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "likeof")) hb.writeEscaped(": ") hb.writeElementOpen("a", "class", "u-like-of", "rel", "noopener", "target", "_blank", "href", likeLink) if likeTitle := a.likeTitle(p); likeTitle != "" { hb.writeEscaped(likeTitle) } else { hb.writeEscaped(likeLink) } hb.writeElementClose("div") } // Geo if geoURI := a.geoURI(p); geoURI != nil { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped("📍 ") hb.writeElementOpen("a", "class", "p-location h-geo", "target", "_blank", "rel", "nofollow noopener noreferrer", "href", geoOSMLink(geoURI)) hb.writeElementOpen("span", "class", "p-name") hb.writeEscaped(a.geoTitle(geoURI, b.Lang)) hb.writeElementClose("span") hb.writeElementOpen("data", "class", "p-longitude", "value", fmt.Sprintf("%f", geoURI.Longitude)) hb.writeElementClose("data") hb.writeElementOpen("data", "class", "p-latitude", "value", fmt.Sprintf("%f", geoURI.Latitude)) hb.writeElementClose("data") hb.writeElementClose("a") hb.writeElementClose("div") } // Post specific elements if typ == "post" { // Translations if translations := a.postTranslations(p); len(translations) > 0 { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "translations")) hb.writeEscaped(": ") for i, translation := range translations { if i > 0 { hb.writeEscaped(", ") } hb.writeElementOpen("a", "translate", "no", "href", translation.Path) hb.writeEscaped(translation.RenderedTitle) hb.writeElementClose("a") } hb.writeElementClose("div") } // Short link if shortLink := a.shortPostURL(p); shortLink != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "shorturl")) hb.writeEscaped(" ") hb.writeElementOpen("a", "rel", "shortlink", "href", shortLink) hb.writeEscaped(shortLink) hb.writeElementClose("a") hb.writeElementClose("div") } // Status if p.Status != statusPublished { hb.writeElementOpen("div") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "status")) hb.writeEscaped(": ") hb.writeEscaped(string(p.Status)) hb.writeElementClose("div") } } if typ == "summary" || typ == "post" { hb.writeElementClose("div") } } // Render the HTML to show a warning for old posts func (a *goBlog) renderOldContentWarning(hb *htmlBuilder, p *post, b *configBlog) { if b == nil || p == nil || !p.Old() { return } hb.writeElementOpen("strong", "class", "p border-top border-bottom") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "oldcontent")) hb.writeElementClose("strong") } // Render the HTML to show interactions func (a *goBlog) renderInteractions(hb *htmlBuilder, b *configBlog, canonical string) { if b == nil || canonical == "" { return } // Start accordion hb.writeElementOpen("details", "class", "p", "id", "interactions") hb.writeElementOpen("summary") hb.writeElementOpen("strong") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "interactions")) hb.writeElementClose("strong") hb.writeElementClose("summary") // Render mentions var renderMentions func(m []*mention) renderMentions = func(m []*mention) { if len(m) == 0 { return } hb.writeElementOpen("ul") for _, mention := range m { hb.writeElementOpen("li") hb.writeElementOpen("a", "href", mention.Url, "target", "_blank", "rel", "nofollow noopener noreferrer ugc") hb.writeEscaped(defaultIfEmpty(mention.Author, mention.Url)) hb.writeElementClose("a") if mention.Title != "" { hb.write(" ") hb.writeElementOpen("strong") hb.writeEscaped(mention.Title) hb.writeElementClose("strong") } if mention.Content != "" { hb.write(" ") hb.writeElementOpen("i") hb.writeEscaped(mention.Content) hb.writeElementClose("i") } if len(mention.Submentions) > 0 { renderMentions(mention.Submentions) } hb.writeElementClose("li") } hb.writeElementClose("ul") } renderMentions(a.db.getWebmentionsByAddress(canonical)) // Show form to send a webmention hb.writeElementOpen("form", "class", "fw p", "method", "post", "action", "/webmention") hb.writeElementOpen("label", "for", "wm-source", "class", "p") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "interactionslabel")) hb.writeElementClose("label") hb.writeElementOpen("input", "id", "wm-source", "type", "url", "name", "source", "placeholder", "URL", "required", "") hb.writeElementOpen("input", "type", "hidden", "name", "target", "value", canonical) hb.writeElementOpen("input", "type", "submit", "value", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "send")) hb.writeElementClose("form") // Show form to create a new comment hb.writeElementOpen("form", "class", "fw p", "method", "post", "action", "/comment") hb.writeElementOpen("input", "type", "hidden", "name", "target", "value", canonical) hb.writeElementOpen("input", "type", "text", "name", "name", "placeholder", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "nameopt")) hb.writeElementOpen("input", "type", "url", "name", "website", "placeholder", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "websiteopt")) hb.writeElementOpen("textarea", "name", "comment", "required", "", "placeholder", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "comment")) hb.writeElementClose("textarea") hb.writeElementOpen("input", "type", "submit", "value", a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "docomment")) hb.writeElementClose("form") // Finish accordion hb.writeElementClose("details") } // Render HTML for author h-card func (a *goBlog) renderAuthor(hb *htmlBuilder) { user := a.cfg.User if user == nil { return } hb.writeElementOpen("div", "class", "p-author h-card hide") if user.Picture != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("data", "class", "u-photo", "value", user.Picture) hb.writeElementClose("data") } if user.Name != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("a", "class", "p-name u-url", "rel", "me", "href", defaultIfEmpty(user.Link, "/")) hb.writeEscaped(user.Name) hb.writeElementClose("a") } hb.writeElementClose("div") } // Render HTML that includes the head meta tags for a post func (a *goBlog) renderPostHeadMeta(hb *htmlBuilder, p *post, canonical string) { if p == nil { return } if canonical != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "og:url", "content", canonical) hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "twitter:url", "content", canonical) } if p.RenderedTitle != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "og:title", "content", p.RenderedTitle) hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "twitter:title", "content", p.RenderedTitle) } if summary := a.postSummary(p); summary != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "name", "description", "content", summary) hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "og:description", "content", summary) hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "twitter:description", "content", summary) } if p.Published != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "itemprop", "datePublished", "content", dateFormat(p.Published, "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00")) } if p.Updated != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "itemprop", "dateModified", "content", dateFormat(p.Updated, "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00")) } for _, img := range a.photoLinks(p) { hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "itemprop", "image", "content", img) hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "og:image", "content", img) hb.writeElementOpen("meta", "property", "twitter:image", "content", img) } } // Render HTML for TOR notice in the footer func (a *goBlog) renderTorNotice(hb *htmlBuilder, b *configBlog, torUsed bool, torAddress string) { if !a.cfg.Server.Tor || b == nil || !torUsed && torAddress == "" { return } if torUsed { hb.writeElementOpen("p", "id", "tor") hb.writeEscaped("🔐 ") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "connectedviator")) hb.writeElementClose("p") } else if torAddress != "" { hb.writeElementOpen("p", "id", "tor") hb.writeEscaped("🔓 ") hb.writeElementOpen("a", "href", torAddress) hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "connectviator")) hb.writeElementClose("a") hb.writeEscaped(" ") hb.writeElementOpen("a", "href", "", "target", "_blank", "rel", "nofollow noopener noreferrer") hb.writeEscaped(a.ts.GetTemplateStringVariant(b.Lang, "whatistor")) hb.writeElementClose("a") hb.writeElementClose("p") } }