# GoBlog's storage system GoBlog stores all data that must be persistent in the subdirectory `data` of the current working directory. This directory contains the SQLite database file and the directory media that contains all uploaded files. ## Database GoBlog uses a SQLite database for storing most of the data (posts, comments, webmention, sessions, etc.). The database is accessed using the Go library [mattn/go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3). With each startup it is checked if there are schema migrations to be performed on the database. Currently there are the following database tables: ``` activitypub_followers comments deleted indieauthauth indieauthtoken migrations notifications persistent_cache post_parameters posts posts_fts queue sessions shortpath webmentions ``` ## Media files To prevent data duplication, GoBlog stores files with the filename of the SHA-256 hash of the file.