package main import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "encoding/xml" "net/http" "time" "" "" "" ) const ( sitemapPath = "/sitemap.xml" sitemapBlogPath = "/sitemap-blog.xml" sitemapBlogFeaturesPath = "/sitemap-blog-features.xml" sitemapBlogArchivesPath = "/sitemap-blog-archives.xml" sitemapBlogPostsPath = "/sitemap-blog-posts.xml" ) func (a *goBlog) serveSitemap(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Create sitemap sm := sitemap.NewSitemapIndex() // Add blog sitemap indices now := time.Now().UTC() for _, bc := range a.cfg.Blogs { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(sitemapBlogPath)), LastMod: &now, }) } // Write sitemap a.writeSitemapXML(w, sm) } func (a *goBlog) serveSitemapBlog(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Create sitemap sm := sitemap.NewSitemapIndex() // Add blog sitemaps _, bc := a.getBlog(r) now := time.Now().UTC() sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(sitemapBlogFeaturesPath)), LastMod: &now, }) sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(sitemapBlogArchivesPath)), LastMod: &now, }) sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(sitemapBlogPostsPath)), LastMod: &now, }) // Write sitemap a.writeSitemapXML(w, sm) } func (a *goBlog) serveSitemapBlogFeatures(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Create sitemap sm := sitemap.New() // Add features to sitemap _, bc := a.getBlog(r) // Home sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath("")), }) // Photos if pc := bc.Photos; pc != nil && pc.Enabled { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(pc.Path, defaultPhotosPath))), }) } // Search if bsc := bc.Search; bsc != nil && bsc.Enabled { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(bsc.Path, defaultSearchPath))), }) } // Stats if bsc := bc.BlogStats; bsc != nil && bsc.Enabled { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(bsc.Path, defaultBlogStatsPath))), }) } // Blogroll if brc := bc.Blogroll; brc != nil && brc.Enabled { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(brc.Path, defaultBlogrollPath))), }) } // Geo map if mc := bc.Map; mc != nil && mc.Enabled { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(mc.Path, defaultGeoMapPath))), }) } // Contact if cc := bc.Contact; cc != nil && cc.Enabled { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(cc.Path, defaultContactPath))), }) } // Custom pages for _, cp := range bc.CustomPages { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(cp.Path), }) } // Write sitemap a.writeSitemapXML(w, sm) } func (a *goBlog) serveSitemapBlogArchives(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Create sitemap sm := sitemap.New() // Add archives to sitemap b, bc := a.getBlog(r) // Sections for _, section := range bc.Sections { if section.Name != "" { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(section.Name)), }) } } // Taxonomies for _, taxonomy := range bc.Taxonomies { if taxonomy.Name != "" { // Taxonomy taxPath := bc.getRelativePath("/" + taxonomy.Name) sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(taxPath), }) // Values if taxValues, err := a.db.allTaxonomyValues(b, taxonomy.Name); err == nil { for _, tv := range taxValues { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(taxPath + "/" + urlize(tv)), }) } } } } // Date based archives datePaths, _ := a.sitemapDatePaths(b) for _, p := range datePaths { sm.Add(&sitemap.URL{ Loc: a.getFullAddress(bc.getRelativePath(p)), }) } // Write sitemap a.writeSitemapXML(w, sm) } // Serve sitemap with all the blog's posts func (a *goBlog) serveSitemapBlogPosts(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Create sitemap sm := sitemap.New() // Request posts blog, _ := a.getBlog(r) posts, _ := a.getPosts(&postsRequestConfig{ status: statusPublished, blog: blog, withoutParameters: true, }) // Add posts to sitemap for _, p := range posts { item := &sitemap.URL{Loc: a.fullPostURL(p)} lastMod := timeNoErr(dateparse.ParseLocal(defaultIfEmpty(p.Updated, p.Published))) if !lastMod.IsZero() { item.LastMod = &lastMod } sm.Add(item) } // Write sitemap a.writeSitemapXML(w, sm) } func (a *goBlog) writeSitemapXML(w http.ResponseWriter, sm interface{}) { w.Header().Set(contentType, contenttype.XMLUTF8) var buf bytes.Buffer buf.WriteString(xml.Header) buf.WriteString(``) _ = xml.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(sm) _, _ = a.min.Write(w, contenttype.XML, buf.Bytes()) } const sitemapDatePathsSql = ` with alldates as ( select distinct substr(published, 1, 4) as year, substr(published, 6, 2) as month, substr(published, 9, 2) as day from ( select tolocal(coalesce(published, '')) as published from posts where blog = @blog and status = @status and published != '' ) ) select distinct '/' || year from alldates union select distinct '/' || year || '/' || month from alldates union select distinct '/' || year || '/' || month || '/' || day from alldates union select distinct '/x/' || month from alldates union select distinct '/x/' || month || '/' || day from alldates union select distinct '/x/x/' || day from alldates; ` func (a *goBlog) sitemapDatePaths(blog string) (paths []string, err error) { rows, err := a.db.query(sitemapDatePathsSql, sql.Named("blog", blog), sql.Named("status", statusPublished)) if err != nil { return nil, err } var path string for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(&path) if err != nil { return nil, err } paths = append(paths, path) } return }