#!/bin/bash FLAGS="-tags=linux,libsqlite3,sqlite_fts5" SKIP="" EXTRA=" github.com/cretz/bine@master github.com/tkrajina/gpxgo@master github.com/yuin/goldmark-emoji@master willnorris.com/go/microformats@main " checkSkip() { echo $SKIP | grep -F -q -w "$1" } # Update all direct dependencies to latest version echo "Check for updates..." # 1. Get all direct dependency updates updates=$(go list -f '{{if (and (not .Indirect) .Update)}}{{.Path}}{{end}}' -u -m all) # 2. Update each dependency and tidy for update in $updates do if checkSkip $update then continue fi echo "" echo "Update $update" GOFLAGS=$FLAGS go get $update@latest done # 3. Update extra packages for e in $EXTRA do echo "" echo "Update $e" GOFLAGS=$FLAGS go get $e done # 4. Tidy GOFLAGS=$FLAGS go mod tidy