# GoBlog Plugins GoBlog has a (still experimental) plugin system, that allows adding new functionality to GoBlog without adding anything to the GoBlog source and recompiling GoBlog. Plugins work using the [Yaegi](https://github.com/traefik/yaegi) package by Traefik, are written in Go and are interpreted at run time. ## Configuration Plugins can be added to GoBlog by adding a "plugins" section to the configuration. ```yaml plugins: - path: embedded:syndication # Use a Plugin provided by GoBlog using the "embedded:" prefix import: syndication config: # Provide configuration for the plugin parameter: syndication - path: embedded:demo import: demo - path: ./plugins/mycustomplugin import: mycustompluginpackage config: abc: def: one: 1 two: 2 ``` You need to specify the path to the plugin (remember to mount the path to your GoBlog container when using Docker) and the Go packakge and you can additionally provide configuration for the plugin. ## Types of plugins - `SetApp` (Access more GoBlog functionalities like the database) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#SetApp - `SetConfig` (Access the configuration provided for the plugin) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#SetConfig - `Exec` (Command that is executed in a Go routine when starting GoBlog) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#Exec - `Middleware` (HTTP middleware to intercept or modify HTTP requests) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#Middleware - `UI` (Modify rendered HTML) - see https://pkg.go.dev/go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes#UI More types will be added later. Any plugin can implement multiple types, see the demo plugin as example. ## Plugin implementation All you need to do is creating a Go-file that has a `GetPlugin` function that returns the interface implementation of the desired GoBlog plugin types. So if you want to create a plugin that implements the `Exec` and `UI` plugin types, you need this: ```go package yourpluginpackage import "go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes" type plugin struct {} func GetPlugin() (plugintypes.Exec, plugintypes.UI) { p := &plugin{} return p, p } ``` Of course, the plugin Go type also needs to have the required functions and methods: ```go // Exec func (p *plugin) Exec() { // Do something } // UI func (p *plugin) Render(rc plugintypes.RenderContext, rendered io.Reader, modified io.Writer) { // Do something, but at least write something to modified, otherwise, the page will stay blank } ``` If you want to access the configuration that is provided for your plugin, you need to implement the `SetConfig` plugin type. To access some more functions of GoBlog, implement the `SetApp` plugin type that allows you, for example, to access the database or get posts and their parameters. ### Packages provided Several go modules are already provided by GoBlog, so you don't have to vendor them. GoBlog modules: - `go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/plugintypes` (Needed for every plugin) - `go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/htmlbuilder` (Can be used to generate HTML) - `go.goblog.app/app/pkgs/bufferpool` (Can be used to manage `bytes.Buffer`s more efficiently) Third-party modules - `github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery` (Can be used to *manipulate* HTML in a jquery-like way) ## Plugins Some simple plugins are included in the main GoBlog repository. Some can be found elsewhere. ### Demo (Path `embedded:demo`, Import `demo`) A simple demo plugin showcasing some of the features plugins can implement. Take a look at the source code, if you want to implement your own plugin. ### Syndication links (Path `embedded:syndication`, Import `syndication`) Adds hidden `u-syndication` `data` elements to post page when the configured post parameter (default: "syndication") is available. #### Config `parameter` (string): Name for the post parameter containing the syndication links. ### Webrings (Path `embedded:webrings`, Import `webrings`) Adds webring links to the bottom of the blog footer to easily participate in webrings. #### Config You can add webring links like this: ```yaml config: default: # Name of the blog - title: Webring # Title to show for the webring (required) # At least one of link, prev or next is required link: https://example.org/ # Link to the webring prev: https://example.com/ # Link to previous webring site next: https://example.net/ # Link to next webring site ```