package main import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "" ) const defaultCompressionWidth = 2000 const defaultCompressionHeight = 3000 type mediaCompression interface { compress(url string, save mediaStorageSaveFunc, hc *http.Client) (location string, err error) } func (a *goBlog) compressMediaFile(url string) (location string, err error) { // Init compressors a.compressorsInit.Do(a.initMediaCompressors) // Try all compressors until success for _, c := range a.compressors { location, err = c.compress(url, a.saveMediaFile, a.httpClient) if location != "" && err == nil { break } } // Return result return location, err } func (a *goBlog) initMediaCompressors() { if a.cfg.Micropub == nil || a.cfg.Micropub.MediaStorage == nil { return } config := a.cfg.Micropub.MediaStorage if key := config.ShortPixelKey; key != "" { a.compressors = append(a.compressors, &shortpixel{key}) } if key := config.TinifyKey; key != "" { a.compressors = append(a.compressors, &tinify{key}) } if config.CloudflareCompressionEnabled { a.compressors = append(a.compressors, &cloudflare{}) } } type shortpixel struct { key string } func (sp *shortpixel) compress(url string, upload mediaStorageSaveFunc, hc *http.Client) (string, error) { // Check url fileExtension, allowed := urlHasExt(url, "jpg", "jpeg", "png") if !allowed { return "", nil } // Compress var imgBuffer bytes.Buffer err := requests. URL(""). Client(hc). Method(http.MethodPost). BodyJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "key": sp.key, "plugin_version": "GB001", "lossy": 1, "resize": 3, "resize_width": defaultCompressionWidth, "resize_height": defaultCompressionHeight, "cmyk2rgb": 1, "keep_exif": 0, "url": url, }). ToBytesBuffer(&imgBuffer). Fetch(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Println("Shortpixel error:", err.Error()) return "", errors.New("failed to compress image using shortpixel") } // Upload compressed file return uploadCompressedFile(fileExtension, &imgBuffer, upload) } type tinify struct { key string } func (tf *tinify) compress(url string, upload mediaStorageSaveFunc, hc *http.Client) (string, error) { // Check url fileExtension, allowed := urlHasExt(url, "jpg", "jpeg", "png") if !allowed { return "", nil } // Compress compressedLocation := "" err := requests. URL(""). Client(hc). Method(http.MethodPost). BasicAuth("api", tf.key). BodyJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "source": map[string]interface{}{ "url": url, }, }). Handle(func(r *http.Response) error { compressedLocation = r.Header.Get("Location") if compressedLocation == "" { return errors.New("location header missing") } return nil }). Fetch(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Println("Tinify error:", err.Error()) return "", errors.New("failed to compress image using tinify") } // Resize and download image var imgBuffer bytes.Buffer err = requests. URL(compressedLocation). Client(hc). Method(http.MethodPost). BasicAuth("api", tf.key). BodyJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "resize": map[string]interface{}{ "method": "fit", "width": defaultCompressionWidth, "height": defaultCompressionHeight, }, }). ToBytesBuffer(&imgBuffer). Fetch(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Println("Tinify error:", err.Error()) return "", errors.New("failed to compress image using tinify") } // Upload compressed file return uploadCompressedFile(fileExtension, &imgBuffer, upload) } type cloudflare struct{} func (cf *cloudflare) compress(url string, upload mediaStorageSaveFunc, hc *http.Client) (string, error) { // Check url if _, allowed := urlHasExt(url, "jpg", "jpeg", "png"); !allowed { return "", nil } // Force jpeg fileExtension := "jpeg" // Compress var imgBuffer bytes.Buffer err := requests. URL(fmt.Sprintf(",q=75,metadata=none,fit=scale-down,w=%d,h=%d/%s", defaultCompressionWidth, defaultCompressionHeight, url)). Client(hc). ToBytesBuffer(&imgBuffer). Fetch(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Println("Cloudflare error:", err.Error()) return "", errors.New("failed to compress image using cloudflare") } // Upload compressed file return uploadCompressedFile(fileExtension, &imgBuffer, upload) } func uploadCompressedFile(fileExtension string, imgBuffer *bytes.Buffer, upload mediaStorageSaveFunc) (string, error) { // Create reader from buffer imgReader := bytes.NewReader(imgBuffer.Bytes()) // Get hash of compressed file fileName, err := getSHA256(imgReader) if err != nil { return "", err } // Upload compressed file return upload(fileName+"."+fileExtension, imgReader) }