package main import ( "compress/flate" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "log" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" servertiming "" "" "" "" ) const ( contentType = "Content-Type" userAgent = "User-Agent" appUserAgent = "GoBlog" ) func (a *goBlog) startServer() (err error) { log.Println("Start server(s)...") // Load router router, err := a.buildRouter() if err != nil { return err } a.d = fixHTTPHandler(router) // Set basic middlewares var finalHandler http.Handler = a.d if a.cfg.Server.PublicHTTPS || a.cfg.Server.SecurityHeaders { finalHandler = a.securityHeaders(finalHandler) } finalHandler = servertiming.Middleware(finalHandler, nil) finalHandler = middleware.Heartbeat("/ping")(finalHandler) finalHandler = middleware.Compress(flate.DefaultCompression)(finalHandler) finalHandler = middleware.Recoverer(finalHandler) if a.cfg.Server.Logging { finalHandler = a.logMiddleware(finalHandler) } // Start Onion service if a.cfg.Server.Tor { go func() { if err := a.startOnionService(finalHandler); err != nil { log.Println("Tor failed:", err.Error()) } }() } // Start server s := &http.Server{ Handler: finalHandler, ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Minute, WriteTimeout: 5 * time.Minute, } a.shutdown.Add(shutdownServer(s, "main server")) if a.cfg.Server.PublicHTTPS { // Start HTTP server for redirects httpServer := &http.Server{ Addr: ":http", Handler: http.HandlerFunc(redirectToHttps), ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Minute, WriteTimeout: 5 * time.Minute, } a.shutdown.Add(shutdownServer(httpServer, "http server")) go func() { if err := httpServer.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { log.Println("Failed to start HTTP server:", err.Error()) } }() // Start HTTPS s.Addr = ":https" hosts := []string{a.cfg.Server.publicHostname} if a.cfg.Server.shortPublicHostname != "" { hosts = append(hosts, a.cfg.Server.shortPublicHostname) } acmeDir := acme.LetsEncryptURL // acmeDir := "" m := &autocert.Manager{ Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS, HostPolicy: autocert.HostWhitelist(hosts...), Cache: &httpsCache{db: a.db}, Client: &acme.Client{DirectoryURL: acmeDir}, } if err = s.Serve(m.Listener()); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { return err } } else { s.Addr = ":" + strconv.Itoa(a.cfg.Server.Port) if err = s.ListenAndServe(); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed { return err } } return nil } func shutdownServer(s *http.Server, name string) func() { return func() { toc, c := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer c() if err := s.Shutdown(toc); err != nil { log.Printf("Error on server shutdown (%v): %v", name, err) } log.Println("Stopped server:", name) } } func redirectToHttps(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { requestHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(r.Host) if err != nil { requestHost = r.Host } w.Header().Set("Connection", "close") http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("https://%s%s", requestHost, r.URL.RequestURI()), http.StatusMovedPermanently) } const ( paginationPath = "/page/{page:[0-9-]+}" feedPath = ".{feed:rss|json|atom}" ) func (a *goBlog) buildRouter() (*chi.Mux, error) { r := chi.NewRouter() // Private mode privateMode := false var privateModeHandler []func(http.Handler) http.Handler if pm := a.cfg.PrivateMode; pm != nil && pm.Enabled { privateMode = true privateModeHandler = append(privateModeHandler, a.authMiddleware) } // Basic middleware r.Use(a.redirectShortDomain) r.Use(middleware.RedirectSlashes) r.Use(middleware.CleanPath) r.Use(middleware.GetHead) if !a.cfg.Cache.Enable { r.Use(middleware.NoCache) } // No Index Header if privateMode { r.Use(noIndexHeader) } // Login middleware etc. r.Use(a.checkIsLogin) r.Use(a.checkIsCaptcha) r.Use(a.checkLoggedIn) // Logout r.With(a.authMiddleware).Get("/login", serveLogin) r.With(a.authMiddleware).Get("/logout", a.serveLogout) // Micropub r.Route(micropubPath, func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(a.checkIndieAuth) r.Get("/", a.serveMicropubQuery) r.Post("/", a.serveMicropubPost) r.Post(micropubMediaSubPath, a.serveMicropubMedia) }) // IndieAuth r.Route("/indieauth", func(r chi.Router) { r.Get("/", a.indieAuthRequest) r.With(a.authMiddleware).Post("/accept", a.indieAuthAccept) r.Post("/", a.indieAuthVerification) r.Get("/token", a.indieAuthToken) r.Post("/token", a.indieAuthToken) }) // ActivityPub and stuff if ap := a.cfg.ActivityPub; ap != nil && ap.Enabled { r.Route("/activitypub", func(r chi.Router) { r.Post("/inbox/{blog}", a.apHandleInbox) r.Post("/{blog}/inbox", a.apHandleInbox) }) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware) r.Get("/.well-known/webfinger", a.apHandleWebfinger) r.Get("/.well-known/host-meta", handleWellKnownHostMeta) r.Get("/.well-known/nodeinfo", a.serveNodeInfoDiscover) r.Get("/nodeinfo", a.serveNodeInfo) }) } // Webmentions if wm := a.cfg.Webmention; wm != nil && !wm.DisableReceiving { r.Route(webmentionPath, func(r chi.Router) { r.Post("/", a.handleWebmention) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { // Authenticated routes r.Use(a.authMiddleware) r.Get("/", a.webmentionAdmin) r.Get(paginationPath, a.webmentionAdmin) r.Post("/delete", a.webmentionAdminDelete) r.Post("/approve", a.webmentionAdminApprove) r.Post("/reverify", a.webmentionAdminReverify) }) }) } // Notifications r.Route(notificationsPath, func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(a.authMiddleware) r.Get("/", a.notificationsAdmin) r.Get(paginationPath, a.notificationsAdmin) r.Post("/delete", a.notificationsAdminDelete) }) // Assets for _, path := range a.allAssetPaths() { r.Get(path, a.serveAsset) } // Static files for _, path := range allStaticPaths() { r.With(privateModeHandler...).Get(path, a.serveStaticFile) } // Media files r.With(privateModeHandler...).Get(`/m/{file:[0-9a-fA-F]+(\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)?}`, a.serveMediaFile) // Captcha r.Handle("/captcha/*", captcha.Server(500, 250)) // Short paths r.With(privateModeHandler...).With(a.cache.cacheMiddleware).Get("/s/{id:[0-9a-fA-F]+}", a.redirectToLongPath) for blog, blogConfig := range a.cfg.Blogs { sbm := middleware.WithValue(blogContextKey, blog) // Sections r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm) for _, section := range blogConfig.Sections { if section.Name != "" { r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { secPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(section.Name) r.Use(middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{ path: secPath, section: section, })) r.Get(secPath, a.serveIndex) r.Get(secPath+feedPath, a.serveIndex) r.Get(secPath+paginationPath, a.serveIndex) }) } } }) // Taxonomies r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm) for _, taxonomy := range blogConfig.Taxonomies { if taxonomy.Name != "" { r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(middleware.WithValue(taxonomyContextKey, taxonomy)) taxBasePath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(taxonomy.Name) r.Get(taxBasePath, a.serveTaxonomy) taxValPath := taxBasePath + "/{taxValue}" r.Get(taxValPath, a.serveTaxonomyValue) r.Get(taxValPath+feedPath, a.serveTaxonomyValue) r.Get(taxValPath+paginationPath, a.serveTaxonomyValue) }) } } }) // Photos if pc := blogConfig.Photos; pc != nil && pc.Enabled { r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { photoPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(pc.Path, defaultPhotosPath)) r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm, middleware.WithValue(indexConfigKey, &indexConfig{ path: photoPath, parameter: pc.Parameter, title: pc.Title, description: pc.Description, summaryTemplate: templatePhotosSummary, })) r.Get(photoPath, a.serveIndex) r.Get(photoPath+feedPath, a.serveIndex) r.Get(photoPath+paginationPath, a.serveIndex) }) } // Search if bsc := blogConfig.Search; bsc != nil && bsc.Enabled { searchPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(bsc.Path, defaultSearchPath)) r.Route(searchPath, func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(sbm, middleware.WithValue( pathContextKey, searchPath, )) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware) r.Get("/", a.serveSearch) r.Post("/", a.serveSearch) searchResultPath := "/" + searchPlaceholder r.Get(searchResultPath, a.serveSearchResult) r.Get(searchResultPath+feedPath, a.serveSearchResult) r.Get(searchResultPath+paginationPath, a.serveSearchResult) }) r.With(a.cache.cacheMiddleware).Get("/opensearch.xml", a.serveOpenSearch) }) } // Stats if bsc := blogConfig.BlogStats; bsc != nil && bsc.Enabled { statsPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(bsc.Path, defaultBlogStatsPath)) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm) r.Get(statsPath, a.serveBlogStats) r.Get(statsPath+".table.html", a.serveBlogStatsTable) }) } // Date archives r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm) yearRegex := `/{year:x|\d\d\d\d}` monthRegex := `/{month:x|\d\d}` dayRegex := `/{day:\d\d}` yearPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(yearRegex) r.Get(yearPath, a.serveDate) r.Get(yearPath+feedPath, a.serveDate) r.Get(yearPath+paginationPath, a.serveDate) monthPath := yearPath + monthRegex r.Get(monthPath, a.serveDate) r.Get(monthPath+feedPath, a.serveDate) r.Get(monthPath+paginationPath, a.serveDate) dayPath := monthPath + dayRegex r.Get(dayPath, a.serveDate) r.Get(dayPath+feedPath, a.serveDate) r.Get(dayPath+paginationPath, a.serveDate) }) // Blog if !blogConfig.PostAsHome { r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(sbm) r.With(a.checkActivityStreamsRequest, a.cache.cacheMiddleware).Get(blogConfig.getRelativePath(""), a.serveHome) r.With(a.cache.cacheMiddleware).Get(blogConfig.getRelativePath("")+feedPath, a.serveHome) r.With(a.cache.cacheMiddleware).Get(blogConfig.getRelativePath(paginationPath), a.serveHome) }) } // Custom pages for _, cp := range blogConfig.CustomPages { scp := middleware.WithValue(customPageContextKey, cp) if cp.Cache { r.With(privateModeHandler...).With(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm, scp).Get(cp.Path, a.serveCustomPage) } else { r.With(privateModeHandler...).With(sbm, scp).Get(cp.Path, a.serveCustomPage) } } // Random post if rp := blogConfig.RandomPost; rp != nil && rp.Enabled { r.With(privateModeHandler...).With(sbm).Get(blogConfig.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(rp.Path, "/random")), a.redirectToRandomPost) } // Editor r.Route(blogConfig.getRelativePath("/editor"), func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(sbm, a.authMiddleware) r.Get("/", a.serveEditor) r.Post("/", a.serveEditorPost) r.Get("/files", a.serveEditorFiles) r.Post("/files/view", a.serveEditorFilesView) r.Post("/files/delete", a.serveEditorFilesDelete) r.Get("/drafts", a.serveDrafts) r.Get("/drafts"+feedPath, a.serveDrafts) r.Get("/drafts"+paginationPath, a.serveDrafts) r.Get("/private", a.servePrivate) r.Get("/private"+feedPath, a.servePrivate) r.Get("/private"+paginationPath, a.servePrivate) r.Get("/unlisted", a.serveUnlisted) r.Get("/unlisted"+feedPath, a.serveUnlisted) r.Get("/unlisted"+paginationPath, a.serveUnlisted) }) // Comments if commentsConfig := blogConfig.Comments; commentsConfig != nil && commentsConfig.Enabled { commentsPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath("/comment") r.Route(commentsPath, func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(sbm, middleware.WithValue(pathContextKey, commentsPath)) r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.With(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, noIndexHeader).Get("/{id:[0-9]+}", a.serveComment) r.With(a.captchaMiddleware).Post("/", a.createComment) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { // Admin r.Use(a.authMiddleware) r.Get("/", a.commentsAdmin) r.Get(paginationPath, a.commentsAdmin) r.Post("/delete", a.commentsAdminDelete) }) }) } // Blogroll if brConfig := blogConfig.Blogroll; brConfig != nil && brConfig.Enabled { brPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(brConfig.Path, defaultBlogrollPath)) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm) r.Get(brPath, a.serveBlogroll) r.Get(brPath+".opml", a.serveBlogrollExport) }) } // Geo map if mc := blogConfig.Map; mc != nil && mc.Enabled { mapPath := blogConfig.getRelativePath(defaultIfEmpty(mc.Path, defaultGeoMapPath)) r.Route(mapPath, func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(privateModeHandler...) r.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, sbm) r.Get("/", a.serveGeoMap) r.HandleFunc("/leaflet/*", a.serveLeaflet(mapPath+"/")) }) r.Get("/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", a.proxyTiles(mapPath+"/tiles")) }) } } // Sitemap r.With(privateModeHandler...).With(a.cache.cacheMiddleware).Get(sitemapPath, a.serveSitemap) // Robots.txt - doesn't need cache, because it's too simple if !privateMode { r.Get("/robots.txt", a.serveRobotsTXT) } else { r.Get("/robots.txt", servePrivateRobotsTXT) } r.NotFound(a.servePostsAliasesRedirects(privateModeHandler...)) r.MethodNotAllowed(a.serveNotAllowed) return r, nil } func (a *goBlog) servePostsAliasesRedirects(pmh ...func(http.Handler) http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc { // Private mode alicePrivate := alice.New() for _, h := range pmh { alicePrivate = alicePrivate.Append(h) } // Return handler func return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Only allow GET requests if r.Method != http.MethodGet { a.serveNotAllowed(w, r) return } // Check if post or alias path := r.URL.Path row, err := a.db.queryRow(` select 'post', status from posts where path = @path union all select 'alias', path from post_parameters where parameter = 'aliases' and value = @path limit 1 `, sql.Named("path", path)) if err != nil { a.serveError(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } var postAliasType, value string err = row.Scan(&postAliasType, &value) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { // Error a.serveError(w, r, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // No result, continue... } else { // Found post or alias switch postAliasType { case "post": // Is post, check status switch postStatus(value) { case statusPublished, statusUnlisted: alicePrivate.Append(a.checkActivityStreamsRequest, a.cache.cacheMiddleware).ThenFunc(a.servePost).ServeHTTP(w, r) return case statusDraft, statusPrivate: alice.New(a.authMiddleware).ThenFunc(a.servePost).ServeHTTP(w, r) return } case "alias": // Is alias, redirect alicePrivate.Append(a.cache.cacheMiddleware).ThenFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.Redirect(w, r, value, http.StatusFound) }).ServeHTTP(w, r) return } } // No post, check regex redirects or serve 404 error alice.New(a.cache.cacheMiddleware, a.checkRegexRedirects).ThenFunc(a.serve404).ServeHTTP(w, r) } } const blogContextKey contextKey = "blog" const pathContextKey contextKey = "httpPath" func (a *goBlog) refreshCSPDomains() { a.cspDomains = "" if mp := a.cfg.Micropub.MediaStorage; mp != nil && mp.MediaURL != "" { if u, err := url.Parse(mp.MediaURL); err == nil { a.cspDomains += " " + u.Hostname() } } if len(a.cfg.Server.CSPDomains) > 0 { a.cspDomains += " " + strings.Join(a.cfg.Server.CSPDomains, " ") } } const cspHeader = "Content-Security-Policy" func (a *goBlog) securityHeaders(next http.Handler) http.Handler { a.refreshCSPDomains() return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=31536000;") w.Header().Set("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer") w.Header().Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff") w.Header().Set("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN") w.Header().Set("X-Xss-Protection", "1; mode=block") w.Header().Set(cspHeader, "default-src 'self'"+a.cspDomains) if a.cfg.Server.Tor && a.torAddress != "" { w.Header().Set("Onion-Location", fmt.Sprintf("http://%v%v", a.torAddress, r.RequestURI)) } next.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func noIndexHeader(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("X-Robots-Tag", "noindex") next.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func fixHTTPHandler(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.URL.RawPath = "" next.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) }