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package main
import (
func (db *database) shortenPath(p string) (string, error) {
if p == "" {
return "", errors.New("empty path")
spi, err, _ := db.sp.Do(p, func() (any, error) {
// Check if already cached
if spi, ok := db.spc.Get(p); ok {
return spi.(string), nil
// Insert in case it isn't shortened yet
_, err := db.Exec(`
insert or rollback into shortpath (id, path)
values (
-- next available id (reuse skipped ids due to bug)
(select min(id) + 1 from (select id from shortpath union all select 0) where id + 1 not in (select id from shortpath)),
)`, sql.Named("path", p))
if err != nil {
if no, ok := err.(sqlite3.Error); !ok || sqlite3.ErrNo(no.ExtendedCode) != sqlite3.ErrNo(sqlite3.ErrConstraintUnique) {
// Some other error than unique constraint violation because path is already shortened
return nil, err
// Query short path
row, err := db.QueryRow("select printf('/s/%x', id) from shortpath where path = @path", sql.Named("path", p))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sp string
err = row.Scan(&sp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Cache result
db.spc.Set(p, sp, 1)
return sp, nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
return spi.(string), nil