mirror of https://github.com/jlelse/GoBlog synced 2024-06-02 06:44:27 +00:00

68 lines
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(function () {
function loadMap() {
// Get the map element
let mapEl = document.getElementById('map')
// Read the map data
// Map page
let locations = !mapEl.dataset.locations ? [] : JSON.parse(mapEl.dataset.locations)
let tracks = !mapEl.dataset.tracks ? [] : JSON.parse(mapEl.dataset.tracks)
// Post map
let paths = !mapEl.dataset.paths ? [] : JSON.parse(mapEl.dataset.paths)
let points = !mapEl.dataset.points ? [] : JSON.parse(mapEl.dataset.points)
// Create Leaflet map
let map = L.map('map', {
minZoom: mapEl.dataset.minzoom,
maxZoom: mapEl.dataset.maxzoom
// Set tile source and attribution
L.tileLayer("/-/tiles/{s}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
attribution: mapEl.dataset.attribution,
// Add features to the map
let features = []
locations.forEach(loc => {
features.push(L.marker([loc.Lat, loc.Lon]).addTo(map).on('click', function () {
window.open(loc.Post, '_blank').focus()
tracks.forEach(track => {
track.Paths.forEach(path => {
features.push(L.polyline(path.map(point => [point.Lat, point.Lon]), { color: 'blue' }).addTo(map).on('click', function () {
window.open(track.Post, '_blank').focus()
track.Points.forEach(point => {
features.push(L.marker([point.Lat, point.Lon]).addTo(map).on('click', function () {
window.open(track.Post, '_blank').focus()
paths.forEach(path => {
features.push(L.polyline(path.map(point => [point.Lat, point.Lon]), { color: 'blue' }).addTo(map))
points.forEach(point => {
features.push(L.marker([point.Lat, point.Lon]).addTo(map))
// Make the map fit the features
map.fitBounds(L.featureGroup(features).getBounds(), { padding: [5, 5] })
// Add Leaflet to the page
// CSS
let css = document.createElement('link')
css.rel = 'stylesheet'
css.href = '/-/leaflet/leaflet.css'
// JS
let script = document.createElement('script')
script.src = '/-/leaflet/leaflet.js'
script.onload = loadMap