
457 lines
14 KiB

package main
import (
func (a *goBlog) checkPost(p *post) (err error) {
if p == nil {
return errors.New("no post")
now := time.Now()
// Fix content
p.Content = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(p.Content, "\n"), "\n")
// Fix date strings
if p.Published != "" {
p.Published, err = toLocal(p.Published)
if err != nil {
return err
if p.Updated != "" {
p.Updated, err = toLocal(p.Updated)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check status
if p.Status == "" {
p.Status = statusPublished
// Cleanup params
for key, value := range p.Parameters {
if value == nil {
delete(p.Parameters, key)
allValues := []string{}
for _, v := range value {
if v != "" {
allValues = append(allValues, v)
if len(allValues) >= 1 {
p.Parameters[key] = allValues
} else {
delete(p.Parameters, key)
// Check blog
if p.Blog == "" {
p.Blog = a.cfg.DefaultBlog
if _, ok := a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog]; !ok {
return errors.New("blog doesn't exist")
// Check if section exists
if _, ok := a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog].Sections[p.Section]; p.Section != "" && !ok {
return errors.New("section doesn't exist")
// Check path
if p.Path != "/" {
p.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(p.Path, "/")
if p.Path == "" {
if p.Section == "" {
p.Section = a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog].DefaultSection
if p.Slug == "" {
random := generateRandomString(5)
p.Slug = fmt.Sprintf("%v-%02d-%02d-%v", now.Year(), int(now.Month()), now.Day(), random)
published, _ := dateparse.ParseLocal(p.Published)
pathTmplString := a.cfg.Blogs[p.Blog].Sections[p.Section].PathTemplate
if pathTmplString == "" {
return errors.New("path template empty")
pathTmpl, err := template.New("location").Parse(pathTmplString)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to parse location template")
var pathBuffer bytes.Buffer
err = pathTmpl.Execute(&pathBuffer, map[string]interface{}{
"BlogPath": a.getRelativePath(p.Blog, ""),
"Year": published.Year(),
"Month": int(published.Month()),
"Day": published.Day(),
"Slug": p.Slug,
"Section": p.Section,
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to execute location template")
p.Path = pathBuffer.String()
if p.Path != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(p.Path, "/") {
return errors.New("wrong path")
return nil
func (a *goBlog) createPost(p *post) error {
return a.createOrReplacePost(p, &postCreationOptions{new: true})
func (a *goBlog) replacePost(p *post, oldPath string, oldStatus postStatus) error {
return a.createOrReplacePost(p, &postCreationOptions{new: false, oldPath: oldPath, oldStatus: oldStatus})
type postCreationOptions struct {
new bool
oldPath string
oldStatus postStatus
func (a *goBlog) createOrReplacePost(p *post, o *postCreationOptions) error {
// Check post
if err := a.checkPost(p); err != nil {
return err
// Save to db
if err := a.db.savePost(p, o); err != nil {
return err
// Trigger hooks
if p.Status == statusPublished {
if o.new || o.oldStatus == statusDraft {
defer a.postPostHooks(p)
} else {
defer a.postUpdateHooks(p)
// Reload router
return a.reloadRouter()
// Save check post to database
func (db *database) savePost(p *post, o *postCreationOptions) error {
// Check
if !o.new && o.oldPath == "" {
return errors.New("old path required")
// Lock post creation
defer db.pcm.Unlock()
// Build SQL
var sqlBuilder strings.Builder
var sqlArgs = []interface{}{dbNoCache}
// Start transaction
// Delete old post
if !o.new {
sqlBuilder.WriteString("delete from posts where path = ?;")
sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, o.oldPath)
// Insert new post
sqlBuilder.WriteString("insert into posts (path, content, published, updated, blog, section, status) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);")
sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, p.Path, p.Content, p.Published, p.Updated, p.Blog, p.Section, p.Status)
// Insert post parameters
for param, value := range p.Parameters {
for _, value := range value {
if value != "" {
sqlBuilder.WriteString("insert into post_parameters (path, parameter, value) values (?, ?, ?);")
sqlArgs = append(sqlArgs, p.Path, param, value)
// Commit transaction
// Execute
if _, err := db.exec(sqlBuilder.String(), sqlArgs...); err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "UNIQUE constraint failed: posts.path") {
return errors.New("post already exists at given path")
return err
// Update FTS index
return nil
func (a *goBlog) deletePost(path string) error {
p, err := a.db.deletePost(path)
if err != nil || p == nil {
return err
defer a.postDeleteHooks(p)
return a.reloadRouter()
func (db *database) deletePost(path string) (*post, error) {
if path == "" {
return nil, nil
p, err := db.getPost(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = db.exec("delete from posts where path = @path", sql.Named("path", p.Path))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
type postsRequestConfig struct {
search string
blog string
path string
limit int
offset int
sections []string
status postStatus
taxonomy *taxonomy
taxonomyValue string
parameter string
parameterValue string
publishedYear, publishedMonth, publishedDay int
randomOrder bool
func buildPostsQuery(c *postsRequestConfig) (query string, args []interface{}) {
args = []interface{}{}
selection := "select p.path as path, coalesce(content, '') as content, coalesce(published, '') as published, coalesce(updated, '') as updated, coalesce(blog, '') as blog, coalesce(section, '') as section, coalesce(status, '') as status, coalesce(parameter, '') as parameter, coalesce(value, '') as value "
table := "posts"
if c.search != "" {
table = "posts_fts(@search)"
args = append(args, sql.Named("search", c.search))
if c.status != "" && c.status != statusNil {
table = "(select * from " + table + " where status = @status)"
args = append(args, sql.Named("status", c.status))
if c.blog != "" {
table = "(select * from " + table + " where blog = @blog)"
args = append(args, sql.Named("blog", c.blog))
if c.parameter != "" {
table = "(select distinct p.* from " + table + " p left outer join post_parameters pp on p.path = pp.path where pp.parameter = @param "
args = append(args, sql.Named("param", c.parameter))
if c.parameterValue != "" {
table += "and pp.value = @paramval)"
args = append(args, sql.Named("paramval", c.parameterValue))
} else {
table += "and length(coalesce(pp.value, '')) > 1)"
if c.taxonomy != nil && len(c.taxonomyValue) > 0 {
table = "(select distinct p.* from " + table + " p left outer join post_parameters pp on p.path = pp.path where pp.parameter = @taxname and lower(pp.value) = lower(@taxval))"
args = append(args, sql.Named("taxname", c.taxonomy.Name), sql.Named("taxval", c.taxonomyValue))
if len(c.sections) > 0 {
table = "(select * from " + table + " where section in ("
for i, section := range c.sections {
if i > 0 {
table += ", "
named := fmt.Sprintf("section%v", i)
table += "@" + named
args = append(args, sql.Named(named, section))
table += "))"
if c.publishedYear != 0 {
table = "(select * from " + table + " p where substr(p.published, 1, 4) = @publishedyear)"
args = append(args, sql.Named("publishedyear", fmt.Sprintf("%0004d", c.publishedYear)))
if c.publishedMonth != 0 {
table = "(select * from " + table + " p where substr(p.published, 6, 2) = @publishedmonth)"
args = append(args, sql.Named("publishedmonth", fmt.Sprintf("%02d", c.publishedMonth)))
if c.publishedDay != 0 {
table = "(select * from " + table + " p where substr(p.published, 9, 2) = @publishedday)"
args = append(args, sql.Named("publishedday", fmt.Sprintf("%02d", c.publishedDay)))
tables := " from " + table + " p left outer join post_parameters pp on p.path = pp.path "
sorting := " order by p.published desc "
if c.randomOrder {
sorting = " order by random() "
if c.path != "" {
query = selection + tables + " where p.path = @path" + sorting
args = append(args, sql.Named("path", c.path))
} else if c.limit != 0 || c.offset != 0 {
query = selection + " from (select * from " + table + " p " + sorting + " limit @limit offset @offset) p left outer join post_parameters pp on p.path = pp.path "
args = append(args, sql.Named("limit", c.limit), sql.Named("offset", c.offset))
} else {
query = selection + tables + sorting
func (d *database) getPosts(config *postsRequestConfig) (posts []*post, err error) {
// Query posts
query, queryParams := buildPostsQuery(config)
rows, err := d.query(query, queryParams...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Prepare row scanning (this is a bit dirty, but it's much faster)
postsMap := map[string]*post{}
var postsOrder []string
var path, parameterName, parameterValue string
columns, _ := rows.Columns()
rawBuffer := make([]sql.RawBytes, len(columns))
scanArgs := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
for i := range rawBuffer {
scanArgs[i] = &rawBuffer[i]
for rows.Next() {
if err = rows.Scan(scanArgs...); err != nil {
return nil, err
path = string(rawBuffer[0])
parameterName = string(rawBuffer[7])
parameterValue = string(rawBuffer[8])
if p, ok := postsMap[path]; ok {
// Post already exists, add parameter
p.Parameters[parameterName] = append(p.Parameters[parameterName], parameterValue)
} else {
// Create new post, fill and add to map
p := &post{
Path: path,
Content: string(rawBuffer[1]),
Published: toLocalSafe(string(rawBuffer[2])),
Updated: toLocalSafe(string(rawBuffer[3])),
Blog: string(rawBuffer[4]),
Section: string(rawBuffer[5]),
Status: postStatus(string(rawBuffer[6])),
Parameters: map[string][]string{},
if parameterName != "" {
p.Parameters[parameterName] = append(p.Parameters[parameterName], parameterValue)
postsMap[path] = p
postsOrder = append(postsOrder, path)
// Copy map items to list, because map has a random order
for _, path = range postsOrder {
posts = append(posts, postsMap[path])
return posts, nil
func (d *database) getPost(path string) (*post, error) {
posts, err := d.getPosts(&postsRequestConfig{path: path})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(posts) == 0 {
return nil, errPostNotFound
return posts[0], nil
func (d *database) getDrafts(blog string) []*post {
ps, _ := d.getPosts(&postsRequestConfig{status: statusDraft, blog: blog})
return ps
func (d *database) countPosts(config *postsRequestConfig) (count int, err error) {
query, params := buildPostsQuery(config)
query = "select count(distinct path) from (" + query + ")"
row, err := d.queryRow(query, params...)
if err != nil {
err = row.Scan(&count)
func (d *database) allPostPaths(status postStatus) ([]string, error) {
var postPaths []string
rows, err := d.query("select path from posts where status = @status", sql.Named("status", status))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var path string
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(&path)
if path != "" {
postPaths = append(postPaths, path)
return postPaths, nil
func (a *goBlog) getRandomPostPath(blog string) (string, error) {
sections, ok := funk.Keys(a.cfg.Blogs[blog].Sections).([]string)
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("no sections")
posts, err := a.db.getPosts(&postsRequestConfig{randomOrder: true, limit: 1, blog: blog, sections: sections})
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else if len(posts) == 0 {
return "", errPostNotFound
return posts[0].Path, nil
func (d *database) allTaxonomyValues(blog string, taxonomy string) ([]string, error) {
var values []string
rows, err := d.query("select distinct pp.value from posts p left outer join post_parameters pp on p.path = pp.path where pp.parameter = @tax and length(coalesce(pp.value, '')) > 1 and blog = @blog and status = @status", sql.Named("tax", taxonomy), sql.Named("blog", blog), sql.Named("status", statusPublished))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
var value string
_ = rows.Scan(&value)
values = append(values, value)
return values, nil
type publishedDate struct {
year, month, day int
func (d *database) allPublishedDates(blog string) (dates []publishedDate, err error) {
rows, err := d.query("select distinct substr(published, 1, 4) as year, substr(published, 6, 2) as month, substr(published, 9, 2) as day from posts where blog = @blog and status = @status and year != '' and month != '' and day != ''", sql.Named("blog", blog), sql.Named("status", statusPublished))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
var year, month, day int
err = rows.Scan(&year, &month, &day)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dates = append(dates, publishedDate{year, month, day})
func (db *database) usesOfMediaFile(name string) (count int, err error) {
query := "select count(distinct path) from (select path from posts where instr(content, @name) > 0 union all select path from post_parameters where instr(value, @name) > 0)"
row, err := db.queryRow(query, sql.Named("name", name))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
err = row.Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return count, nil