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This repository has been archived on 2020-05-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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2019-09-03 15:50:00 +00:00
# General
- id: read_more
translation: Read more
- id: permalink
translation: Permalink
- id: menu_label
translation: Menu
# Post meta
- id: meta_lastmod
2019-09-05 15:18:19 +00:00
translation: Last modified
- id: meta_reply_to
translation: Reply to
2019-09-03 15:50:00 +00:00
2019-11-19 08:31:47 +00:00
- id: meta_like_of
translation: Like of
2019-09-03 15:50:00 +00:00
# Post nav
- id: post_nav_prev
translation: Previous
- id: post_nav_next
translation: Next
# Authorbox
- id: authorbox_name
translation: About
# 404
- id: 404_title
translation: Page not found
- id: 404_text
translation: "The page you were looking for appears to have been moved, deleted or does not exist."
# Webmention Form
- id: wmform_label
2020-01-25 17:47:05 +00:00
translation: "Have you published a response to this? Paste the URL here."
2019-09-03 15:50:00 +00:00
- id: wmform_btn
2019-10-09 18:35:33 +00:00
translation: "Send"
2020-01-25 17:42:31 +00:00
- id: anon_comment
2020-01-25 17:47:05 +00:00
translation: "You can also create an anonymous comment."
2020-01-25 17:42:31 +00:00
2019-10-09 18:35:33 +00:00
- id: related
2019-12-04 21:43:07 +00:00
translation: "Related"
- id: share
2019-12-12 08:09:31 +00:00
translation: "Share"
- id: interactions
2019-12-22 13:53:18 +00:00
translation: "Interactions"
- id: also_on
2020-01-09 11:10:23 +00:00
translation: "Also on"
- id: translations
translation: Translations
- id: oldcontent
translation: This entry is already over one year old. It may no longer be up to date. Opinions may have changed.
- id: speak
translation: Read to me, please.
- id: stopspeak
2020-05-19 10:02:46 +00:00
translation: Stop speaking!