package main import ( "log" "math" "os" "strings" "" ) func main() { inputBytes, _ := os.ReadFile("input.txt") inputs := strings.Split(string(inputBytes), "\n") log.Println("Puzzle 1:", puzzle1(inputs)) log.Println("Puzzle 2:", puzzle2(inputs)) } func puzzle1(input []string) int { // Each bit in the gamma rate can be determined by finding the most common bit in the corresponding position of all numbers in the diagnostic report. // The epsilon rate is calculated in a similar way; rather than use the most common bit, the least common bit from each position is used. zeros := make([]int, len(input[0])) ones := make([]int, len(input[0])) for _, line := range input { for i, c := range line { if c == '0' { zeros[i]++ } else if c == '1' { ones[i]++ } } } // Get most and least common mostCommon := make([]int, len(input[0])) leastCommon := make([]int, len(input[0])) for i, z := range zeros { if z > ones[i] { mostCommon[i] = 0 leastCommon[i] = 1 } else { mostCommon[i] = 1 leastCommon[i] = 0 } } // Convert mostCommon and leastCommon from bits to ints gammaRate := 0 for i, c := range funk.ReverseInt(mostCommon) { gammaRate += c * int(math.Pow(2, float64(i))) } epsilonRate := 0 for i, c := range funk.ReverseInt(leastCommon) { epsilonRate += c * int(math.Pow(2, float64(i))) } // Return the product of the two rates, the power consumption return gammaRate * epsilonRate } func puzzle2(input []string) int { // Most common bit on position mostCommon := func(input []string, position int, whenEqual int) int { zeros := 0 ones := 0 for _, line := range input { if line[position] == '0' { zeros++ } else if line[position] == '1' { ones++ } } if zeros > ones { return 0 } else if ones > zeros { return 1 } return whenEqual } // Filter inputs inputLen := len(input[0]) oxygen := input for i := 0; i < inputLen; i++ { if len(oxygen) < 2 { break } most := mostCommon(oxygen, i, 1) oxygen = funk.FilterString(oxygen, func(s string) bool { if most == 1 { return s[i] == '1' } else { return s[i] == '0' } }) } co2 := input for i := 0; i < inputLen; i++ { if len(co2) < 2 { break } least := 1 - mostCommon(co2, i, 1) co2 = funk.FilterString(co2, func(s string) bool { if least == 1 { return s[i] == '1' } else { return s[i] == '0' } }) } // Convert first string in oxygen from bits to int oxygenRating := 0 for i, c := range funk.ReverseString(oxygen[0]) { oxygenRating += int(c-'0') * int(math.Pow(2, float64(i))) } // Convert first string in co2 from bits to int co2Rating := 0 for i, c := range funk.ReverseString(co2[0]) { co2Rating += int(c-'0') * int(math.Pow(2, float64(i))) } // Return the product of the two rates, the life support rating return oxygenRating * co2Rating }