package main import ( "fmt" tgbotapi "" "" "" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" ) type kis3 struct { router *mux.Router staticBox *packr.Box tgBot *tgbotapi.BotAPI } var ( app = &kis3{ staticBox: packr.New("staticFiles", "./static"), } ) func init() { initConfig() e := initDatabase() if e != nil { log.Fatal("Database setup failed:", e) } initRouter() initTelegramBot() } func main() { go startListeningToWeb() go startReports() go startStatsTelegram() // Graceful stop var gracefulStop = make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(gracefulStop, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) sig := <-gracefulStop fmt.Printf("Received signal: %+v", sig) os.Exit(0) } func initRouter() { app.router = mux.NewRouter() initStatsRouter() initTrackingRouter() } func initTelegramBot() { if appConfig.TGBotToken == "" { fmt.Println("Telegram not configured.") return } bot, e := tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(appConfig.TGBotToken) if e != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to setup Telegram:", e) return } fmt.Println("Authorized Telegram bot on account", bot.Self.UserName) app.tgBot = bot } func startListeningToWeb() { port := appConfig.Port addr := ":" + port fmt.Printf("Listening to %s\n", addr) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(addr, app.router)) }