# Cell Location Map using Mozilla Location Service This repository provides code to display the cell locations using the Mozilla Location Service. The code extracts cell data from a CSV export file and generates an interactive map with markers representing the cell locations. ## Prerequisites - Go programming language - Access to a [cell export file from the Mozilla Location Service](https://location.services.mozilla.com/downloads) ## Installation 1. Clone the repository: ```shell git clone https://git.jlel.se/jlelse/mls.git ``` 2. Change to the project directory: ```shell cd mls ``` ## Usage ### Step 1: Filter Cell Data To filter the cell data and generate an output file, run the following command: ```shell go run ./filter/main.go ``` - ``: Path to the input CSV file containing the cell data. - ``: Path to the output CSV file where the filtered data will be saved. - ``: The desired radio type (e.g., LTE). - ``: The desired Mobile Country Code (e.g., 262 for Germany). - ``: The desired network code (e.g., 3 for o2-de). - ``: The minimum number of samples required for a cell to be included. - ``: Space-separated list of columns to include in the output. Example: ```shell go run ./filter/main.go ./MLS-full-cell-export.csv ./output.csv LTE 262 3 100 lon lat created updated cell ``` ### Step 2: Generate Map To generate an HTML map with the filtered cell data, run the following command: ```shell go run ./web/main.go ``` - ``: Path to the input CSV file containing the filtered cell data with the columns lon,lat,created,updated,cell. - ``: Path to the output HTML file where the map will be saved. Example: ```shell go run ./web/main.go ./output.csv ./map.html ``` ## Acknowledgments The code in this repository is based on the [Mozilla Location Service](https://location.services.mozilla.com/) and leverages the following open-source libraries: - [Leaflet](https://leafletjs.com/) (version 1.9.4): An open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps. - [Leaflet.markercluster](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster) (version 1.4.1): A plugin for Leaflet that provides clustering functionality for markers. The idea for this project was inspired by the [CellInspector Map](https://mls.maxomagier.de/map.html). ## License This project is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).