
127 lines
2.9 KiB

package main
import (
func main() {
// Check if the correct number of command-line arguments is provided
if len(os.Args) < 6 {
fmt.Println("Usage: go run main.go <input CSV file> <output CSV file> <radio> <mcc> <network> <min samples> <output columns>")
// Get the command-line arguments
inputFile := os.Args[1]
outputFile := os.Args[2]
desiredRadio := os.Args[3]
desiredMCC := os.Args[4]
desiredNetwork := os.Args[5]
desiredMinSamples := os.Args[6]
desiredColumns := os.Args[7:]
// Open the input CSV file
input, err := os.Open(inputFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error opening the input file:", err)
defer input.Close()
// Create the output CSV file
output, err := os.Create(outputFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error creating the output file:", err)
defer output.Close()
// CSV reader and writer initialization
reader := csv.NewReader(input)
writer := csv.NewWriter(output)
// Read the header row to get the column indices
header, err := reader.Read()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading CSV header:", err)
radioIndex := findColumnIndex(header, "radio")
mccIndex := findColumnIndex(header, "mcc")
netIndex := findColumnIndex(header, "net")
samplesIndex := findColumnIndex(header, "samples")
// Find the indices of the desired columns
desiredIndices := make([]int, len(desiredColumns))
for i, column := range desiredColumns {
desiredIndices[i] = findColumnIndex(header, column)
if desiredIndices[i] == -1 {
fmt.Println("Column not found:", column)
// Write the header row to the output file
err = writer.Write(desiredColumns)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error writing the header row:", err)
// Read the CSV data line by line
for {
row, err := reader.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading CSV data:", err)
// Check the filter criteria
radio := row[radioIndex]
mcc := row[mccIndex]
net := row[netIndex]
samples := row[samplesIndex]
if radio == desiredRadio && mcc == desiredMCC && net == desiredNetwork && samples >= desiredMinSamples {
// Extract the desired columns based on indices
filteredRow := make([]string, len(desiredIndices))
for i, index := range desiredIndices {
filteredRow[i] = row[index]
// Write the row to the output file
err := writer.Write(filteredRow)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error writing the row:", err)
// Write CSV writer data to the file
if err := writer.Error(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error writing the output file:", err)
fmt.Println("Filtering completed.")
// Helper function to find the index of a column name in the header row
func findColumnIndex(header []string, columnName string) int {
for i, name := range header {
if name == columnName {
return i
return -1