package import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.FuelError import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.FuelManager import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Request import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Response import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.interceptors.redirectResponseInterceptor import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.httpPost import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.json.FuelJson import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.json.responseJson import com.github.kittinunf.result.Result import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONObject import object TelegraphApi { private var loginAccessToken: String? = null init { FuelManager.instance.basePath = "" FuelManager.instance.removeAllResponseInterceptors() FuelManager.instance.addResponseInterceptor { telegraphLoginInterceptor() } // Fix login FuelManager.instance.addResponseInterceptor { redirectResponseInterceptor(FuelManager.instance) it } } private fun callService(method: String, parameters: List>, handler: (Request, Response, Result) -> Unit) { val requestObject = JSONObject() parameters.forEach { requestObject.put(it.first, it.second) } method.httpPost().header(mapOf("Content-Type" to "application/json")).body(requestObject.toString()).responseJson(handler) } fun createAccount(shortName: String, authorName: String? = null, authorUrl: String? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, account: Account?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/createAccount", listOf("short_name" to shortName, "author_name" to authorName, "author_url" to authorUrl)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, Account(obj), null) } } } fun editAccountInfo(accessToken: String, shortName: String? = null, authorName: String? = null, authorUrl: String? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, account: Account?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/editAccountInfo", listOf("access_token" to accessToken, "short_name" to shortName, "author_name" to authorName, "author_url" to authorUrl)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, Account(obj), null) } } } fun getAccountInfo(accessToken: String, fields: Array? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, account: Account?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/getAccountInfo", listOf("access_token" to accessToken, "fields" to fields)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, Account(obj), null) } } } fun revokeAccessToken(accessToken: String, callback: (success: Boolean, account: Account?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/revokeAccessToken", listOf("access_token" to accessToken)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, Account(obj), null) } } } fun createPage(accessToken: String, title: String, authorName: String? = null, authorUrl: String? = null, content: String, returnContent: Boolean? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, page: Page?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/createPage", listOf("access_token" to accessToken, "title" to title, "author_name" to authorName, "author_url" to authorUrl, "content" to content, "return_content" to returnContent)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, Page(obj), null) } } } fun editPage(accessToken: String, path: String, title: String, authorName: String? = null, authorUrl: String? = null, content: String, returnContent: Boolean? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, page: Page?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/editPage", listOf("access_token" to accessToken, "path" to path, "title" to title, "author_name" to authorName, "author_url" to authorUrl, "content" to content, "return_content" to returnContent)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, Page(obj), null) } } } fun getPage(accessToken: String? = null, path: String, returnContent: Boolean? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, page: Page?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/getPage", listOf("access_token" to accessToken, "path" to path, "return_content" to returnContent)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, Page(obj), null) } } } fun getPageList(accessToken: String, offset: Int? = null, limit: Int? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, page: PageList?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/getPageList", listOf("access_token" to accessToken, "offset" to offset, "limit" to limit)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, PageList(obj), null) } } } fun getViews(path: String, year: Int? = null, month: Int? = null, day: Int? = null, hour: Int? = null, callback: (success: Boolean, page: PageViews?, error: String?) -> Unit) { callService("/getViews", listOf("path" to path, "year" to year, "month" to month, "day" to day, "hour" to hour)) { _, _, result -> handleResponse(result, callback) { obj: JSONObject -> callback(true, PageViews(obj), null) } } } class Account(json: JSONObject) { val shortName: String? = json.optString("short_name") val authorName: String? = json.optString("author_name") val authorUrl: String? = json.optString("author_url") val accessToken: String? = json.optString("access_token") val authUrl: String? = json.optString("auth_url") val pageCount: Int? = json.optInt("page_count") } class PageList(json: JSONObject) { val totalCount: Int? = json.optInt("total_count") val pages: Array? = json.optJSONArray("pages")?.let { mutableListOf().apply { for (i in 0 until it.length()) add(Page(it.optJSONObject(i))) }.toTypedArray() } } class Page(json: JSONObject) { val path: String = json.optString("path") val url: String = json.optString("url") val title: String = json.optString("title") val description: String = json.optString("description") val authorName: String? = json.optString("author_name") val authorUrl: String? = json.optString("author_url") val imageUrl: String? = json.optString("image_url") val content: String? = json.optJSONArray("content")?.parseContent() val views: Int = json.optInt("views") val canEdit: Boolean? = json.optBoolean("can_edit") private fun JSONArray.parseContent(): String? { var content = "" for (i in 0 until length()) { optJSONObject(i)?.let { content += "<${it.optString("tag", "")}" it.optJSONObject("attrs")?.let { for (key in it.keys()) { content += " $key=\"${it.optString(key, "")}\"" } } content += ">" content += it.optJSONArray("children")?.parseContent() ?: "" content += "" } if (optJSONObject(i) == null) optString(i)?.let { content += it } // Fix mixed content content = content.replace("", "") content = content.replace("", "") } return content } } class PageViews(json: JSONObject) { val views: Int? = json.optInt("views") } // Teleposter private fun handleResponse(result: Result, handler: (success: Boolean, obj: T?, error: String?) -> Unit, callback: (obj: JSONObject) -> Unit) { val (json, error) = result if (error == null && json != null) { val jsonObj = json.obj() if (jsonObj.optBoolean("ok")) { callback(jsonObj.optJSONObject("result")) } else { handler(false, null, jsonObj.optString("error")) } } else { handler(false, null, error?.message) } } // Dirty hacks fun login(authUrl: String, callback: (success: Boolean, accessToken: String?, account: Account?) -> Unit) { loginAccessToken = null authUrl.httpPost().response { _, _, _ -> if (loginAccessToken != null) getAccountInfo(accessToken = loginAccessToken!!) { success, account, _ -> if (success) callback(true, loginAccessToken, account) else callback(false, null, null) } else callback(false, null, null) } } private fun telegraphLoginInterceptor(): (Request, Response) -> Response = { _, response -> response.headers["Set-Cookie"] .flatMap { HttpCookie.parse(it) } .find { == "tph_token" } ?.let { loginAccessToken = it.value } response } }