mirror of https://github.com/jlelse/GoBlog synced 2024-06-16 20:25:01 +00:00

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Raw Normal View History

2020-07-28 19:17:07 +00:00
package main
import (
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
2020-07-29 14:41:36 +00:00
2020-07-28 19:17:07 +00:00
2020-07-28 19:17:07 +00:00
2020-08-05 17:14:10 +00:00
const contentTypeHTML = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
const contentTypeJSON = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
2020-07-31 14:23:29 +00:00
2020-07-31 19:44:16 +00:00
var d *dynamicHandler
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
func startServer() (err error) {
2020-07-31 19:44:16 +00:00
d = newDynamicHandler()
h, err := buildHandler()
if err != nil {
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
2020-07-28 19:17:07 +00:00
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
localAddress := ":" + strconv.Itoa(appConfig.Server.Port)
if appConfig.Server.PublicHttps {
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
err = certmagic.HTTPS([]string{appConfig.Server.Domain}, d)
} else if appConfig.Server.LocalHttps {
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
err = http.ListenAndServeTLS(localAddress, "https/server.crt", "https/server.key", d)
} else {
err = http.ListenAndServe(localAddress, d)
2020-07-29 14:41:36 +00:00
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
2020-07-29 14:41:36 +00:00
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
func initPublicHTTPS() {
certmagic.Default.Storage = &certmagic.FileStorage{Path: "certmagic"}
certmagic.DefaultACME.Agreed = true
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
certmagic.DefaultACME.Email = appConfig.Server.LetsEncryptMail
2020-08-01 15:49:46 +00:00
certmagic.DefaultACME.CA = certmagic.LetsEncryptProductionCA
2020-07-31 19:44:16 +00:00
func reloadRouter() error {
h, err := buildHandler()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func buildHandler() (http.Handler, error) {
r := chi.NewRouter()
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
if appConfig.Server.Logging {
2020-08-05 17:14:10 +00:00
r.Use(middleware.RealIP, middleware.Logger)
2020-07-28 19:52:56 +00:00
2020-08-05 17:14:10 +00:00
r.Use(middleware.Recoverer, middleware.StripSlashes, middleware.GetHead)
// API
2020-07-31 19:44:16 +00:00
r.Route("/api", func(apiRouter chi.Router) {
apiRouter.Use(middleware.BasicAuth("API", map[string]string{
2020-08-04 17:42:09 +00:00
appConfig.User.Nick: appConfig.User.Password,
2020-07-31 19:44:16 +00:00
apiRouter.Post("/post", apiPostCreate)
apiRouter.Get("/post", apiPostRead)
apiRouter.Delete("/post", apiPostDelete)
apiRouter.Post("/hugo", apiPostCreateHugo)
2020-07-31 19:44:16 +00:00
// Posts
allPostPaths, err := allPostPaths()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
for _, path := range allPostPaths {
if path != "" {
2020-09-24 15:13:03 +00:00
r.With(cacheWithCheckMiddleware(func(r *http.Request) bool {
if lowerAccept := strings.ToLower(r.Header.Get("Accept")); (strings.Contains(lowerAccept, "application/activity+json") || strings.Contains(lowerAccept, "application/ld+json")) &&
!strings.Contains(lowerAccept, "text/html") {
// Is ActivityStream, add ".as" to differentiate cache and also trigger as function
r.URL.Path += ".as"
return true
}), minifier.Middleware).Get(path, servePost)
// Redirects
allRedirectPaths, err := allRedirectPaths()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
for _, path := range allRedirectPaths {
if path != "" {
r.With(minifier.Middleware).Get(path, serveRedirect)
// Assets
for _, path := range allAssetPaths() {
if path != "" {
r.Get(path, serveAsset(path))
2020-08-31 19:12:43 +00:00
paginationPath := "/page/{page}"
rssPath := ".rss"
jsonPath := ".json"
atomPath := ".atom"
2020-08-31 19:12:43 +00:00
// Indexes, Feeds
2020-08-25 18:55:32 +00:00
for _, section := range appConfig.Blog.Sections {
if section.Name != "" {
2020-09-01 16:53:21 +00:00
path := "/" + section.Name
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path, serveSection(path, section, NONE))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+rssPath, serveSection(path, section, RSS))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+jsonPath, serveSection(path, section, JSON))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+atomPath, serveSection(path, section, ATOM))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+paginationPath, serveSection(path, section, NONE))
2020-08-31 19:12:43 +00:00
for _, taxonomy := range appConfig.Blog.Taxonomies {
if taxonomy.Name != "" {
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get("/"+taxonomy.Name, serveTaxonomy(taxonomy))
values, err := allTaxonomyValues(taxonomy.Name)
2020-08-31 19:12:43 +00:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, tv := range values {
2020-09-01 16:53:21 +00:00
path := "/" + taxonomy.Name + "/" + urlize(tv)
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path, serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, tv, NONE))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+rssPath, serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, tv, RSS))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+jsonPath, serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, tv, JSON))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+atomPath, serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, tv, ATOM))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(path+paginationPath, serveTaxonomyValue(path, taxonomy, tv, NONE))
2020-08-31 19:12:43 +00:00
2020-08-25 18:55:32 +00:00
2020-09-21 16:03:05 +00:00
if appConfig.Blog.Photos.Enabled {
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(appConfig.Blog.Photos.Path, servePhotos(appConfig.Blog.Photos.Path))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(appConfig.Blog.Photos.Path+paginationPath, servePhotos(appConfig.Blog.Photos.Path))
// Blog
2020-08-31 19:12:43 +00:00
rootPath := "/"
blogPath := "/blog"
if !r.Match(chi.NewRouteContext(), http.MethodGet, rootPath) {
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(rootPath, serveHome("", NONE))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(rootPath+rssPath, serveHome("", RSS))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(rootPath+jsonPath, serveHome("", JSON))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(rootPath+atomPath, serveHome("", ATOM))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(paginationPath, serveHome("", NONE))
} else if !r.Match(chi.NewRouteContext(), http.MethodGet, blogPath) {
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(blogPath, serveHome(blogPath, NONE))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(blogPath+rssPath, serveHome(blogPath, RSS))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(blogPath+jsonPath, serveHome(blogPath, JSON))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(blogPath+atomPath, serveHome(blogPath, ATOM))
r.With(cacheMiddleware, minifier.Middleware).Get(blogPath+paginationPath, serveHome(blogPath, NONE))
2020-08-05 17:14:10 +00:00
2020-09-22 15:08:34 +00:00
// Sitemap
r.With(cacheMiddleware).Get("/sitemap.xml", serveSitemap())
return r, nil
2020-07-28 19:17:07 +00:00
type dynamicHandler struct {
realHandler http.Handler
changeMutex *sync.Mutex
func newDynamicHandler() *dynamicHandler {
return &dynamicHandler{
changeMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
func (d *dynamicHandler) swapHandler(h http.Handler) {
d.realHandler = h
func (d *dynamicHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
d.realHandler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
2020-07-30 19:18:13 +00:00
func slashTrimmedPath(r *http.Request) string {
return trimSlash(r.URL.Path)
func trimSlash(s string) string {
if len(s) > 1 {
s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "/")
2020-07-29 15:55:10 +00:00
return s
2020-07-29 20:45:26 +00:00